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Complete the following, using the infinitive

soap dish  
towel rail  
hand towel  
bath towel  

Complete the following, using the infinitive

a) as subject:

1.... would be unjust. 2.... was very pleasant, 3.... is the only thing to do. 4.... would be much more useful. 5.... is not an easy matter.

b) as predicative:

1. My hobby is.... 2. The best way to master a foreign language is v... 3. The next thing to be done is.... 4. Our aim was.... 5. To say so means.... 6. His only wish is....

c) as object:

1. He asked.... 2. In the kindergarten children are taught.... 3. I am so glad.... 4. We are awfully sorry.... 5. The doctor advised.... 6. The child is afraid.... 7. I've clean forgotten.... 8. Everybody promised.... 9. Would you like...? 10. Who has allowed you...? 11. Aunt Polly instructed Jim....

d) as attribute;

1. He was always the first.... 2. We have nothing.... 3. This is a chance.... 4. Benny has no friends.... 5. He is not a man.... 6. She made an attempt.... 7. Is there anybody...? 8. He always finds something.... 9. This is the information.... 10. He spoke of his wish....

e) as adverbial modifier of purpose:

1. He came immediately.... 2. We'll stay after the lecture.... 3. They stopped.... 4. Write down this rule.... 5. I've opened the door.... 6. He stepped aside politely.... 7.... you must work hard. 8. The boy ran out....

f) as adverbial modifier of result:

1. She was too frightened.... 2. The article is too difficult.... 3. The fence is high enough.... 4. The baby is too restless.... 5. The weather is warm enough.... 6. We are too busy.... 7. She was grown-up enough.... 8. The night was too dark....

93. Replace the subordinate clauses by attributive infinitives:

1. There weren't many children in the neighbourhood who we could play with. 2. He fell asleep with full determination that he would go and see for himself. 3. He is a man one can trust. 4. We didn't know the way to the station, and there wasn't anyone who we could ask. 5. He was the first person who came to the bar and the last who left it. 6. It isn't a thing you can joke about. It's a serious matter. 7.He will always find something that makes him laugh at. 8. They decided that it was a nice little town where they could live quietly for a while. 9. He's not a man who you can easily frighten. 10. There's nothing that we might discuss now. Everything is settled. 11. He was the first man who guessed what George was driving at. 12. No doubt it was the best time when lie could find them all at home. 13. A good housewife will always find something that must be done about the house. 14. The old general wanted nothing but a grandson who he could dandle on his knee.

97. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use infinitives of result:

Examples:1. The storm was so strong that I couldn't go out. The storm was too strong (for me) to go out. 2. The text is so short that it can be translated in an hour.The text is short enough to be translated in an hour.

1. It was so dark that he could see nothing before him. 2. You are so experienced, you ought to know better. 3. She was so excited that she couldn't utter a word. 4. He was so angry, he wouldn't speak to me. 5. His English vocabulary is very poor; he can't make himself understood. 6. She knows English so well that she can read Somerset Maugham in the original. 7. Mr. Burton was so cruel that he could send a man to death. 8. The story "A Friend in Need" is so tragic, it can't be merely ironical. 9. The man was so down and out that he could not get a decent job. 10. The man was not very strong and so was unable to swim the distance. It was very late, nobody could save him.

98. Translate the sentences into English, using infinitives of result:

1. Он достаточно умен, чтобы понять это. 2. Течение было таким сильным, что он не мог проплыть вокруг маяка. 3. Рассказ был слишком захватывающим, чтобы не дочитать его до конца. 4. Ее произношение было слишком правильным, чтобы быть естественным. 5. Он был так взбешен, что одного слова было бы достаточно, чтобы свести его с ума. 6. Я просмотрел две главы и (в результате) нашел только пять подходящих примеров. 7. На следующее утро она проснулась и обнаружила, что она одна во всем доме. 8. После длительного путешествия он вернулся домой и понял, что в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 9. Он прошел через все комнаты и (в результате) увидел только кошку на кухне. Квартира была пуста. 10. Она открыла дверь кабинета и увидела, что отец ходит взад и вперед в сильном гневе. 11. Время от времени он просыпался и тут же снова засыпал. 12. После долгого отсутствия она вернулась домой и поняла, что ничего не изменилось: они не простили ее. 13. В который раз обдумав ситуацию, он понял, что выхода нет. 14. Она открыла дверь и увидела, что все уже собрались и ждут ее.

