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The thought of being a boss someday is a glamorous thought for most people. After all, the manager has a nicer office than most workers and has a key to the executive washroom. If things go wrong, he can always find one or two subordinates to blame. On the other hand, if things go very well, he can stand up and take credit for being the captain of his ship. One can reason that management is very much like coaching. No matter how good or bad a coach you are, the ulti­mate success or failure of the team will depend on the abilities of the players. Being a good coach is knowing how to best orchestrate the talent of the team; and if the team has very little talent, the best coach in the world is not going to come out with a winning season.

Therefore, to believe this line of reasoning, almost anyone who gets the job can succeed. The trick is to get the position in the first place. Once one obtains a management position, he can learn on eve­ryone around him; and if they have the ability, he will succeed. The possible exception to this theory would be someone in an area like sales management. In such a field, if sales don't rise, your managerial star begins to fall.

Even if you don't do well as a manager, if you are lucky enough to work for a fairly large firm, they will "kick you upstairs". This usually means that you are placed in a staff position, one in which you can do little harm to the firm's operations. Being kicked upstairs usu­ally means a salary increase and a new, more impressive title, so you are that much better off than before. And now you have a lot less re­sponsibility.

Most experienced managers will say that all of the above rea­soning is pure bunk. Take the idea of a good coach or bad coach as an example. It is true that a good coach with a bad team will probably never have a winning season, but such a coach will probably have a much better season than a bad coach with a bad team.

A good manager, like a good coach, is someone with the training, experience, and know-how to make the best out of whatever combination of resources he has to work with. Because this is the ultimate challenge to managers, being a successful manager is one of the most difficult jobs.

Even experienced managers admit that unsuccessful col­leagues often get kicked upstairs to be exiled out of operations. In­wardly, however, these people are disappointed and depressed be­cause money and title are not enough to overshadow their inadequa­cies as management personnel. In fact, being kicked upstairs is a se­vere punishment to the sensitive individual because he recognizes his failure and knows that his fellow workers recognize it as well. Further­more, he must continue to face these people day after day, and this is not an easy situation to adjust to.


Сослагательное наклонение после “I wish”

Для будущего I wish +could/would + Present Simple, Present Continuous I wish (that) you would call me tomorrow. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы мне завтра позвонили.
Для настоящего I wish + Past Simple, Past Continuous I wish I knew where she is now. Хотелось бы знать, где она сейчас.
Для прошлого I wish + could/would + Present Perfect I wish + Past Perfect I wish (that) you could have called him yesterday. Жаль, что ты не смог позвонить ему вчера. I wish you had called him yesterday. Жаль, что ты не позвонил ему вчера. I wish you hadn’t called him yesterday. Жаль, что ты позвонил ему вчера.


Ex. 34. Use the right form of the verb in brackets.


1. I have never seen your kids. I wish you (have) a picture of them with you. 2. The police wish they (be) better equipped to work more efficiently. 3. They wished their daughter (be) more careful in choosing friends. 4. Susan wishes she (go) to college instead of leaving school and getting a job. 5. I wish we (buy) a house of our own long ago and not (live) with our grandparents all these years. 6. Melanie wished she not (say) she was going to the parry. 7. He wished his mother still (live) nearby. 8. The Dixons wish their son not (marry) that punk girl. 9. We wish you (can wait) to see him. 10. 1 wish I (be) nicer to my parents when I was a teenager. 11. Ted wishes he (follow) his tutor's advice. 12. How I wish I (can play) some musical instrument! 13. I wish people (be) more honest. 14. People wish the government (do) something about unemployment. 15. I wish I (start) learning English much earlier.

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