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Methodological typology.

Dif. words require dif. treatment. There were some attempts to create some methodological typology of words e.g. Charles Frees in his book ‘The Structure of English’ distinguished 4 types of words acc. to their functions in the sentence and combinability: 1) Form words e.g. will, shall, do, did, does, etc. 2) Words-substitutes e.g. he, she, one, etc. 3) Content words denoting things, constitute the bulk of the Voc.;4) Gramatically distributive words e.g. some, any, etc.

The first 2 types of words are most difficult for its active acquisition acc. to Ch. Frees.

Meanings and notions are dialectical units but meanings in dif. languages do not always coincide. From this point of view Шатилов distinguish 4 types of words: 1) words the meanings of which in both languages completely coincide. 2) words in which the additional meaning has some connotations. 3) words in which only the main meaning coincide; 4) words which differ in their meaning.

Tips for TV for teacher:

you will get better results if the words you teach have clear easily comprehensible meaningif the items of the words can be linked with each other (through meaning or association)words are better learned if they learned briefly (in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the lesson)pupils usually remember the words better if they have personal or emotive significance for them.

A strategy for one may be useless for another. We must have individual approach. The placing of words in a list is of a certain importance. At the beginning of the list and ay the end there is a tendency to be remembered better.

Ex-s for TV There are 2 types of ex-s: 1) Language ex-s or training which focus on the form and the meaning of the word. They have 2 aims: a) retention of words; b) to establish memory bond. Some specialists consider that words should be repeated 5-7 times in order to promote learning. Some psychologists say that mere repetition of isolated words is no use but in combination with other words.

Lang-ge ex-s are subdivided into imitation ex-s, substitution ex-s, transformation ex-s, ex-s on completion, extension ex-s.

Speech ex-s. Not all speech ex-s of communicative character.

Communicative ex-s include problem-solving tasks, role play, projects, writing a story, making a dialogue, summery, essay, compositions, poems.

TVoc.may be planned or no. Much of TV is unplanned.


Задачи овладения грамматическим аспектом иноязычного общения в средней школе. Различия в технологиях обучения продуктивному и рецептивному владению грамматическим материалом. Упражнениядляформированияпродуктивныхрецептивныхнавыковвсамостоятельнойработеучащихся (СРУ) (objectives in teaching Grammar at secondary school. diff-s in technologies of teaching productive and receptive acquisition of grammatical material. means of visual aids in teachinh grammar exersices).

The main aim of TG at school as the program requires is the formation of Gr. habits as the main components of speech skills (L,R,W,S) in order to enable students to communicate. The school program emphasizes the importance of Gr. at all stages.

Grammar we also mean the system of the language, the discovery and description of the nature of the language itself.

We distinguish 3 types of Gr.: 1 Traditional (forms of words- Morphology, how they are put together into sentences- Syntax); 2 Structural (structures of various levels of the language – morpheme and syntactic levels); 3 Transformational (basic structures and transformation rules).

Content of TG: 1 Linguistic component (Language and speech material);

2 Psycological(Gr. Habits and Speech skills);

3 Methodological (Gr. learningstraregies);

4 Socio-cultural (Cultural background);

5 Emotive (positive attitude to Gr.)

Gr. habit is an automotive component of conscious activity. By Gr. habit we understand the ability to correctly use Gr. means in dif. contexts, situations of speech activity. We distinguish 2 types of Gr.habits: 1) receptive; 2) reproductive. Gr. habit once acquired must be constantly polished. The Gr. minimum- the amount of Gr. material which should be acquired by pupils: Active and Passive Gr. The Gr. minimum is thoroughly selected on the bases scientifically grounded principles.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 1091. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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