ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2 Список основных сообщений об ошибках системы CLIPS
Сообщения об ошибках, возникающие при работе с системой CLIPS, делятся на два типа. Первому типу принадлежат ошибки, возникающие при создании различных конструкторов, ко второму относятся ошибки, возникающие при работе этих конструкторов. Данное приложение содержит список наиболее важных сообщений об ошибках сообщений системы CLIPS. Каждое сообщение об ошибке имеет уникальный идентификатор, заключенный в квадратные скобки, после которого следует описание возникшей ситуации. [AGENDAl] Salience value must be an integer value. [AGENDA2] Salience value out of range <min> to <max> [AGENDA3] This error occurred while evaluating the salience [for rule <name>] [ANALYSISl] Duplicate pattern-address <variable name> found in CE <CE number>. [ANALYSIS2] Pattern-address <variable name> used in CE #2 was previously bound within a pattern CE. [ANALYSIS3] Variable <variable name> is used as both a single and multifield variable. [ANALYSIS4] Variable <variable name> [found in the expression <expression>] was referenced in CE <CE number> <field or slot identifier> before being defined [ARGACCES1] Function <name> expected at least <minimum> and no more than <maximum> argument(s) [ARGACCES2] Function <function-name> was unable to open file <file-name> [ARGACCES3] Function -enamel> received a request from function <name2> for argument #<number> which is non-existent [ARGACCES4] Function <name> expected exactly <number> argument(s) [ARGACCES4] Function <name> expected at least <number> argument(s) [ARGACCES4] Function <name> expected no more than <number> argument(s) [ARGACCES5] Function <name> expected argument #<number> to be of type <data-type> [ARGACCES6] Function <namel> received a request from function <name2> for argument #<number> which is not of type <data-type> [BLOAD1] Cannot load <construct type> construct with binary load in effect. [BLOAD2] File <file-name> is not a binary construct file [BLOAD3] File <file-name> is an incompatible binary construct file [BLOAD4] The CLIPS environment could not be cleared. Binary load cannot continue. [BLOAD5] Some constructs are still in use by the current binary image: <construct-name 1> <construct-name 2> … <construct-name N> Binary <operation> cannot continue. [BLOAD6] The following undefined functions are referenced by this binary image: <function-name 1> <function-name 2> … <function-name N> [BSAVE1] Cannot perform a binary save while a binary load is in effect. [CLASSEXM1] Inherited slot <slot-name> from class <slot-name> is not valid for function slot-publicp [CLASSFUN1] Unable to find class <class name> in function <function name>. [CLASSFUN2] Maximum number of simultaneous class hierarchy traversals exceeded <number>. [CLASSPSR1] An abstract class cannot be reactive. [CLASSPSR2] Cannot redefine a predefined system class. [CLASSPSR3] <name> class cannot be redefined while outstanding references to it still exist. [CLASSPSR4] Class <attribute> already declared. [CLSLTPSR1] Duplicate slots not allowed. [CLSLTPSR2] <name> facet already specified. [CLSLTPSR3] Cardinality facet can only be used with multifield slots [CLSLTPSR4] read-only slots must have a default value [CLSLTPSR5] read-only slots cannot have a write accessor [CLSLTPSR6] no-inherit slots cannot also be public [COMMLINE1] Expected a '(', constant, or global variable [COMMLINE2] Expected a command. [CONSCOMP1] Invalid file name <fileName> contains '.' [CONSTRCT1] Some constructs are still in use. Clear cannot continue. [CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct. [CSTRCPSR2] Missing name for <construct-type> construct [CSTRCPSR3] Cannot define <construct-type> <construct-name> because of an import/export conflict. [CSTRCPSR3] Cannot define defmodule <defmodule-name> because of an import/export conflict cause by the <construct-type> <construct-name>. [CSTRCPSR4] Cannot redefine <construct-type> <construct-name> while it is in use. [CSTRNCHK1] Message Varies [CSTRNPSR1] The <first attribute name> attribute conflicts with the <second attribute name> attribute. [CSTRNPSR2] Minimum <attribute> value must be less than or equal to the maximum <attribute> value. [CSTRNPSR3] The <first attribute name> attribute cannot be used in conjunction with the <second attribute name> attribute. [CSTRNPSR4] Value