100. Translate the sentences into English, using infinitives:

I. С ней приятно разговаривать. 2. Вопрос был слишком сложный, чтобы обсудить его за час. 3. Я рад, что узнал правду. 4. Ты бы лучше не надоедал ему своими глупыми вопросами. 5. Этот вопрос слишком сложен, чтобы она могла решить его одна. 6. Он не такой человек; от которого можно ожидать помощи. 7. Было бы лучше убедить его работать, чем принуждать его. 8. Мы очень довольны, что видели этот спектакль. 9. Кажется, дети уже забыли об этом печальном событии. 10. Вам следовало бы предупредить меня заранее. 11, Я молчала, так как мне нечего было сказать. 12. Они обещали мне помочь подготовиться к приему гостей. 13. Номер его телефона легко запомнить. 14. Этот человек сидит здесь, должно быть, около часа. Кого бы это он мог ждать? 15. Вы помните, кто первый вошел в комнату? 16. Вряд ли он тот человек, который даст вам интересующие вас сведения. 17. Мы сделали вид, что не заметили его ошибки, чтобы не смущать его. 18. Главное в том, как заставить ее поверить нам и послушаться нашего совета.

101. Paraphrase the following sentences, making the object of the infinitive the subject of the sentence:

Examples: l. It is hard to please him. He is hard to please.

2. It is pleasant to look at her. She is pleasant to look at.

1. It is not difficult to remember the rule. It is simple. 2. It's very comfortable to sit in my Grandfather's armchair. 3. She's a kind person. It's easy to deal with her. 4. He's very stubborn. It's difficult to persuade him. 5. It's not very easy to translate this passage. It contains some idiomatic expressions. 6. It is pleasant to look at the girl, but not at all pleasant to talk to her. She's pretty, but not very clever. 7. It was unpleasant to watch their quarrel. 8. It's always funny to listen to his stories. 9. It would be useful to follow Uncle Jack's advice. 10. It's not so very easy to answer this question.

102. Make up sentences, using the following adjectives with infinitives (follow the examples of the previous exercise):

easy to deal with, difficult to understand, pleasant to look at, hard to please, useful to remember, amusing to watch, easy to answer, uncomfortable to sit on, easy to follow, difficult to avoid, pleasant to talk to, not far to seek, not easy to find.

103. Point out the Complex Object and the Complex Subject with the Infinitive. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The pills my doctor has given me make me feel rather odd. 2. I want you to say to yourself that he died a gallant death in the service of his country, and we must be proud of him. 3.1 had seen my father leave the house that very morning. 4. Just as he was falling into unconsciousness he heard his door open and quickly shut. 5. George was sure that fresh air and exercise would make us sleep well. 6. I've never known a chap spend so much time on radiograms. 7. I thought it to be the signal to start. 8. We didn't expect him to come back so soon and were wondering what had happened. 9. She felt somebody touch her gently by the hand. 10. I'd like it to be done as quietly as possible, without attracting anybody's attention, 11. She didn't seem to notice his unfriendly tone. 12. The number to which I had been directed turned out to be a house standing a little by itself, with its back to the river. 13. "He appears to be asleep, my lady," said the butler. 14. Lady Franklin seemed to expect an answer. 15. The boy was made to repeat his story twice. 16. Professor Lee was expected to join the expedition in North Africa, but he had fallen ill. 17. He was heard to say that it would rain and ordered the door to the balcony to be shut. 18.1 looked at the house with suspicious curiosity, and it seemed to be looking back at me. 19. He is said to have been a sailor in his youth. 20. You're not likely to keep us company, Jim, are you?

104. Translate the sentences into English, using the Complex Object or the Complex Subject:

1. Его заставили обратиться к врачу. 2. Оказывается, он ничего об этом не слышал. 3. Кажется, вы расстроены. Что-нибудь случилось? 4. Я никогда не видела, как танцует Джейн Бак. 5. Я спала и не слышала, как они ушли. 6. Родители всегда хотят, чтобы их дети выросли честными людьми. 7. Я считаю, что это было несправедливо с вашей стороны. 8. Кто позволил вам распоряжаться моими вещами? 9. Он почувствовал, как силы возвращаются к нему. 10. Ничто не могло заставить его изменить принятое решение. 11. Ожидается, что зима в этом году будет суровая. 12. Я случайно услышала последнюю фразу, сказанную вами. 13. Они наверняка поженятся. 14 Я хочу, чтобы мы все встретились еще раз. 15. Она почувствовала, что кто-то дотронулся до ее плеча. 16. Она внимательно наблюдала за тем, как прыгают другие гимнастки. 17. Маловероятно, что он выздоровеет к понедельнику. 18. Не позволяйте детям играть со спичками. 19. Оказалось, что мы уже знакомы. 20. Она побледнела, и я почувствовала, как она вздрогнула.

