Cредства обучения иностранным языкам. Роль и место компьютеризации в процессе овладения иностранным языком.
Means of FLT. The problem of means of FLT is one of the main considerations in modern Methodology. Because the success or failure of FL largely depends not only on the teacher’s qualifications, but on the materials we use. 2 groups of FLT means: 1) Main (УМК- Учебно-методическийкомплекс which includes Textbook, Teacher's Book, Workbook); 2) Supplementary means: 1 technical means(tape- recorder, video, computer, TV, radio and Distance Learning); 2 non- technical (traditional) e.g. blackboard, pictures(static and dynamic) 99 ways of work with pictures, different types of albums, postcards, books of illustrations, maps, dictionaries, books for reading, flannel graphs, cards. Main means: Textbook, Teacher's Book, Workbook, Reader, a set of video and audio cassettes, a set of pictures and tables. E.g. English File, Opportunity, Cutting the Edge, etc. The main requirements to the textbook: 1) The book should be communicatively oriented 2) Pupil-centered 3) Correspond to the aims at different stages, to the program requirements 4) All didactic and methodological principles should be realized in the text book. 5) Develop all the skills such as L,R,W,S 6) Give an opportunity to use the language in different regimes 7) Be well illustrated with the help of pictures, tables, schemes 8) Be of educative value 9) Be informative 10) Be updated Functions of T.B. 1) communicative 2) educative 3) organizing 4) informative 5) motivating 6) controlling There is a tendency not only to use foreign T.B. for our teaching needs, but to create a new T.B. taking into account the advanced experience in this field. All T.B. are leveled. According to a new conception all levels of teaching FL should stick to the program (state document). Using computers in ESL classroom is important for both teachers and learners. Computers can handle a range of activities and carry out programmed functions at amazing speed. They can check exercises after they are done, move students gradually from easier to more difficult exercises according to their levels and abilities. When students fail to answer questions correctly or perform activities, the computer can simulate, drill, or explain the phenomenon in a way that makes it easier for the learner to understand.
Цель и задачи овладения произносительным аспектом общения в СШ. Принцип аппроксимации. Упражнения для формирования слухопроизносительных и интонационных навыков. Типичные произносительные ошибки. Методикаихпредупрежденияиисправления. (aim and objectives of teaching pronun-n at secondary school.prin.ofapproximation.ex-s for formation of oral and intanational skills using TAT.typical problems and ways of avoiding them). The communicative approach holds that teaching pronunciation and intonation is important for the purposes of communication. According to the Audio-lingual method teaching pronunciation as a necessary prerequisite was a very important for teaching Speaking. Nowadays when we teach FL for communication teaching correct pronunciation and intonation is very important because this we’ll enable our students to use the language as a mean of communication. Aims and objectives of FLT nowadays for communication in FL the school program sets the following requirements for TP and intonation: 1) to teach pupils correct literary pronunciation which is based on the received standard English pronunciation (pronunciation of TV, radio); 2) to enable students to understand the spoken English and to speak correct English. And this implies the following tasks: 1) to teach them to correctly pronounce not only the isolated sounds, but in combination with the other sounds, in the flow of speech (phonetic context); 2) to teach word and sentence stress and melody; 3) to teach pupils to divide the sentences into sense groups(rhythm). Teaching FL Pronunciation at school meets a principle of approximation (not correct mistakes). According to the school program our pupils are to master pronunciation and intonation during the first years of study and constantly develop and support pronunciation habits. That is why TP at school should be developed at all stages from start to finish. Each language has its own trouble spots so does the English. We should distinguish between errors and mistakes. Error is a slip of the tongue. Mistake is more serious and should be corrected. Constant correction is necessary because false habits are formed and difficult to break. English presents many difficulties because it has its own specific phonic system. The sounds of English are not the same as in other languages but sometimes occur in both languages. The points of difference are: 1) word stress, the difference in the power of stress. In English it is very strong, usually it is first syllable and in Kazakh- last syllable. The stressed syllable is pronounced more distinctly. In this connection the vowels are pronounced with a tension. This is the reason why the English vowels preserve all the qualities in stress position. In unstressed potion they lose their qualities. In English we distinguish long and short vowels, in Russian and Kazakh we don’t have such vowels. Acc. to Лукницкий phonemes may be divided into 3 groups: 1 ) the phonemes which are very close to those into native language;