The Right to Transfer Shares
A shareholder generally has the right to sell or to give away any shares owned. The corporation's charter may provide that an owner who wants to sell shares must first offer them to the corporation or to other stockholders. 3. The Right to Attend Shareholder Meetings and, A shareholder may attend shareholder meetings and shares owned in any class of stock which has the right to vote. Regular meetings are usually held annually at the place and time designated in the articles or bylaws. A shareholder who does not wish to attend meetings and to vote personally ordinarily has the right to vote by proxy. Proxy voting, especially when there is no right of cumulative voting, usually enables present directors and officers of large corporations to remain in control indefinitely and then to name their successors. The Right to Increase the Capital Stock Shareholders alone have the right to increase the capital stock(total shares of stock) of the corporation. This is usually done by majority vote, on the recommendation of the board of directors The Right to a Share of the Profits Each shareholder is entitled to a proportionate share of the profits, which are distributed on the class of stock owned. These dividends are usually paid in money, but they may be in the form of stock shares or other property such as products of the company. The Right to Share in Distributions of the Capital If a corporation is dissolved, its creditors have first claim upon the assets of the business. After their claims have been satisfied, any remaining assets or proceeds from the sale of assets (liquidation funds) are distributed to "the shareholders. Preferred stockholdersgenerally are given priority over the common stockholdersin such a distribution. The Right to Inspect Corporate Books of Account A shareholder has the right to inspect and to make appropriate records of the accounting books of the corporation. However, this inspection may generally be denied if it is not made at a reasonable time and place, in good faith, and with proper motive.
Vocabulary cumulative voting - метод голосования акционеров путем сложения голосов по акциям to outvote - иметьперевес голосов, забаллотировать proxy - письменная доверенность на голосование proxy voting - голосование по доверенности vote by proxy - голос, поданный по доверенности majority vote - решение большинством голосов successor - преемник capital stock - основнойкапитал preferred stockholder - владелец/держатель привилегированной акции common stockholder - владелец обычных акций
Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Name the rights of a shareholder. 2. What is cumulative voting? 3. What is proxy?
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К указанным ниже словам подберите из текста антонимы и переведите их на русский язык.
Раскройте скобки, употребив сложное дополнение.
1) People saw (to cross a street, a robber, enter the supermarket). 2) I want (to tell, the truth, me, you). 3) Suddenly they heard (in the lock, a key, to turn). 4) We know (to be, she, a real professional). 5) The detective saw (the bar, the fellow, to leave).
Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное дополнение.
1) I consider him to be right. 2) The customs officer allowed them to take the goods. 3) I have never heard him tell the truth. 4) Does he want us to help him? 5) She felt tears roll down her cheeks.
Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее.
1.The new equipment is reported to go into operation next year. 2.For a long time he was thought to be innocent. 3.This diamond is said to be in no way interior t o that. 4.The robbers were seen to wear black masks. 5.He was said to have gone to Moscow after this accident.