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19) Didactics: subject, category, and tasks. Problems of modern didactics. Pedagogics is the science concerned with the teaching and education of the younger generation. Since Methods also deals with the problems of teaching and education, it is most closely related to pedagogics. To study foreign language teaching one must know pedagogics. One branch of pedagogics is called didactics. Didactics studies general ways of teaching in school. Methods, as compared to didactics, studies the specific ways of teaching of mathematics, history, and other subjects taught in school, general principles of didactics are applied and, in their turn, influence and enrich didactics. For example, the so-called “principle of visualization” was first introduced in teaching foreign languages. Now it has become one of the fundamental principles of didactics and is used in teaching all school subjects without exception. Programmed instruction was first applied to teaching mathematics. Now through didactics it is used in teaching many subjects, including foreign languages. Didactics is a theory of teaching, and in a wider sense, a theory and practical application of teaching and learning. As FLTM also deals with a process of teaching, it is most related to Pedagogy and mainly to the branch which is called Didactics. FLTM may be regarded as a Special Didactics as a branch of Linguodidactics. The link of Pedagogy and Methodology are revealed in the use of the didactic principles: 1) P-l of activity 2) p-l of visuality 3) p-l of durability 4) p-l of consecutiveness 5) p-l of accessability 6) of consciences 7) of systematicness.

20) Extracurricular and extra-curricular activities in FL. The content of extracurricular activities in FL, its types and forms. Educational philosophy states the importance of teaching students to be life long learners. There is much more to education than classrooms and textbooks. Extra curricular activities can provide opportunities for students to express themselves in activities and areas depending on their interests, skills and talents. Extra-curricular work is an important aid in the instruction and education of pupils. It is closely connected with work in class, and it supplements it. It offers numerouspossibilities for instruction and education. The forms of extra-curricular activities:1. Individual work often marks the starting point of mass work. The teacher appoints a pupil to make a short report on an author or a literary work in English, to learn a poem or a prose passage by heart, to translate a literary passage into the mother tongue,2 Group work includes permanent circles as well as temporary groups created for a special task.The mass forms of extra-curricular activities in the field of foreign languages is the result of synthesis of work carried out in different circles and temporary groups. To mass activities belong school festivities and competitions. School festivities require a long and careful preparation and include a great number of pupils. Such festivities may be devoted to the anniversary of a great writer or an important event.

21) Monitoring and evaluation of proficiency FL. Types, forms and methods of control, ways to improve them. 1) Lingua-cultural approach to teaching listening Proficiency. Listening is a significant and essential area of the development of Intercultural communicative competence for “listening is the process of receiving, attending to and assigning meaning to aural stimuli, it is a complex problem-solving task which sharpens thinking and creates interaction.Listening interacts with very powerful non-verbal system (gestures, mimicry, facial expression) For example, “Let’s get gather for lunch sometime” The non-verbal clues can give a very different message that must be interpreted and weighed before the action is taken. The scheme shows the relationship between listening proficiency and each of the elements of Intercultural communicative competence Listening Proficiency: 1. Linguistic competence (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation-pauses stress, intonation) 2. Strategic competence (using any clues for guessing, background, knowledge etc) 3.Socio-cultural Competence. 4. Discourse competence. All communicative skills including listening skills in FLT should be taught on integrative approach as all skills are integrated. Listening comprehension can be controlled with the help of: flow diagrams, reasoning maps, free diagram, mind, map (It has one central concept in the middle and the surroundings
notions or details linked to the central concept);, visual image: to draw pictures (picture dictations; to label parts of the car from the description you hear. 2) Lingua-cultural approach to teaching speaking Proficiency. Speaking is a complex psychophisiological process. The structure of S. consists of 3 phases: 1 Motivation; 2 Analytical-synthetical p-se; 3 Result.Linguistic competence implies correct use of grammar structures, pronunciation, intonation which contributes to the speaker’s fluency.Strategic competence in Speaking implies the ability to use strategies of turn taking, topic selection and other compensatory skills when you don’t know words to say. Sociolinguistic Competence in Speaking includes abilities to express apologies, compliments, agreement and disagreement and other communicative functions in accordance with the communicative purpose in order to establish social relations, to convey information or complete tasks, how to talk on the telephone or at the meetings how to use hesitation markers (let’s see, um..). Discourse competence in Speaking enables speakers to manage turn-taking in conversation, to begin a conversation and to close it. Speech can be prepared, half prepared and unprepared.Forms of S.:1 Monologue (is more organized, purposeful form of speech, programmed beforehand,logical, emotionally colored, sometimes bookish); Types of M: dramatical, lyrical, narration, description,etc. Levels of M: 1) statement level 2) utterance level 3) discourse level. Ways of teaching M: a) top-down (work with the text); b) bottom-up (includes all 3 levels mentioned above) 2 Dialogue. Types of D.: exchange of information, exchange of opinions, on joint plan, enquiring etiquette. Ways of TD: 1) top-down (characterized by the presentation of the pattern); 2) bottom-up (consists of dialogical units: statement-statement, statement-question, Q-S, etc. 3 stages of work with a pattern D.: 1) receptive (listen to the teacher); 2) reproductive (reproduce the pattern D.); 3) Creative (produce their own D.)D. and M. cannot be created without Speech situation. Speech situation- is a complex of circumstances, events, a combination of relations between people. 3) Lingua-cultural approach to teaching Reading Proficiency. Teaching Reading in FL is, of course, not an easy task for teachers and learners. There are different "dilemmas" that FL contexts impose on teaching reading:importance of developing letter - sound correspondences», the technique of reading', necessity of developing large receptive vocabulary;value of extensive reading;need for students to become strategic readers;Reading is a complex communicative and cognitive skill which implies the work of many psychological mechanisms: memory, perception, anticipation, inner speech, thinking and its operations. Readingproficiency as an integral part of speech competence demands linguistic competence, strategic competence, socio-cultural competence (cultural awareness) and discourse competence and integration with other skills. Linguistic competence in regard to Reading involves using grammar, vocabulary and phonetic knowledge to help understand what is being read. In addition, linguistic competence includes knowledge of the alphabet and the punctuation of the language. Strategic competence. In reading strategic competence refers to possessing useful strategies for compensating the missing knowledge (gaps in knowledge). These strategies include the use of clues available, power of guessing, background knowledge, context (content).Socio-cultural competence in Reading refers to cultural awareness that helps to understand what is being read. For this it is important not only to choose culturally appropriate techniques but it is also important to choose culturally appropriate reading material.In teaching students Reading proficiency discourse competence is needed in addition to linguistic and socio-cultural competences. They must recognize markers of discourse indicating coherence in the development, balance, continuity and completeness of the text (then, moreover, therefore), rhetorical organization and other textual features. Types of R:R. aloud, silent R., class and home R., control R., analytical, synthetical R., prepared and unprepared R., intensive (short texts) and extensive (long texts) R., narrow R. (one and the same author), Jigsow R. Acc. to Фоломкина 4 functional types of R.: Searching (scanning)-поисковое, skimming- просмотровое, critical, R. with thorough comprehension. 4) Lingua-cultural approach to teaching Writing Proficiency. In Traditional approaches to teaching writing teachers emphasize grammatical correctness, correct sentence structures, phonetic and grammar rules to follow in order to avoid mistakes. Nowadays according to the cognitive lingua-cultural and in integrated skill approach Writing proficiency is regarded both as a means and as the aim of FLT. Writing Proficiency involves language competence, (i.e. grammar and vocabulary), socio-cultural competence and discourse competence which enables them to organize their texts cohesively and coherently with respect to purpose, genre, topic. The 3 stages of Writing prove it: Pre-Writing activities: Idea-gathering, Information-gathering, Journals, Interviews, Brainstorming, Dialogues, Cubing (6 sides of the cube), Peer Reviews. While-Writing activities: Writing a plan, Drafting, Writing paragraphs, One sitting writing (from beginning to end)Letter writing, Leisurely Writing (begun in class, finished at home)Essay, Jigsaw writing, Resumes, Summary. Post-Writing activity: Revision (some formal changes, substitutions, reorganizing), Peer Reviews (in pairs), Editing, Error Corrections, Rewriting.