105. Replace the clauses in the following sentences with infinitive phrases:

1. I should be delighted if I could get acquainted with the captain of your team. 2. He was annoyed wiien he learnt that they hadn't chosen him as a player for the Ail-Union match. 3.1 was sorry that I had missed the beginning of the match. 4. We must wait till we hear the referee's whistle, then we'll see the teams coming out. 5. They wouldn't be surprised if they were to receive an invitation to play in a tennis match with the fellows from our college. 6. You would be foolish if you missed the chance. 7. I'm pleased that I've been of some service to you. 8. She turned to me as if she was going to ask me something. 9. We are happy that we have won, it was a difficult match. 10. I was sorry when I heard of their failure. 11. I'm sorry that I've been of so little assistance. 12. He pressed his finger to his lips as if he wanted to warn her.

106. Comment on the infinitive phrases and translate the sentences into Russian:

A. 1. He held the door open for her to get in. 2. How nice of you to know my voice! Am I disturbing you? 3. It was kind of you to come, but you must go now. 4. "Three weeks and two days, my lady," Leadbitter replied. "How nice of you to have counted the days!" said Lady Franklin. 5. "It's nice of you to have come," came his voice from the bed. 6. I think the best thing would be for you to see him for yourself. 7. It's too late for the children to go out.

B. 1. I have something so important to tell you that I hardly know how to say it. 2. I'm not quite sure whether to join them or not. 3. When to start is to be decided yet. 4. He hesitated what to say next. 5. I didn't know which book to choose. 6. Tell me who to invite. 7. The question is where to hide it.

C. 1. And to tell you the truth I'm glad to have a companion myself. 2. To be frank, no other house in the town was as popular as theirs. 3. He will be a little late, to be sure, and Ann will be grumbling. 4. To cut a long story short, everything ended to her delight.

107. Paraphrase, using " for- phrases" with infinitives:

1. She held out the telegram so that I might see it. 2. It's quite natural that you should think so. 3. The first thing he must do is to ring them up. 4. Let us wait till they settle this matter. 5. This is a problem you should solve all by yourself. 6.1 shall bring you the article that you may read. 7. I gave an umbrella to the children lest they should get wet through. 8. I've put on weight. I can't wear this dress any longer. 9. It is unbelievable that a man should go so far beyond his limit. 10. He spoke loudly so that everyone might hear him. 11. There is nothing that I may add. 12. It is very unusual that he should have said such a thing. 13. It's high time you knew Grammar well. 14. This is a boy you can play with.

108. Complete the following, using a suitable infinitive phrase:

1. Can you advise me...? 2. I can't make up my mind.... 3. She hesitated.... 4. I am at a loss....5. The trouble is.... 6.... is the first thing to decide. 7. His chief difficulty was.... 8. I didn't know.... 9. Show me.... 10. Nobody could tell....

109. Make up sentences, using the following infinitive phrases parenthetically:

1. to cut a long story short; 2. to put it mildly; 3. to crown all; 4. to tell you the truth; 5. to say the least of it; 6. to say nothing of...; 7. to begin with; 8, to judge by her appearance.

110. Translate the sentences into English, using infinitives:

1. Вам лучше сегодня не выходить. Вы можете простудиться. 2. Я часто слышу, как вы выступаете на студенческих диспутах. 3. Вы сами слышали, как он это сказал. 4 Вам было бы полезно больше заниматься физкультурой. 5. Он знал, что его присутствие обязательно, но не мог заставить себя войти. 6. Слышали, как она сказала, что никому из них нельзя доверять. 7. Он, должно быть, читал этот роман совсем недавно. Он помнит множество подробностей. 8. Едва ли она знает, что сказать об этом. 9. Трудность в том, где достать эту редкую книгу. 10. Я недостаточно хорошо его знаю, чтобы говорить с ним об этом. 11. Она не любит, когда дверь ее комнаты закрыта. 12. Рад познакомиться с вами. 13. Рад, что познакомился с вами. 14. Некого было спросить, и нам пришлось ждать. 15. Почему не пойти погулять? Погода чудесная. 16. Говорят, видели, что он вошел в дом, но никто не видел, чтобы он вышел. 17. Она, кажется, разучивает упражнения на пианино (to practise) все утро. 18. Бен говорил первым. 19. Они, кажется, еще не уехали. 20. Мне надо о многом с вами поговорить. 21. Мы не ожидали, что он сам это сделает. 22. Она слишком легкомысленна, чтобы принять это всерьез. 23. Не может быть, чтобы это было сделано за столь короткий срок. 24. Ему не так-то просто угодить.



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