does not match the expected type for the <attribute name> attribute. [CSTRNPSR5] The cardinality attribute can only be used with multifield slots. [DEFAULT1] The default value for a single field slot must be a single field value [DFFNXPSR1] Deffunctions are not allowed to replace constructs. [DFFNXPSR2] Deffunctions are not allowed to replace external functions. [DFFNXPSR3] Deffunctions are not allowed to replace generic functions. [DFFNXPSR4] Deffunction <name> may not be redefined while it is executing. [DFFNXPSR5] Defgeneric <name> imported from module <module name> conflicts with this deffunction. [DRIVE1] This error occurred in the join network Problem resides in join #<pattern-number> in rule(s): <problem-rules>+ [EMATHFUN1] Domain error for <function-name> function [EMATHFUN2] Argument overflow for <function-name> function [EMATHFUN3] Singularity at asymptote in <function-name> function [EVALUATN1] Variable <name> is unbound [EVALUATN2] No function, generic function or deffunction of name <name> exists for external call. [EXPRNPSR1] A function name must be a symbol [EXPRNPSR2] Expected a constant, variable, or expression [EXPRNPSR3] Missing function declaration for <name> [EXPRNPSR4] $ Sequence operator not a valid argument for <name>. [FACTMCH1] This error occurred in the pattern network Currently active fact: <newly assert fact> Problem resides in slot <slot name> Of pattern #<pattern-number> in rule(s): <problem-rules>+ [FACTMNGR1] Facts may not be retracted during pattern-matching [FACTMNGR2] Facts may not be retracted during pattern-matching [FACTRHS1] Template <name> does not exist for assert. [GENRCCOM1] No such generic function <name> in function undefmethod. [GENRCCOM2] Expected a valid method index in function undefmethod. [GENRCCOM3] Incomplete method specification for deletion. [GENRCCOM4] Cannot remove implicit system function method for generic function <name>. [GENRCEXE1] No applicable methods for <name>. [GENRCEXE2] Shadowed methods not applicable in current context. [GENRCEXE3] Unable to determine class of <value> in generic function <name>. [GENRCEXE4] Generic function <name> method |<index> is not applicable to the given arguments. [GENRCFUN1] Defgeneric <name> cannot be modified while one of its methods is executing. [GENRCFUN2] Unable to find method <name> tt<index> in function <name>. [GENRCFUN3] Unable to find generic function <name> in function <name>. [GENRCPSR1] Expected ')' to complete defgeneric. [GENRCPSR2] New method #<indexl> would be indistinguishable from method I<index2>. [GENRCPSR3] Defgenerics are not allowed to replace constructs. [GENRCPSR4] Deffunction <name> imported from module <module name> conflicts with this defgeneric. [GENRCPSR5] Generic functions are not allowed to replace deffunctions. [GENRCPSR6] Method index out of range. [GENRCPSR7] Expected a '(' to begin method parameter restrictions. [GENRCPSR8] Expected a variable for parameter specification. [GENRCPSR9] Expected a variable or '(' for parameter specification. [GENRCPSR10] Query must be last in parameter restriction. [GENRCPSRll] Duplicate classes/types not allowed in parameter restriction. [GENRCPSR12] Binds are not allowed in query expressions. [GENRCPSR13] Expected a valid class/type name or query. [GENRCPSR.14] Unknown class/type in method. [GENRCPSR15] <name> class is redundant. [GENRCPSR16] The system function <name> cannot be overloaded. [GENRCPSR17] Cannot replace the implicit system method #<integer>. [GLOBLDEF1] Global variable <variable name> is unbound. [GLOBLPSR1] Global variable <variable name> was referenced, but is not defined. [INCRRSET1] The incremental reset behavior cannot be changed with rules loaded. [INHERPSR1] A class may not have itself as a superclass. [INHERPSR2] A class may inherit from a superclass only once. [INHERPSR3] A class must be defined after all its superclasses. [INHERPSR4] Must have at least one superclass. [INHERPSR5] Partial precedence list formed: <classa> <classb>... <classc> Precedence loop in superclasses: <classl> <class2>... <classn> <classl> [INHERPSR6] A user-defined class cannot be a subclass of <name>. [INSCOM1] Undefined type in function <name>. [INSFILE1] Function <function-name> could not completely process file <name>. [INSFILE2] <file-name> file is not a binary instances file. [INSFILE3] <file-name> file is