22) Divergent educational programs in foreign languages in the context of the State Program 2011-2020 (early learning, basic and special school teachers, small schools). Education is acknowledged to be one of the main priorities of “Kazakhstan – 2030” Strategy. The common goal of education reforms in Kazakhstan is to adapt the education system to new socio-economic environment.Increasing the role of preschool education and upbringing is one of the world tendencies. Children attending kindergartens succeed in learning at all levels of education and are more successful in life. As of July 1, 2010 coverage of children with pre-school education and upbringing in Kazakhstan rose by 16.8% compared to the similar period in 2005, and makes only 40%, whereas in developed countries this indicator is 90-100%. Secondary education is a fundamental level of the system of education. The right to free secondary education is guaranteed by the Constitution of the country. Presently, the secondary education systemfaces a number of problems, linked to insufficient material and technical resources, educational and methodical base, as well as the necessity of updatingthe content and methods of education.As of July 1, 2010, there were 7,576 public general education schools functioning across the country, teaching 2.5 mln students and subordinated to the local executive bodies and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 64.6% of schools occupy typical buildings, 35.4% of schools use altered buildings and 201 schools are in poor condition. Higher education plays an important role in training of competent and competitive professionals for all sectors of economy in integration of science and industry.Currently, there are 148 universities (9 national, 2 international, 32 state, 12 non-civilian, 93 private, including 16 corporatized ones), which educate more than595 thousand people.However, most employers are not satisfied with the quality of university education. Educational programs do not always meet the expectations of employers and do not meet the needs of economy. Corruption has been a serious latent factor encompassing the entire system of higher education in Kazakhstan. The higher education policy will remain ineffective until specific measures are taken to eradicate corruption. Negative trends in staffing the universities are observed: there are no systematic measures on faculty training; outside employment is widely practiced. Strong features:priority areas of education development have been clearly defined; the network of preschool and secondary school education has been increased; functioning of national and republican centers at each level of education; compliance of the structure of Kazakhstan education with the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED); restructuring of technical and vocational education; functioning of the NationalQuality Assurance System in Education; high results in TIMSS-2007 international study; joining the European educational space. Weaknesses:insufficient financing of education;low status of the teaching profession;poor quality of teacher training;lack of high quality teaching staff;lack of specialists in children’s rights protection;underdeveloped education management;underdeveloped Public-Private Partnership system (further – PPP) in education;underdeveloped informatization of education;education statistics does not meet international standards and is not available to public; Opportunities: For the state:increasing competitiveness of Kazakhstani education;human capital quality improvement;ensuring social and legal guarantees of children’s life quality;increasing efficiency of manpower use;stabilization of national economy;investment support of education by international organizations and employers;development of new efficient management methods in education; Challenges:failure to achieve the goals and objectives set due to underfunding of education;low motivation of teacher’s labor and low prestige of the teaching profession;low level of qualification of most teachers; lack of desire for self-education and professional development of teachers;lowmotivationof userstoapply thee-learning systems; Goal:increasing competitiveness of education and development of human capital through ensuring access to quality education for sustainable economic growth.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 2913. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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