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Difficulties of listening.

-Unknown language (words and grammar).

-Unintelligible manner of presentation (poor clarity of diction, etc).

-Unfamiliar topic (never heard of the problem)

-lack of own experience (have never been in the circumstance)

-No visual clues (images, gestures, mimicry)

-No personal opinion (have never thought about it).

-No expectations' about the text (the information came all of a sudden).

-Interference of the FL1 on the ph, gr, voc. level. (Examples are supplied by students).

Listening exercises include:

Training exercises (to train the mechanisms that are involved)

ü on short-term memory

ü -on anticipation

ü -on logical thinking

Speech exercises

ü -listen and do (follow instruction, and connect)

ü -listen and answer the questions

ü -listen and transfer (tables, diagrams, graphs, notes)

Communicative exercises

ü -(listen-and-infer), express your opinion.

All the exercises should be adequate to the aims set.

Listen-and-do activities imply that the language learner listen to the language and perform commands, follow instructions, draw, tick off items on the list, sequence the text, match strip cartoons (picture stories), maps, plans, family trees, pictures etc. For example: draw a house and a tree near it, etc,

Listen-and-transfer activities imply that while listening to the language material the students transfer information to tables, diagrams, graphs, drawing, notes maps etc.

Listen-and infer activities are based on such tasks as interpreting situations, words, attitudes in the discourse drawing conclusions, making assumptions and judgments, "true or false". Work on the text for LC implies 3 stages:

ü Pre-listening activities

ü While-listening activities

ü Post-listening activities

Jigsaw listening is a communicative activity which consists in making up the whole text on the basis of the different pieces the individual listeners hear.


Требования к текстам для обучения аудированию как акту опосредованного общения. Методика работы с аутентичнымиаудиотекстами на уроке иностранного языка. Презентация аудиотекста и контроль его понимания.

The process of leaching LC is guided by principles (specific principles).

Principle 1. Teaching to listen is a communicativeskills. It means that the learners,are taught the ability to listen in real or close-to-real situations.

Principle 2. Teaching to listen is based on authentic materials. It implies that the materials are either “authentic made” or “authentic like” for teaching purposes.

Principle 3. Teaching to listen is an integrated skill. It should be taught in integration with other skills. Usually people listen and speak, listen and write listen and read. Listening is connected with speaking, writing and reading.

ЛапидусБ.А. speaks of reading priority which helps in teaching listening. (Give examples of the tasks that would meet the principles of teaching LC).

Listening can be taught as an active, extensive and intensive process. Active listening - listening for details. Extensive listening - listening for the gist (not details).

Methodological classification of LC given by Резнюк:

Proper – when teacher prepare text for students by the tape.

Attendant- (when all 4 types of speech activity are developed in integration)

Instructive-corrective- when instruction and corrections are given

Situational- when listening material is given in the form of situation.


Психо-лингвистическая характеристика диалогической формы общения. структура и функциональные разновидности диалогов.упражнения для формирования способности и готовности к диалоговому общению. Способы создания речевых ситуаций для стимулирования межкультурного диалогового общения.

Psycholinguistic characteristics of dialogical forms of communication.Structure and functional variety of dialogues.Exercises for the formation of the ability and willingness to dialogue communication.How to create speech situations to encourage intercultural dialogue communication.


Dialogic speech i s a complex speech activity in which speech of one of the participants depends on the verbal behavior of the another. One of the psycholinguistic features of dialogic speech is limiting in time, i.e. the need to respond quickly to a replica of the interlocutor (собеседник), which implies possession unprepared speech. There is also situational dialogue speech, because the sides are always under certain conditions and their replicas often depend on the situation. Dialogue is characterized by shortness of utterance (linguistic description of speech) due to the knowledge of the situation in which communication takes place. Dialogue is characterized by a large number of clichés, stamps (linguistic description of speech), for example: Let's see! Come on! Who knows! What luck! Good luck! We should not forget that the dialogic speech structurally diverse. It is not limited to questions and answers. The most important feature of dialogic speech is that the dialogue is based on the interaction of the interlocutors, adapting behavior to the behavior of one another.

Structure of a dialogue. Dialogue must meet the following formal requirements:

1) "moves" the dialogue made by the participants at a time;

2) dialogue ends after the last number of steps, the result of allowing decide who won and who lost;

3) The participants in the dialogue have the right to impose restrictions on it due to the accepted rules of reasoning and influencing change in its structure;

4) The dialogue is based on the reaction of one party to the "moves" the other.

