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Structural and situational approaches

Structural approachimplies taking into account certain interrelations between the components of a speech unit, i.e. its structure. The structure is an abstract scheme, which can be found in a more or less considerable number of speech units. The structure of a speech unit can be presented: 1) verbally; 2) schematically and 3) in speech patterns.

1) Verbal presentation of a grammatical structure is performed with the help of descriptive rules or rules-instructions.

Descriptive rules are of stating character and are formulated as follows: …is formed with the help of..; …is used in such cases as… etc.

Rules-instructions are of dynamic character and are instructions for actions. E.g.: To ask if the action takes place regularly (present simple) place does/do at the beginning of a sentence, then put the subject and next – the predicate in the first form of a notional verb and then – the other members of a sentence.

2) Schematic presentation of a grammatical structure is done with the help of a model-scheme, e.g.: a) the model-scheme of the grammatical signals of the 3rd person singular in present simple (the level of a word-form):


gets goes washes

puts opens dresses

writes snows watches

ê stands for a question word n stands for an auxiliary verb o stands for a subject ¡stands for the 1st verb form
b) the model-scheme of the grammatical structure of a Wh-question in present simple (the level of a phrase):


Where do you live?

When it is necessary to demonstrate a question to

the subject, the signal of the question word overlaps the signal of the subject in the scheme: iii

Who lives here?

3) A speech pattern is the most widely used way of organising speech items with the purpose of assimilating their grammatical structure. The speech pattern is a typical speech item, which serves a reference for creating by analogy other speech items of the same structure. For example:

a) speech pattern at the level of a word form:

Different speech patterns are indicated by different numbers (1, 2, 3).
What is there on the shelf? – 1) Books. 2) Bags. 3) Brushes.

[s] [z][iz]

b) speech pattern at the level of a word-combination:

Where is my bag? – 1) On the chair.

2) Under the chair.

3) In the hall.

c) speech pattern at the level of a phrase:

1) Tom is writing an article.

2) I am writing an article.

3) We are writing an article.

With situational approach, the grammar item under study is presented and assimilated in context. The context is viewed as a set of typical communicative situations. Grammatical items used in these situations are typical for the communicative functions corresponding to the situations.

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