Active Vocabulary. purpose/ aim/ objective/ goal/ target
purpose/ aim/ objective/ goal/ target a method/ a technique/ a procedure detection /identification/ observation measurement/calculation/ computation/ approximation consideration/ generalization/ deduction/ assumption modelling/ simulation advantages/ merits/ strong points disadvantages/ shortcomings/ limitations/ weak points accurate/ precise accuracy/ precision reliable/ valid/ conventional/ effective/ useful/ valuable results/ information/ data/method … to make an experiment/ analysis to reveal/ to find/ to provide evidence to confirm/ to prove findings/ the data obtained … to study/ to examine to collect data to refine the results to create to improve to work out /to develop/ to design to verify/ to check to approve/ to disprove an assumption to use/ to employ/ to apply results/ data … to allow/ to permit/ to provide to have much promise/ to be promising to come into use
Tasks: A. Answer the questions: 1. What is the subject of your current research? 2. What is the purpose of your research? 3. What methods do you employ? Why? 4. What are the advantages of the method(s) you use over other methods and techniques? 5. Is this method only now coming into use? Is it new? 6. What does the method consist in? What operations does it include? 7. Do you find the method reliable/ precise? Why? 8. How long has your current research been under way? 9. How much time will it take you to complete your research successfully?
B. Complete the sentences below. Speak about the purpose of your current research and the methods used. 1. Currently I am …. 2. I am making a set of experiments/ analyses in order to …. 3. The experiment/ analysis is performed with a view to …. 4. The purpose of my experiments/ analyses is to …. 5. We undertake a set/a series of experiments hoping to …. 6. In our current research we … the method of …. 7. The method/ technique allows/ permits … to …. 8. The method /technique makes it possible to …. 9. This is, without any doubt, the most … and … method. 10. The method proves to be ….
C. Work in pairs. Ask for and give information about your current research, namely its purpose and the methods you employ.
Unit 5. Current Research: Results and Conclusion Active Vocabulary: to collect/ to get/ to receive/ to obtain data/ results/ findings/ observations/evidence comprehensive/extensive/ detailed/ remarkable/encouraging/convincing preliminary sufficient/insufficient/ superficial to treat the problem to succeed in/ to make progress in/ to be a success to fail in to be similar to/ to be the same as to be consistent with/ to coincide to agree with/ to fit the assumption to support/ to provide support/ in support of to reach an understanding/ to come to an understanding to conclude/ to come to/ to bring to/ to make a conclusion
Tasks: A. Answer the questions: 1. Have you already obtained any research results? 2. What are the main results of your current research? 3. Has your research been a success? 4. Have you succeeded in receiving extensive data? 5. Do your research data agree with the theory you follow? 6. Do your results coincide with those obtained by other researchers? 7. Are the results you have obtained of purely theoretical or practical interest? 8. Do your research results appear to be of both theoretical and practical importance? 9. Are the data/observations you have obtained sufficient to formulate your final conclusions? 10. What part of your research remains still unfinished? 11. Do the data/ results/ observations/ findings allow you to come to any definite conclusion(s)? 12. What conclusion(s) have you come to? 13. How long will it take you to complete your research?
B. Complete the sentences below. Speak about the results and conclusions of your research. 1. The research has been under way for a year and I’ve got …. 2. At present a lot of work is being done to …. 3. The results we have … so far cannot be used to …. 4. Unfortunately, we have failed to … but succeeded in …. 5. The findings prove to …. 6. The evidence appears to …. 7. As a result of numerous experiments performed we have obtained sufficient data to …. 8. Most of our research findings are consistent with …. 9. We have come to the conclusion that ….
C. Work in pairs. Ask for and give information about your research results and conclusions.