not a compatible binary instances file. [INSFILE4] Function bload-instances unable to load instance <instance-name>. [INSFUN1] Expected a valid instance in function <name>. [INSFUN2] No such instance <name> in function <name>. [INSFUN3] No such slot <name> in function <name>. [INSFUN4] Invalid instance-address in function <name>. [INSFUN5] Cannot modify reactive instance slots while pattern-matching is in process. [INSFUN6] Unable to pattern-match on shared slot <name> in class <name>. [INSFUN7] <multifield-value> illegal for single-field slot <name> of instance <name> found in <function-call or message-handler>. [INSFUN8] Void function illegal value for slot <name> of instance <name> found in <function-call or message-handler>. [INSMNGR1] Expected a valid name for new instance. [INSMNGR2] Expected a valid class name for new instance. [INSMNGR3] Cannot create instances of abstract class <name>. [INSMGNR4] The instance <name> has a slot-value which depends on the instance definition. [INSMNGR5] Unable to delete old instance <name>. [INSMNGR6] Cannot delete instance <name> during initialization. [INSMNGR7] Instance <name> is already being initialized. [INSMNGR8] An error occurred during the initialization of instance <name>. [INSMNGR9] Expected a valid slot name for slot-override. [INSMNGR10] Cannot create instances of reactive classes while pattern-matching is in process. [INSMNGRll] Invalid module specifier in new instance name. [INSMNGR12] Cannot delete instances of reactive classes while pattern-matching is in process. [INSMNGR13] Slot <slot-name> does not exist in instance <instance-name>. [INSMNGR14] Override required for slot <slot-name> in instance <instance-name>. [INSMNGR15] init-slots not valid in this context. [INSMODDP1] Direct/message-modify message valid only in modify-instance. [INSMODDP2] Direct/message-duplicate message valid only in duplicate-instance. [INSMODDP3] Instance copy must have a different name in duplicate-instance. [INSMULT1] Function <name> cannot be used on single-field slot <name> in instance <name>. [INSQYPSR1] Duplicate instance-set member variable name in function <name>. [INSQYPSR2] Binds are not allowed in instance-set query in function <name>. [INSQYPSR3] Cannot rebind instance-set member variable <name> in function <name>. [IOFUN1] Illegal logical name used for <function name> function. [IOFUN2J Logical name <logical name> already in use. [MEMORY1] Out of memory [MEMORY2] Release error in genfree [MEMORY3] Unable to allocate memory block > 32K [MISCFUN1] expand? must be used in the argument list of a function call. [MODULDEF1] Illegal use of the module specifier. ' [MODULPSR1] Module <module name> does not export any constructs. [MODULPSR1] Module <module name> does not export any <construct type> constructs. [MODULPSR1] Module <module name> does not export the <construct type> <construct name>. [MSGCOMl] Incomplete message-handler specification for deletion. [MSGCOM2] Unable to find message-handler <name> <type> for class <name> in function <name>. [MSGCOM3] Unable to delete message-handlers. [MSGFUN1] No applicable primary message-handlers found for <message>. [MSGFUN2] Message-handler <name> <type> in class <name> expected exactly/at least <number> argument(s). [MSGFUN3] <name> slot in instance <name>: write access denied. [MSGFUN4] <function> may only be called from within message-handlers. [MSGFUN5] <function> operates only on instances. [MSGFUN6] Private slot <slot-name> of class <class-name> cannot be accessed directly by handlers attached to class <class-name> [MSGFUN7] Unrecognized message-handler type in defmessage-handler. [MSGFUN8] Unable to delete message-handler(s) from class <name>. [MSGPASS1] Shadowed message-handlers not applicable in current context. [MSGPASS2] No such instance <name> in function <name>. [MSGPASS3] Static reference to slot <narne> of class <name> does not apply to <instance-name> of <class-name>. [MSGPSR1] A class must be defined before its message-handlers. [MSGPSR2] Cannot (re)define message-handlers during execution of other message-handlers for the same class. [MSGPSR3] System message-handlers may not be modified. [MSGPSR4] Illegal slot reference in parameter list. [MSGPSR5] Active instance parameter cannot be changed. [MSGPSR6] No such slot <name> in class <name> for?self reference. [MSGPSR7] Illegal value for?self reference. [MSGPSR8] Message-handlers cannot be attached to the class <name>. [MULTIFUN1] Multifield index <index> out of range l..