Communicative methodological
The Universal Principles of Educative instruction are chiefly realized through the contents of the texts and illustrations given in the text-books. The Principle of Consciousness implies such process of teaching when the linguistic phenomena of the language are taught consciously by means of comparing, explanations, demonstrations, historical comments to make the process of acquision easier, to prevent interference: The Principle of Activity (Activeness) There is a Chinese Proverb saying: «I can remember 20% - of what I hear, I can remember 40% - of what I hear and see; I can remember 80% - of what I participate in». People learn a language most effectively through activity when solving problems, creating things themselves or when talking about personal experiences. Participation and flexible exploratory (creative) thinking should be encouraged. In accordance with the communicative -cognitive approach to FLT pupils must be actively involved with all their cognitive mechanisms such as memory (long - term memory and short - term memory), thinking and operations of thinking (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, etc) perception and others. The principle of Activity (Activeness) requires activity of both, on the pant of the T and the learners: choral, individual work, work in small groups (problem - solving, project work, etc). But the T should bear in mind that students are different: extraverts and introverts display their activity differently. The Principle of Visuality We know that attaching great importance to visuality or to the use of visual impressions in FLT is consistent with the psychological principle of associative memorization and with Pavlov's theory of the 2 signaling systems. A wide use of visuality in teaching all the subjects is also a main requirements of Modern didactics. objectvisuality Visuality is of 3 kinds languagevisuality
Role Play - is realization of language Visuality. Object visually consists in demonstration of object, actions, materials. Graphic visually consists in the of pictures, tables and diagrams, filmstrips, films, static and dynamic pictures, substitution tables (first recommended by Каменский, 1592-1670). The Principle of Systematicness. Every work requires being done systematically, not mechanically. The didactic principle of systematicness demands not Only planned and systematic work by the teacher but also the acquisition of systematic knowledge by the pupils. In itself systematic or systematized knowledge is the same as theory. It implies relative completeness, generalization and classification. The language systematized knowledge in Ph, Gr, Voc. promotes good results. The use of tables, cards, wall charts, etc. can greatly facilitate the attainment by the pupils; of Gr, Voc, Ph knowledge.
The Principle of Accessibility According to this principle: 1) The material should correspond to the эе and mental powers of the learners; it should be neither too difficult, nor too easy or too childish for them; gradation of difficulties is also; an indispensable condition of accessibility. 2) it should be rightly dozed; 3) it should be properly graded.
The Principle of Durability The Pr. of Durability stands apart from other didactic principles, in so for as it determines the nature not of the teaching but of the assimilation of the material by the pupils. Durable assimilation or lasting retention by the learners is ensured by the observances the part of the T of all the didactic principles considered, especially that of systematicness. Associations can be: 1) dormant, that is not is the field of consciousness, when not stimulated can be; 2) active or awakened - in the field of consciousness when the system of nerve paths to which they correspond has become excited in response to some stimulus. Thus associations can be lasting or transient well memorized or soon forgotten. Lasting knowledge and established habits are conditioned by repetitions of 2 kinds:
revision drills Durable associations and established habits correspond to systems of well established nerve paths - in Pavlov's terminology of «dynamic stereotypes». The Principle of Consecutiveness The sequence from known to unknown, from simple to more complex, from proximate to more distinct. 5, Алмагул Principle is fundamental rule guideline to follow comprehensive rule or doctrine, assumption. Principle defined as a guide to action, in our case to teaching. Principles: 1. methodological Principle: 1. general principle of communicativeness. All skills and habits must be combined. 2. special: pattern practice, oral approach, intensive study at primary stage, approximation. 3. specific in reading, writing, speaking and listening 2. didactic Principle: accessibility, durability, conscious, activity, visualization
Methodology of teaching English is based on the fundamental principles of Didactics. They are the following: scientific approach in teaching, accessibility, durability, conscious approach, activity, visualization and individual approach to instruction, systematic practice. Except for the basic didactic principles Methodology of teaching English uses specific principles that are applied in teaching a foreign language. Let’s consider them. Since the aim of teaching English at school is to teach the pupils how to use the target language for communicative needs’, one of the main methodological principles is the principle ofcommunicative approach. It means that the pupils should be involved in oral and written communication throughout the whole course of learning English. There are four types of language activities to be developed in pupils: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each language activity has its own set of actions that are characteristic of this activity, thus special exercises are needed which should be adequate to each activity. So in teaching a particular language activity the teacher faces specific problems that should be solved since the de-velopment of each activity requires certain techniques and exercises. This is the application of the principle of adifferential approach in teaching English, i.e. each language activity requires special attention on the part of the teacher. The principle of an inteerated approach is another methodological principle. Pupils do not assimilate sounds, grammar units, lexical items as discrete components of the language, but they acquire them in sentence-patterns, pattern-dialogues related to certain situations. Pupils should use their skills in the four language activities as interdependent parts of their language experience. The principle of durability implies the ability of a pupil to keep in his memory linguistic and language material he learns of ready access, i.e. the pupil can use units of the language whenever he needs them for oral or written com-munication. The durability is ensured: – by vivid presentation of material; – by constant revision and drills; – by the use of the material on the part of the learner for communicative needs; – by systematic control; – by constant supervision of pupil’s habits and skills on the part of the teacher. The principle of conscious approach to language learning means that the language material is acquired consciously, the pupil understands what he learns. Such approach usually contrasts with “mechanical” learning throughout repetitive drill. So the pupils should acquire the rules of the language in order to be able to follow them in the act of Communication. The principle of activity implies that the pupils should be active participants in the learning process. Activity arises under certain conditions. According to the Sets Theory (теория установки) the learner should feel the need to learn the language, thus the main sources of activity are motivation, desire and interest in the language. The principle of visualization is very important in teaching English since the process of knowledge gaining begins with sense perception. The use of visu-alization makes the lessons emotionally coloured, gets the pupils interested and awakens their thought. It creates natural or almost natural situations for the use of the language as a means of communication. The principle of individualization is getting very important at present. There always are some individuals in the class who learn more slowly than others, or faster than others. The teacher has to assess the progress of each individual in the class and find the way how to manage the classroom activity so that the slowest learners are not depressed being left behind and the fastest learners are not frustrated by being held back. This principle is achieved: by using the indi-vidual cards; by specific selection of exercises for each group of pupils in the class; by the use of additional material, etc.