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Упр. 13.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Complex Subject.

1) Считают, что он опытный штурман.

2) Говорят, что он был шпионом во время войны.

3) Возможно, что их забрали именно в этот госпиталь.

4) Обнаружилось, что судовые документы еще не подписаны.

5) Сказали, что результаты тестирования ещё не известны.

6) Видели, как он зашел в машинное отделение.

7) Объявили, что судно затонуло.

8) Известно, что он придерживается другого мнения по этому вопросу.

9) Говорят, что это судно было построено около тридцати лет назад.

10) Ожидают, что договор будет подписан на этой неделе.

11) Думают, что он сейчас работает на танкере.

12) Предполагают, что строительство буксира закончится до 1 июня.

3.2. Complex Object


Complex Objectсостоит из:   1) Существительного в общем падеже или местоимение в объектном падеже; 2) Инфинитив как действительного, так и страдательного залога.   Complex Objectупотребляется после глаголов, выражающих предположение (to expect, to assume to consider, to suppose, to think, to believe, to find), приказ, просьбу, разрешение, совет (to order, to require to advise, to request, to command, to permit, to recommend, to ask for, to allow), желания, чувства (to want, to wish, to like, to desire, to hate) и после глаголов to know, to imagine, to declare.   На русский язык Complex Objectчаще всего переводится дополнительным придаточным предложением.   We know the engine to work properly. Мы знаем, что двигатель работает хорошо. We consider him to be an experienced pilot. Мы считаем, что он опытный лоцман.   Объектный инфинитивный комплекс употребляется после глаголов выражающих физическое восприятие: to hear, to see, to notice, to watch, to observe, to feel, а также глагола принуждения to make. Инфинитив после этих глаголов употребляется без “ to ”: I noticed the seaman enter the engine room. Я заметил, как матрос зашёл в машинное отделение. I made himwork. Я заставил его работать.  


Упр. 14. Переведите предложения, в которых употребляется оборот Complex Object. Обратите внимание на вводящие глаголы.


1) He believes the plant to meet all operational requirements.

2) They assume the vessel to be equipped with a system to comminute (измельчать) and disinfect the sewage.

3) We found the fuel supply rate to be greater than permitted.

4) We want to have some repairs made to our machinery.

5) They expect dimensions, material and working of material to be all stated in working drawings.

6) The workers suppose to get some cracks in the cylinder cover.

7) We want you to examine rudder, propeller and sea connections.

8) We should like you to contact a ship repairing plant or shipyard.

9) Such turbulence would cause steam to spread and to flow into the blades at the improper angle.

10) On the bridge these devices enable the captain and the officers of the watch to be informed immediately of the slightest malfunction.

11) These factual records of engine performance will enable accurate analysis to be made of ship’s general performance.

Упр. 15.Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя оборот Complex Object.

1) Он хочет, чтобы его сын стал моряком.

2) Я слышал, что он уже вернулся из рейса.

3) Мы знаем, что он очень опытный капитан.

4) Они видели, как машины погрузили на пароход.

5) Я считаю, что он прав.

6) Он не разрешил, чтобы этот груз хранили в трюме.

7) Ты видел, как корабль вышел из порта?

8) Какие обстоятельства заставляют их вернуться?

9) Я считаю, что я ответственен за это.

10) Покупатели хотели, чтобы товары разгрузили в лихтеры.

11) Он, кажется, удовлетворен результатом своей работы.

12) Он оказался очень хорошим механиком.


Переведите предложения, пользуясь правилами перевода инфинитива в различных функциях:

1) Everybody knows the bulkers to be applied for carrying bulk cargo.

2) I'd like to see the list of spare parts to be ordered.

3) To adopt a number of amendments to the International Convection for the Safety of Life at Sea required a conference to be held.

4) The new design of the propulsion makes a vessel run faster.

5) In this case we'll have to do a lot of additional work to dismantle and mount the main engine again.

6) The problems with an engine are to be avoided.

1) The organization expected to put forward new requirements according to ship equipment.

2) I consider the fuel oil meter on fuel oil line not to work properly.

3) The international rules to be applied to all existing ro/ro passenger ships should be improved.

4) The IMO was established to adopt legislation.

