Современная методическая система и составляющие ее категории
Science- it is a sphere of human activity, which function is the production and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality. Methodology of FLT – is a science which studies aims of teaching, content of teaching, methods, means and principles of teaching. The word ‘method’ primarily means a way of doing something. The word method has two meanings: 1) a branch of science 2) a way of teaching. FLT Methodology has undergone many changes in the course of its development. There were different methods, trends, aims of teaching, content of teaching, different techniques, devices and approaches of teaching. A method is a generalized model of realization of the main components of teaching process, oriented on fulfillment of the main methodological task. System of teaching- is a common model of teaching process, which corresponds to a definite methodological conception. This conception determines the selection of the material, aim, forms, content and means of teaching. E.g. system of teaching of H. Palmer (Speaking priority), M.West (Reading priority). Approach - is a strategy of teaching FL. There are 4 approaches in Methodology: 5) behaviorism (based on intuition) 6) inductive- conscious (based on consciousness) 7) cognitive(usage of all cognitive mechanisms) 8) integrative (integration of previous 3 approaches). FLTM is a young developing science and it is challenging too. Some specialists say that it is rather an art than a science (scientific art). There were opinions according with which FLTM is an Applied science. According to Belyaev B.V., M. West FLTM is a rather an Applied Psychology. According to Charles Frees and L.V. Sherba FLTM is a rather an Applied Linguistics. FLTM is a pedagogical science. It has its subject of investigation, object of investigation, methods of research. The object of investigation is a process of teaching. Its subject of investigation are aims and objectives of Teaching, the content of Teaching, means, methods and devices of Teaching. Methods of research: 3) methods of theoretical level 4) methods of practical level 1.1 critical study of literature; 1.2 method of analysis 1.3 method of synthesis 1.4 modeling 1.5 method of induction (from particular to general) 1.6 method of deduction 1.7 method of analogy
2.1 observation (2.1-2.4 main methods) 2.2 generalization of teacher’s experience 2.3 experimental work 2.4 experiment 2.5 method of form (2.5- 2.9 supplementary methods) 2.6 testing 2.7 interview 2.8 use of chronometer 2.9 statistical and mathematical processing The final goal in FLT is Intercultural Communicative Competence and its components (Language Competence, Speech Competence, Socio-Cultural Competence, strategic Competence and Discourse Competence) and the development of "language еgо" (КарауловЮ.Н), личность субъекта межкультурной коммуникации – С.С. Кунанбаева, 2006). Intercultural Communicative Competence implies the ability to communicate, to use the target language as a mean of communication on the intercultural level. Traditionally we distinguish the following aims in FLT: practical (or communicative – pupils get some skills in R-g, W-g, S-g, L-g), educational and cultural. Nowadays we emphasize the integrative character of the aim in FLT. So, the aim of FLT is a complex, integral one and it implies 3 aspects: 1* Pragmatic that consists in the formation of intercultural Communicative Competence; 2* Cognitive that consists in the development of cognitive mechanisms of the learners; 3* Pedagogical that consists in the development of "language ego", that is "личностисубъектамежкультурнойкоммуникации" according to S.S. Kunanbaeva (2006). Aims determine the Content of FLT (What to teach?). This cannot be denied. In different epochs there were different aims of FLT. Nowadays the Communicative-cognitive approach to FLT determines the following components of the content of FLT in general: Content of FLT
I. linguistic II. Psychological III. methodological component component сomponent