The verbs listed below are called causative verbs (глаголы побуждения). They show that one person causes a second to do something for the first person. One can cause somebody to do something for him by ASKING, PERSUADING, or FORCING the person.
NOTES: 1. After the verb make in the passive voice an infinitive is used with "to". e.g. I made him do this. But: He was made to do this. 2. The verbs let, get and have are NOT used in the passive. In passive sentences you replace these verbs with their equivalents. e.g. She let him go. But: He was allowed to go. He had them sign the contract. But: They were caused I persuaded to sign the contract. Ex. 4. Paraphrase the following sentences using make, have, get, let. 1.. Why do you think you have a talent? 2. Why don't you ask somebody to explain it to you? 3. Both sadness and joy can cause a person to cry. 4. I'll ask Mario to cook spaghetti for our party. 5.. The president told his advisors to arrange a press conference. 6. Anna will never persuade her husband to buy a new house. 7. The police forced the criminal to give away his accomplices. 8. The manager insisted that the salesmen should attend the conference. 9. Roberto asked his dog to bring him his slippers. 10. I'll allow you to stay up late, just this once. 11. I tried to persuade him to tell me more. 12. Why don't you ask Dick to come to the party? 13. You'll cause me to miss my train. 14. Don't allow him to take a seat in the first row. 15. High temperatures can cause the motor to burn out. 16. I'll see to it that you don't swear in front of the children. Ex. 5. Make the following sentences passive. 1. They made me wait two hours for an appointment. 2. You cannot make people learn if they don't want to. 3. She let us come in. He got his son to mow the grass. 4. She got Mr. Green to lend her some money. 5. She didn't let the children gulp the food. 6. She expected them to learn goo table manners. 7. They got him to produce all the evidence he had. 8. They made the children stay away from the fire. 9. 1 had John find me a house. 10. You should make your son tell the truth. 11. He said that they had made him give away the details of the plan. 12. He got Nicole to do the cooking for the party. Ex. 6. Translate into English using causative verbs. 1. Постарайтесь уговорить мужа взять вас с собой в Париж. 2. Поручите вашему помощнику заказать два билета на концерт. 3. Почему вы думаете, что вы никогда не узнаете правды? 4. Они поручили ему провести конференцию в июне. 5. Его заставили подписать прошение об отставке. 6. Его вынудили сознаться в преступлении, которого он не совершал. 7. Я не позволю (не допущу), чтобы ты курил в спальне. 8. Я попрошу Джима помочь мне с переводом статьи. 9. Что заставляет вас оставаться на работе до позднего вечера? 10. Ребенок уговорил бабушку рассказать ему еще раз его любимую сказку. 11. Директор поручил своему секретарю сделать ряд звонков. 12/ Не могли бы вы дать мне знать, если возникнут трудности? 13. Пожалуйста, позвольте мне участвовать в обсуждении. 14. Я не допущу, чтобы ты сквернословил в моем присутствии. 15. Не смеши меня. 16. Она не позволила своей дочери заниматься верховой ездой. 17. Они поручили ему записать имена всех присутствующих. 18. Мне не разрешили выступить на собрании. 19. Давайте не будем обсуждать этот вопрос в его присутствии. 20. Почему ты ведёшь себя как ребёнок?