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II. Use the right article.

1. We'll have to wait until... photos are ready.

2.... police are looking into... matter now.

3. I've told him... lot of times that I don't know who's broken... window but he doesn't believe me.

4. She looked at me with... strange smile.

5. I'm afraid Mr. Brown is on... holiday till... end of... month.

6. Charles, who was... oldest, led... boys to... place where the boat was tied up under... shelter of some bushes.

III. Choose the suitable preposition or postposition.

1. It's always too hot (at, in, on) Ann's house.

2. I haven't seen Ken (in, for, by) some time.

3. He usually goes (on, at, to) work (by. on, in) car.

4. I'll be moving (to, for, at) a new address (in, on. at) the end of September.

5. Please, don't be late (in, at, for) the meeting.

6. Suddenly a fight broke (up, out, in) between two boys (out, at, in) the classroom.

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. The suitcase is too heavy for (me, myself, oneself) to carry.

2 Do (each, many, somebody) of your friends speak English?

3 George is (much, little, more) richer than most people.

4 The boy refused to tell us (something, nothing, anything).

5 He left without (a lot, no, any) money.

5 The headmaster wished them (everybody, all, many) good luck.

V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1 their/they/definite/enjoy/at/seaside/will/holidays/the.

2. you/so/may/is/carelessly/into/drive/you/an/get/accident.

3. write/thank/wonderful/I/must/present/at/to/you/once/ your/for.

4. Ann/I/to/a/can/for/minute/speak?

VI. Choose the best response.

1. Have you had dinner yet? 2. What's your brother like?

a) Never mind. a) He's fine, thank you.

b) Don't bother. b) His name is Paul.

c) Not yet. c) He's very kind and gentle.

3. I don't like cornflakes 4. How often do you have with milk. English classes?

a) And I don't. a) Several times.

b) Me too. b) Once a week.

c) Nor do I. c) Sometimes.

VII. Choose the appropriate word.

Last weekend I got (off, out) all my last year's summer (clothes, cloths) and decided that they looked (terribly, terrible) old and out of (fashion, time). (So, as) on Saturday (went, came) shopping. (More, Most) people in London (wear, dress) very (smart, smartly) and (it, there) is important in my (study, job) to (look, see) good.


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in bracket

1. Kate often (ring up) her mother in London when she (study) at Manchester University.

2. What time he usually (have dinner)!

3. When I (get) home I (make) a cup of coffee and (turn) on the T.V.

4. It is half past ten now. John is outside and (check) his car. He says he (be) ready in an hour or so.

5. If we (not/hurry), all the tickets (sell) by the time we (get) there.

6. Hardly the train (leave) the station, when there (be) an explosion.

II. Choose the right article.

1. When I was 20,1 went to... United States. Travelling by... plane was too expensive, so I decided to travel by... coach.

2. I've just bought... new car. And where's... car you bought last year?

3. It was such... wonderful performance that we applauded for fifteen minutes.

4. They are discussing... matter at... moment.

5. We used to walk a lot when we didn't have... car.

III. Choose the suitable preposition.

1. How do you usually get (for, to, at) the University?

2. Why don't you write (by, in, on) ink?

3. He finally decided to give (in, up, out) smoking.

4. They had to put (in, up, off) the wedding because of his father's illness.

5. She's been learning Grammar (for, since, by) 3 months.

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. He was in (no, not, none) need for help.

2. (All, Every, Each) work was done in one day.

3 I think this video film is (less, least) interesting than the one you brought last Saturday.

4 Would you like (any, some, not) more juice?

5 I was tired and so were (the others, everyone, all).

V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1 nor/was/the/comfortable/hotel/neither/clean.? to/and/the/said/eat/doctor/fruit/more/vegetables.

3. your/I/borrow/could/camera?

4. she/Italian/long/has/how/been/learning? 5 raining/the/it/by/had/evening/stopped.

VI. Choose the best response.

1. He hasn't spoken to Ann.

a) And I haven't.

b) Me too.

c) Nor have I.

3. Shall I do it for you?

a) No, you will not.

b) No, you must not.

c) No, you needn't, thank you.

2.1 m not at all sorry.

a) Are you?

b) Don't you?

c) Aren't you?

4. What time are your class over?

a) It's late in the afternoon

b) At half past five.

c) It's later than usual.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1420. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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