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I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. He (apologise) saying he (not/mean) to hurt us.

1. He (apologise) saying he (not/mean) to hurt us.

2. My sister is very upset: she (not/invite) to the party.

3. When I (get) into the car this morning I (find) that the radio (steal).

4. Will you look after the kids while I (go) shopping?

5. This is my new car. It (run) very well.

6.1 hope you (not/throw) away the present Uncle Stanley

(give) you for your birthday. 7. This kind offish usually (serve) with white sauce.

II. Use the right article.

1.... police have no idea where... jewels are.

2.... moment... train stopped at... platform, I called... porter who carried my luggage to... station and found me... taxi.

3. Slamming... door, Carol drove off in... car her father had given her as... present.

4. There is going to be... foggy and... cold weather next week.

5. This is... last time I do you... favour.

III. Choose the suitable preposition or postposition.

1. I'm doing my best to take care (of, off, for) my health.

2. (At, To, By) the time I got to the cafe, it had been shut.

3. The boy was punished (at, on, for) smoking.

4. When did his interest (at, in, on) social work begin?

5. Can you explain (for, to, -) me why you didn't turn up last night?

6. It is strange experience coming (back, up down) to the place where you were born and brought (out, back, up).

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. If it rained (little, less, least) in this country (much, plenty, more) tourists would come here on holiday.

2. I've never seen so (a few, plenty, many) birds.

3. I don't know what's wrong with (me, myself) today I keep breaking things.

4. We haven't got (no, none, any) coffee at home.

5. I've never in my life met a man with (so, such, not) a loud laugh.

V. Put the words in the right order.

1. dance/all/the/for/done/the/decorating/juniors/have/the

2. ago/L/out/cat/let/the/hour/an.

3. badly/yesterday/you/played/don't/that/agree/leam/the?

4. torn/I/don't/had/know/jeans/my/where/I.

VI. Choose the right response.

1. Which would you like? 2. Where are the other photos?

a) Everything. a) Don't bother.

b) Only one. b) Never mind.

c) Either. c) Just over there.

3. Would you like some 4. Could you pass me

more ice-cream? the mustard?

a) No more, thank you. a) I'd love to.

b) None, thank you. b) I could.

c) Not at all, thank you. c) Here you are.

VII. Choose the appropriate word.

Dear Mr. Prior,

Thank you for (coming, going) for an interview (last, latest) Thursday. We have (considered, discussed) your application (careful, carefully), but regretfully we are (unable, disable) to offer you the (post, seat). (While, Till) your secretarial skills are well up to the standard required I did not (fill, feel) that your (command, skill) of French was (good, well) for our (purposes, goals). May I (offer, suggest) that you might (do, make) better to look for a (job, work) involving routine office work (which, what) won't need French (as, like) a working

With kind regards, (your, yours) sincerely Alan Lomax


Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1 Did I tell you about how Jane (get on) at college?.'2 When the furniture (deliver)! We (wait) for two weeks


3 The stone (sink) the minute it (hit) the water.

4 Bruce tells me he (not/have) a holiday this year yet. 5Those pyramids (built) around 400 A.D.

6_ I (learn) yesterday that his car (break) down. 7_ I (be) married to you for sixteen years and I still (not/ know) what (go on) inside your head.

II. Use the right article.

1.... dietician is... doctor who helps... people to choose... right food.

2. First I wrote my name at... top of... page.

3. I'm afraid Mr.Brown is on... holiday till... end of...month.

4.... goods were in... good condition and arrived on...time.

5. Don't worry, it's all right now.... situation is completely

changed. 6.1 wouldn't mind having... soup for... first course.

III. Choose the suitable preposition.

1.1 was nearly frightened (by, with, to) death.

2. She is not very good (on, in, at) cooking.

3. Would you care (of, for, to) a cup of tea?

4. Stop looking (to, on, at) me like that - it's getting (at, on, in) my nerves.

5. You are very sorry (of, with, for) her, aren't you?

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. There's (someone, anyone, no one) on the phone who wants to speak to (your, you, yours) mother.

2. At weekends I do all my housework on one day so (another, other, the other) day I'm free to relax.

3. You've got (many, much, plenty) of food, so don't com plain.

4. You can't sail when there is (not, no, none) wind.

5. If that doesn't work, you'll have (other, the other another) way of solving the problem.

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