Common that combines a variety of dialogical situation is question-answer complex. No wonder the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes Laertius wrote that dialogue is "speech, which consists of questions and answers." Dialogue moves depend on the success or failure, qualified or unqualified formulated initial questions and answers to them. Attitude of question and answer is the core of the dialogue. As a part of this relationship question has leading role. It gives the dialogue strict direction.

Around the question-answer dialogue core, there are other sometimes implicitly generated elements:

a) the motives and objectives of the dialogue;

b) criteria for the selection of points of view, arguments;

c) auxiliary elements as reaction to the opposite side (tips, updates, expressions of approval, disapproval, etc.)

From the methodological point of view there are different types of dialogue: dialogical unity, micro dialogue and macro dialogue. Unit training dialogic speech is dialogic unity formed by a pair of replicas, one of which - a replica-stimulus, the other - a replica-response. Ways of combining the replicas may be different, they are the basis of a functional typology of dialogue ones:

question -answer

question - a counter-question

Message - question

message - a reply message

invitation (please) - the agreement (disagreement)

message (order, please) - an emotional reaction

request - Message

message – request

There are many types of exercises which can help for the formation of the ability and willingness to dialogue communication. The most known of them are role plays, situational tasks, Problem solving tasks, and etc. in these tasks students are divided into pairs and work together by playing role-play, showing presentations or making posters. They help for the expanding the students' free thinking, to develop their speaking skills.

Exercises prompted the teacher:

- Expansion and contraction of the utterance. The purpose of this exercise - the ability to distinguish between keywords, "meaning milestone" of minor elements on the details.

- Narrowing statements aims to teach highlight key facts in the main statement - to express a thought without unnecessary details.

- Combination of the two speech samples. The purpose of the exercise - to acquire the skills to combine linguistic material.

- The wording of the question with the help of pictures and prompt.

Exercises relying on clarity:

- Answers to questions from the pictures.

- Drawing up a dialogue, using a picture or series of pictures.

Building on the situation:

- With limited linguistic material, for example: Mom told Paul to put his winter jacket and gloves because it's cold. Paul puts the jacket, but he does not put the gloves. Talk to mom and Paul.

- Without limiting the material

- Created using the image on flanelegrafe (or pattern epifilma, filmstrip).

The learning process of intercultural dialogue communication should be situational, for its success required a live situation, natural, governmental, interpersonal communication, psychological support to adequately assess the actions. In order to create speech situations we can use stimulating, gaming, problem, creative, research, project, role, search, reproductive and productive, oral, written, pair, group, individual works.


Психо-лингвистическая характеристика монологической формы общения. Способы общения монологовой формой общения. Упражнения для формирования рече-коммуникативных типов монологового общения (описание, повествование, рассуждение).

Psycholinguistic characteristic monologue form of communication. Ways of mastering monologue communications. Exercises for the formation reche and communication types of communication monologue (description, narration, reasoning).


Monologue speech is the speech of a person facing the audience or to himself. Monologue differs in consisting of one or a series of statements, i.e. it is a text reported by one or more listeners. A distinctive feature of monologue speech is its consistency, logical development of the content, completeness (psychological characteristics) required the speaker to convince the correctness of his judgment, and by the form - focus and spreads (linguistic description of speech) in order to listen to understand, what they say. An important feature of psychological monologue speech is its continuity, which allows the speaker connected and fully expresses their thoughts.

For mastering monologue speech it is necessary to develop following students' skills:

- Based on the goals of communication to connect with each other examining the types of proposals to form a message.

- Understand and remember the statements in the sample listening.

- Build a brief message on the model and make the transformation (expansion, contraction, replacing et al.).

- Build Posts narrative and descriptive (supported by pictures, films, filmstrips, or without support) on a familiar theme.

- Build posts with elements narrowing (evaluation events characteristic of actors, their attitude to hear or read), drawing on the plan or without support.

These skills are formed by applying the conditional speech exercises, which aim to train connectivity and logical statements. These exercises vary in supports:

- Exercises with support questions or at the language material. Students in primary stage after exercise in the expression of thought in one sentence learn to answer the question 2-3mya suggestions: Who is it? It's a boy. His name is Serge. He is thirteen and a half. In such exercises, it might be asking questions such as: Compose a story: "At the store." You're going to the store. What do you see? What do you buy? Sometimes the logic of presentation controls the order of the included language material. For example, the theme of Le Petit Prince. Need to talk about this work, using the following words: live, planet...

- Exercises for the development of MS, built on the so-called logic-syntactic pattern. Sequence is used phrases, as it reflects a certain logic of thought and repeatability syntactic linkages between phrases, for example: I love... And I... well quite often... But....

- Exercises with the support of the situation: a) the story according to plan; b) the story without the proposed plan.

- Exercise relying on the text.

- Exercises relying on clarity.


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