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VIII. Supply an appropriate stimulus-utterance.

1.__________________ - Are you?

2__________________ - Yes, sure.


I. Use the correct tense-form of the verbs in brackets.

1. - Yesterday I (have) a terrible day. -What (happen)!

- First I (fail) a test, or at least I think I did. Then I (drop) my books while I (walk) across the campus and they (fall) into a mud puddle. And finally my bike (steal).

- Oh, poor you!

2. Tom (want) to be a lawyer when he (grow) up.

3 Yesterday at a cafe, I (see) Judy, an old friend of mine.

At first, I (not/recognize) her because she (lose) at least

fifty pounds. 4. What? He got married again? At this rate, he (have) a dozen wives by the time he (die).

II. Use the right article.

1. As soon as I left Deal, I saw... low flat cloud, iron-grey and then blue, across... Channel.... closer I got to... Dover,... more clearly it was defined. I walked on and saw it was... series of headlands. It was... France.

2.... question was difficult. None of... pupils knew... answer.

3.... village has changed beyond... recognition since we were there last.

4. I'm very pleased to announce... name of... winner.

5.... bank offered us... loan on... very favourable terms.

III. Fill in a suitable preposition or postposition.

1. During an attack... flue, the patient should sleep as much as possible. He should go... bed... the first signs... fever. It's important to protect the body... cold and... this reason the patient should stay... bed. But there must be fresh air... the bedroom. Patients need oxygen, and air flowing... one closed room... another is not a substitute.

2. Parkgate School, Cheshire was grounded... 1894... Dr. Henry Proctor and was amongst the first... a series... new schools which had a considerable influence... England and the Continent. The aim was to provide boys... a wider and more balanced education than had been customary.... that time it was not accustomed... admit­ting girls.

IV. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. street/ of/is/a/the/there/book/on/other/store/side/the.

2. room/another/bag/you/have/do/book/your/in/for/enough?

3. situation/house/in/advise/present/the/wouldn't/you/I/sell to/your.

4. change/why/relax/a/don't/for/you?

V. Translate the Russian fragment into English.

1. The papers were (лежали) on the table waiting to be signed.

2. (Ни один из его друзей) phoned him anymore.

3. Let's find a bench (в тени).

4. The kids (сделали) a terrible mess in their room.

5. I can (едва ли) taste (что) I'm eating because of my cold,

6. Will there be anyone (еще) we know at the party (кроме) Will and Kacey?

7. These tablets may (сделать) you feel drowsy, so you (нельзя) drive.

VI. Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals.

1. The jury found him... of murder. GUILT

2. He laughed... and embraced his brother. HEART

3. Don't take it.... She is rude to everyone. PERSON

4. Ingrid has such a... smile. ARM

5. My son is... asking me for money! CONTINUE

6. There followed an... silence. COMFORT

7. The... of tonsils is not a very... opera­tion nowadays. REMOVE, COMPLICATE

VII. Spot the errors and correct them.

1. She likes walking under the rain.

2. Where are the others photos?

3. Your clothes is so dirty. You'd better change it.

4. She had been waiting in the cold so long that her feet were feeling numb.

VIII. Supply an appropriate stimulus-utterance.

1._________________ - Not at all.

2.__________________- Yes, please.


I. Use the correct tense-form of the verbs in brackets.

1. It (rain) hard yesterday morning, but by the time I was to leave home, the rain (stop).

2. Wake up! You (sleep) long enough. It (be) time to get up.

3.1 (write) to Diana last week but she (not/answer) my

letter yet. I still (wait) for a reply.

4. Jean said she (not/can) afford that ring, as it (cost) too much.

5. San Francisco (lie) to the north of Los Angeles.

6. Since my classes (begin) I (not/have) much free time. I (have) several big tests to study for lately.

7. The mayor (speak) positively about the project that (make) by our team.

Il.Use the right article.

When was... last time you had... holiday? And did you organize... trip or did you take... package tour? These days... most people choose... package tour especially if they go abroad on... holiday. But in... past it was very difficult. In... fact, before... middle of.... nineteenth century, travelling for... pleasure was rare and expensive, and only... few rich people could afford it.... man who changed all this and brought in... age of... mass tourism was Thomas Cook.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1795. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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