5) The main bearings to have big cracks in babbit should be remetalled and then fitted into position.

6) To run the catamaran requires an experienced crew shaft.


1) The shop-owners suppose new craft to be more comfortable for passengers.

2) The mariners have found the new charts to require some practice, because they are too complex and bring confusion.

3) The next item is known to be pistons.

4) The specialists believe the ships with dredging facilities to come into their own.

5) The main goal of a hull is to protect a ship from the damage.

6) Cargo is known to be taken only under the contract terms.

1) One can not expect the casualties at sea to be prevented by phasing in new
requirements for lifesaving.

2) The international organizations are known to look after shopping.

3) The task of electronic charts is to facilitate the plotting of bearings.

4) The carriers had little to look for on terms of short-term relief.

5) Various forms of gearing were used to convert the pedal movement to a propeller shaft.

6) The use of containers for cargoes has encouraged the design of the vessel specifically to carry containers.


1) The reporter of the article considers the drilling methods to be dangerous for

2) The purpose of mariners is to be knowledgeable of the work of electronic charts.

3) The passengers felt the liner develop the speed to 25 knots.

4) The computer controlled system has to provide the reduction of accelerations up to 70 %.

5) The method of scavenging is to be regarded later.


1) We know the shallow-draught vessels to be very useful from the point of view of productivity and attendant economics.

2) Everybody assumes valves to be ground in and tested in assembly.

3) Major changes to international rules designed to improve the safety of ro/ro passenger ships were agreed on November 29 at a conference held at the London headquarter of IMO.

4) The duty of captain is to prevent the casualties on board.

5) This ship is known to be of high value for the IMO in Norway.

1) A new trend is supposed to emerge in world fishing.

2) I order men to be transferred in a special boarding net.

3) The participators of the conference believe the damage stability requirements to be upgraded.

4) These computations were to be compared with the original scale.

5) An IMO Convention to have been adopted by a Government consists of some points: it agrees to make its part of its own national law and to enforce it just like any other law.

1) We want you to replace the active rudder motor.

2) The catamaran to have been developed with US naval technology will soon enter service on the Bergen-Stavanger Flag Route.

3) Chief Engineer watches the engine of the craft be crashed.

4) The new craft is to gain experience in high speed operations.

5) We suppose the fuel pumps to be replaced completely.


1) The second Cirrus SES to be built was very similar to the Fjodkongen, though the power units were changed due to much lower capital cost.

2) The most usual cause of tube failure is known to be shortage of water.

3) The engineering group will notice new design of the craft be very effective for this rout.

4) This catamaran is intended to carry out the tasks at sea.

5) The craft can be returned to its builder at the end of June for warranty service.


1) After trials to have been carried out on May mariners hear crew quarters be added aft of the wheelhouse.

2) May we have the exact dimensions and the shape of the pipes to be repaired then?

3) Italian gearbox manufacture has had to make outstanding progress in recent years.

4) Prototypes of engine are said to be running trials with Volvo.

5) The main object of the boilers' repair is to clean them on the water and repairing all the accessories and automatic devices.


1) The cylinder heads are to be fitted and the cooling system and starting air system are to be installed.

2) The IMO is an agency of the UN which is responsible for measures to improve the safety of international shipping and to prevent marine pollution from ship.

3) The methods to be applied in these trials can facilitate the safe operations at sea.

4) The test to have been held on Saturday will guarantee the stability of the liner.

5) The specifications are assumed to meet the demands of ship-owners.


1) The members of the conference propose the standard to be applied to existing ferries.

2) The ro/ro passenger liners are designed to carry a great number of passengers that is why the safety level on board should be sufficiently high.

3) A private venture makes the new catamaran be operated initially on a trial basis.

4) The disaster of this craft is said to be caused be an engine crankshaft failure and human error.

5) The organisators consider the system to be operative on both the windward and leeward sides of vessel in the specified weather conditions.



1) The reduction gear casing is to be opened and the gearing to be examined for pitting and broken teeth.

2) We’ve made out an additional list of repairs to be discussed.

3) The propulsion power needs to offer a fully-laden speed.

4) Single purpose ships are designed to carry one particular kind of cargo.

5) The barges are certain to keep cargo in the same package all the way and not to reload it.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1112. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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