<end range> in function <name> [MULTIFUN1] Multifield index range <start>...<end> out of range l..<end range> in function <name> [MULTIFUN2] Cannot rebind field variable in function progn$. [OBJRTBLD1] No objects of existing classes can satisfy pattern. [OBJRTBLD2] No objects of existing classes can satisfy <attribute-name> restriction in object pattern. [OBJRTBLD3] No objects of existing classes can satisfy pattern #<pattern-num>. [OBJRTBLD4] Multiple restrictions on attribute <attribute-name> not allowed. [OBJRTBLD5] Undefined class in object pattern. [OBJRTMCH1] This error occurred in the object pattern network Currently active instance: <instance-name> Problem resides in slot <slot name> field l<field-index> Of pattern #<pattern-number> in rule(s): <problem-rules>+ [PATTERN1] The symbol <symbol name> has special meaning and may not be used as a <use name>. [PATTERN2] Single and multifield constraints cannot be mixed in a field constraint [PRCCODE1] Attempted to call a <construct> which does not exist. [PRCCODE2] Functions without a return value are illegal as <construct> arguments. [PRCCODE3] Undefined variable <name> referenced in <where>. [PRCCODE4] Execution halted during the actions of <construct> <name>. [PRCCODE5] Variable <name> unbound [in <construct> <name>]. [PRCCODE6] This error occurred while evaluating arguments for the <construct> <name>. [PRCCODE7] Duplicate parameter names not allowed. [PRCCODE8] No parameters allowed after wildcard parameter. [PRCDRPSR1J Cannot rebind count variable in function loop-for-count. [PRCDRPSR2] The return function is not valid in this context. [PRCDRPSR2] The break function is not valid in this context. [PRCDRPSR3] Duplicate case found in switch function. [PRNTUTIL1] Unable to find <item> <item-name> [PRNTUTIL2] Syntax Error: Check appropriate syntax for <item> [PRNTUTIL3] *** CLIPS SYSTEM ERROR *** ID = <error-id> CLIPS data structures are in an inconsistent or corrupted state. This error may have occurred from errors in user defined code. [PRNTUTIL4] Unable to delete <item> <item-name> [PRNTUTIL5] The <item> has already been parsed. [PRNTUTIL6] Local variables cannot be accessed by <function or construct>. [PRNTUTIL7] Attempt to divide by zero in <function-name> function. [ROUTER1] Logical name <logical_name> was not recognized by any routers [RULECSTR1] Variable <variable name>.in CE t<integer> slot <slot name> has constraint conflicts which make the pattern unmatchable. [RULECSTR1] Variable <variable name> in CE #<integer> field #<integer> has constraint conflicts which make the pattern unmatchable. [RULECSTR1] CE l<integer> slot <slot name> has constraint conflicts which make the pattern unmatchable. [RULECSTR1] CE tt<integer> field #<integer> has constraint conflicts which make the pattern unmatchable [RULECSTR2] Previous variable bindings of <variable name> caused the type restrictions for argument #<integer> of the expression <expression> found in CE#<integer> slot <slot name> to be violated. [RULECSTR3] Previous variable bindings of <variable name> caused the type restrictions for argument #<integer> of the expression <expression> found in the rule's RHS to be violated. [RULELHS1] The logical CE cannot be used with a not/exists/forall CE. [RULELHS2] A pattern CE cannot be bound to a pattern-address within a not CE [RULEPSR1] Logical CEs must be placed first in a rule [RULEPSR2] Gaps may not exist between logical CEs STRNGFUN1] Function build does not work in run time modules. [STRNGFUN1] Function eval does not work in run time modules. [STRNGFUN2] Some variables could not be accessed by the eval function. [SYSDEP1] No file found for -f option. [TEXTPR01] Unable to access help file. [TEXTPRO2] Unable to load file. Explanatory text>. [TMPLTDEF1] Invalid slot <slot name> not defined in corresponding deftemplate <deftemplate name> [TMPLTDEF2] The single field slot <slot name> can only contain a single field value. [TMPLTFUN1] Fact-indexes can only be used by <command name> as a top level command. [TMPLTFUN2] Attempted to assert a multifield value into the single field slot <slot name> of deftemplate <deftemplate name>. [TMPLTRHS1] Slot <slot name> requires a value because of its (default 7NONE) attribute.