Упр. 4. Переведите, обращая внимание на инфинитив в начале предложения (3 возможных способа перевода).
1) To facilitate and improve port management sea ports are provided with information computing centers. 2) To carry the liquid cargo the vessels have special tanks. 3) To land a tank the craft has special equipment. 4) In order to prevent the casualties there is a water ambulance. 5) To control the rollout during turns the thruster is used 6) To prevent the hull from damage it is covered with plating. 7) To comply some operations and deepen the channel is very important. 8) To explain the problem he drew diagrams all over the blackboard. 9) To be used in the diesel engine this oil must be carefully purified. 10) To determine the maximum piston stroke, two things must be considered.
Упр. 5. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива (обстоятельство).
1) Let’s decrease the pump rate to avoid the overflow of tanks. 2) In order to clean the vessel’s hull and apply three coats of paint, consider the following questions. 3) You need to remove and dismantle the exhaust valve to check its condition. 4) He cleaned the water cooling spaces on exhaust valve bodies to reassemble and reinstall them. 5) To conclude our negotiations we should like you to give us your prices for all the items we have mentioned. 6) The steamer “Minsk” was chartered to carry a cargo of timber from Odessa to Hull. 7) To meet the increased demand for industrial goods a great number of new shops has been opened in the town. 8) We consider it will take three days to make it. 9) The ship is equipped with an oil discharge monitoring and control system with a recording device not to pollute the sea. 10) In order to inhibit ice accretion on the structure the craft has a ski. 11) They also take part in the delivery trials and the ship's reception to verify the scope of the work. 12) The master shall use his best efforts to salve the cargo.
Упр. 6. Переведите на английский язык.
1) Мы должны сделать это сейчас, чтобы обеспечить хорошую работу насоса. 2) Он пришел сюда, чтобы поговорить с начальником. 3) Это судно предназначено для перевозки контейнеров. 4) Для того, чтобы войти в порт вам нужно выполнить ряд требований. 5) Чтобы построить это судно быстрее потребуется большая сумма денег. 6) Мы направили специалиста для проверки технической документации. 7) Чтобы насос работал хорошо, он должен быть хорошо смазан. 8) Старший помощник капитана должен всегда быть готов, чтобы заменить капитана. 9) Чтобы не вызвать пожар, нужно выполнять требования по технике безопасности. 10) Мы зашли в порт, чтобы пополнить запасы питьевой воды и продуктов. 11) Чтобы разработать новый тип двигателя, необходимо провести дополнительные эксперименты. 12) Чтобы совершить работу, тело должно иметь энергию. 2.3. Инфинитив в функции части именного составного сказуемого
Упр. 7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива (часть именного составного сказуемого).
1) The main aim of the workers is to remove the fouling from the bottom. 2) The best way to repair the damage is to crop the indented and fractured planting and insert a new plate. 3) One way of avoiding crush is to cut out the cracks and to weld them. 4) The difficulty will be to do the welding right on the spot. 5) Our common problem was to replace the double safety valves for boiler as per drawing. 6) His plan is to renew the piping system of the main desuperheater (napoохладитель). 7) The purpose of the conference is to regard the new amendments which have applied to all passenger ships. 8) The first aim of the workers is to renew four air vanes of airdoors. 9) Two sections of steam superheater are to be examined, hydraulically tested and if necessary replaced. 10) In case of emergency one way out is to call at any ports for repairs.
2.4. Инфинитив в функции определения
Упр. 8. Замените выделенные части предложений инфинитивом.
Ex.: He has a lot of books which he can read. He has a lot of books to read. 1) I would like to offer you the spare parts which you can buy. 2) Here is a boatswain who will do this work. 3) Have you chosen the project of the vessel which you will build? 4) Could you give me a book which I can read? 5) They have a lot of work which they must finish in time. 6) Here is an interesting physical process which we can study. 7) Has she typed the documents which I will sign? 8) Here are some proposals which we have to discuss. 9) Is there something which you can show us? 10) Our teacher gives us many rules which we must learn.
Упр. 9. Переведите на английский язык, заменяя выделенные части предложений инфинитивными оборотами. Ex.: Вот статья, которую необходимо перевести. Here is an article to translate. 1) Я нашёл информацию, которую использую в докладе. 2) Вот программа, которую можно посмотреть. 3) Он принёс статью, которую нужно обсудить. 4) У меня есть друг, с которым я могу поговорить об этом. 5) Возьми такси, чтобы не опоздать. 6) Это люди, которые помогут вам в работе. 7) У них есть мастерская, где можно починить эту деталь. 8) Вот груз, который нужно перевезти как можно быстрее. Обратите внимание на значения разных форм инфинитива!
Упр. 10. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на Active Infinitive и Passive Infinitive в функции определения.
1) The hybrid vessels to have mentioned before are wildly used, because they can carry different types of cargo. 2) The liner to be intended to carry general cargo, package cargo, containers, 3) The ship to carry a profitable cargo must be of sufficient size. 4) The specialized vessels to be unprofitable due to their inflexibility were replaced by new types of universal and specialized combined vessels. 5) The dredging tasks to be regarded intended to achieve maximum operational effect. 6) The dynamic positioning and dynamic tracking arrangements to have been mentioned facilitate programming of fully automated dredging task taking 7) First of all we prepared preliminary account to be used in the experiment. 8) Minor repairs to be done can be carried out by the engine room staff. 9) We want to have some 120 piston rings to be supplied either by the 10) You should follow the dimensions and shapes of the old bearings to be removed as close as possible. 11) We need six pistons for our auxiliary engine to be installed on this vessel. 12) The craft to have been planned last year is under construction.