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1. wave of mergers

a) large number of mergers taking place all at once b) tendency for a few mergers to take place

2. reshaped the face of the international financial industry

a) changed it completely b) improved it

3. tables are being cleared

a) new game is about to start with different players taking part b) the game is over

4. reaching its closing stages

a) has finished b) nearly at an end

5. handful

a) five b) small number

6. vision

a) view of the future b) plan or policy

7. concentrate solely on

a) concentrate mainly on b) concentrate only on

8. comparable countries

a) countries that are similar in size b) countries that have a similar level of economic development

9. has proved resistant to

a) has benefited from b) has been unaffected by

10. unit costs fall rapidly with size

a) unit costs fall rapidly as size increases b) unit costs fall rapidly as size decreases


Over to you

1. Discuss what changes have taken place since 1997 regarding the shape of the financial industry.

2. What do you think the financial industry will look like in ten years’ time? Will there be many more changes? Give your opinion.






The for-to Infinitive construction MODEL: for + someone / something + to-infinitive a construction in which the infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun or pronoun proceeded by the preposition for   Subject (After the introductory "it") Object (After the adjectives anxious, eager, impatient; the verbs wait, long, arrange} Predicative     Attribute Adverbial modifier of purpose Adverbial modifier of result   It was very difficult for me to believe this. Everyone was waiting for someone else to speak.   That is for me to decide, isn 't it? It's not for the pupil to tell the teacher what to do. It was a mistake for me to come here. It is an easy plan for us to fulfil. He stepped aside for us to pass. It is too far for you to go there alone. This article is easy enough for you to translate.




Ex. 1. Complete the sentences using infinitive for-phrases..

1. You needn't explain. It isn't necessary... 2. Steve rarely went out to dinner. It was rare... 3. Children are often afraid of the dark. It's natural... 4. Everyone should try to keep calm. It's important... 5. He doesn't normally complain. It's unusual... 6. Passengers should reserve seats on this train. It's advisable... 7. Everyone should know the truth. It is necessary... 8. They must get extra funding for the project. It's vital... 9. Children must learn to get on with each other. It's important... 10. Nowadays women often have managerial jobs. 11. Nowadays it's common... 12. Concorde can fly at twice the speed of sound. It's possible... 13. Rainforests should not be cut down. It's wrong... 14. Can two blue-eyed parents produce a brown-eyed child? Is it possible...

Ex. 2. Paraphrase the sentences using infinitive for-phrases.

1. Peter lifted his small son onto his shoulders so that he could see the parade. 2. Some people think it is wrong to leave young children at home alone, (use the Passive Infinitive). 3. There have been repeated requests in order that the United Nations should send peace-keeping forces to the area. 4. It's wrong that scientists use mice for experiments. 5. I locked the door and took the phone off the hook so that no one could disturb me. 6. I had to wait for an hour at the airport before my suitcase came round on the conveyor belt. 7. The Knights of the Round Table sat at a round table so that none of them would appear to have a higher rank than the others. 8. I'm enclosing a list of my proposals so that you can consider them before our next meeting. 9. "To catch the post" means to post letters, etc. in time so that they can be collected that day. 10. It is essential that we maintain high standards.

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with infinitive for-phrases to express purpose.

1. Johnathan educated his child privately for... 2. Nancy took her two-year-old nephew down to the beach for... 3. Tom blew out the candle for... 4. Mr Jones moved the car out of the way for... 5. The doctor gave the patient anaesthetic for... 6. The husband warned her he'd be late for... 7. My mother always keeps the fruit in the fridge for... 8. He left his trousers to soak for a while for... 9. Most British schools organise social events for... 10. You have to pull on the respirators for... 11. The teacher raised his hand for... 12. She kept all dangerous substances out of the reach of the children for...

Ex. 4. Change the sentences so as to use infinitive for-phrases.

1. My sister has promised to call me. I'm waiting.. 2. They should have every possible advantage. She is anxious. 3. The problem is easy. You can solve it alone. 4. You can go and see everything with your own eyes. That would be the best thing. 5. You don't have to do it yourself. There is no need. 6. Crime, poverty and other problems must be dealt with. The world commu­nity is anxious. 7. I wanted to have a snack. He bought a sandwich. 8. Some changes have to be made. The students are impatient... 9. The moon was going to rise. We were waiting. 10. The doctor is to see Paul next Tuesday. I've arranged... 11. She would love her daughter to marry Ben. She is eager... 12. John often took his wife out. He didn't want her to feel lonely and iso­lated. 13. Her son is going to have swimming lessons. She has arranged... 14. We've set a trap in our cellar. We expect the mice to get into it. 15. He proudly held out his trophy. He wanted us to admire it. 16. The piano is very heavy. One person can't lift it.

Ex. 5. Translate into English using infinitive for-phrases.

1. Ему было нелегко принять это решение, но он чувствовал, что должен сдержать обещание. 2. Вам не необходимости идти туда лично, вы можете сделать заказ по телефону. 3. Не нам критиковать решение тренера. Когда готовишься к соревнова­ниям (train for), надо проводить в бассейне по крайней мере четыре часа в день. 4. Я жду, когда ты закончишь говорить по телефону. 5. Вы думаете, будет удобно, если Джон зайдет к ней сегодня вечером? 6. Мэри очень хочет, чтобы Джек представил ее своему другу. 7. Бэтси с нетерпением ждет, когда ее дети наконец приедут домой на каникулы. 8. Дэнни договорился, чтобы его сын брал уроки разговорного француз­ского. 9. Будет лучше, если ты перестанешь винить себя. 10. Греческие воины (warriors) построили огромного деревянного коня, чтобы попасть в город Трою (Troy). 11. Не мое дело (не мне) рассказывать Марии, что ей делать со своей жизнью.

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