Wrong forms. - Theory of classes and social conflicts ( classes are differentiated on the basis of relations of domination and submission).
Antique political theories
Основные интересы: этика, эстетика, политика, образование, философия математикa
Platon's political philosophy (427-347 BC) The basic works - "Politician", "State", "Laws" 1. Substantiation of principle of division of labour as bases of social structure and state construction; 2. Substantiation of state as a main institute and necessary form of the organization of a human society. “I see close destruction of that state where the law is not valid and is under someone's the power. “
Theory of ideal state. Ideal state – is a fair power of the best individuals, based on fair laws and public property. The main aim of the ideal state - satisfaction of requirements of citizens in interests of the majority of the population. Personal interests should submit to interests of the state and society as a whole;
4. Allocation of groups of philosophers, soldiers and workers (farmers and handicraftsmen). Philosophers exercise administration of a society, soldiers are military and police force, workers provide a society with material means;
5. Classification of forms of the states: Correct forms - Aristocracy (power of ruling class, wise and noble philosophers) as the best form of the state; - Monarchy (power of one individual); Wrong forms - Timocracy (power based on violence and wars); - Oligarchy (power based on a property); - Democracy (power of deprived and uneducated crowd), - Tyranny (power based on lawlessness and slavery).
Аристотель Ἀριστοτέλης;
Период:Античная философия
Основные интересы:этика, политика, наука о жизни, логика, экономика
The basic work "Politics" 1. Theoretical substantiation of occurrence of the state - main reason of occurrence of the state - distinctions of natural qualities of the people, determining relations between slaves and slaveholders; - state is a product of development and the necessary form of existence of people; - definition of the person as ”political animal” – person, who lives out of the state, is either an animal, or a god.