Cущность категории принцип обучения. Когнитивный и коммуникативный методологические принципы иноязычного образования.
The modern process of FLT has greatly changed due to the new philosophy of education aimed at developing students' competence. The existing system of principles, in FLT has also undergone some changes. Whatisaprinciple? AccordingtoC.C. Кунанбаева «под принципами... понимаются исходные положения, I. Aprinciple (* lat. Principum) is a guide line to follow, a comprehensive and fundamental rule, doctrine or assumption / basis arid foundation of smth. It is very important to define the basic principles of FLT. In order to definitely know strategy and tactics of implementing the new conception of FLT. As a Pedagogical science FLT Methodology is based on the principles of didactics, on the one hand, and on the other hand it has its own principles:as well. It is natural that we cannot deny these principles traditionally used in our Methodology but at the same time we should take into consideration the new ones. So, let as analyze the use of the principles traditionally used in FLT:
General principles 1. Communicativeness 1. Pattern Practice 2. Domineering role of exercises 2. Oral approach Auding 3. Integration and differentiation 3. Intensive study atSpeaking 4. Native language basisthe Primary stage Reading 4. Approximation Writing). Every subject of instruction is based on the universal principles of educative instruction, principles of didactics - consciousness, activity, visuality, accessibility, durability, consecutiveness, systematicness. The 7 didactic principles are independent and at the same time they are mutually connected. None of them must be overvalued to the detriment of any of the above mentioned. In each school subject these principles are applied specifically. For example, the principle of visuality is differently realized in diffident subjects: mathematics, history, foreign languages. We shall now stop for a moment on the Specific application of there basic principles in FLT.