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Secondary education

In 2012 the State Compulsory Standards of general secondary education will be integrated with the State Compulsory Standards of higher education (baccalaureate) – separate subjects of the general education curriculum of higher education (e.g. sociology, self-cognition, basics of personal and social safety, history of Kazakhstan, cultural studies and others) will be added to the programs of “Beyindik Mektep” profession-oriented school without enlargement of academic load.

By 2014 the program of profession-oriented education for “Beyindik Mektep” school will be elaborated and tested in the following directions: social sciences and humanities as well as scientific-mathematical field.

Since 2015 the program of “Beyindik mektep” school will be implemented in the senior classes of general secondary education schools, lyceums, grammar schools, intellectual schools and specialized schools for gifted children.



23) Distance learning as a form of organizing the process of mastering a foreign language. Distance learning is a mode of delivering education and instruction, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a classroom. Distance learning provides "access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both."[The first distance education course in the modern sense was provided by Sir Isaac Pitman in the 1840s, who taught a system of shorthand by mailing texts transcribed into shorthand on postcards and receiving transcriptions from his students in return for correction. The element of student feedback was a crucial innovation of Pitman's system.[5] This scheme was made possible by the introduction of uniform postage rates across England in 1840Distance learning is a set of network, program, information and pedagogical technologies of purposefully organized learning process, by means of students and teachers’ synchronous or non-synchronous interactive team work and work with teaching aids invariant to their location in space and agreed in time (Concept of Open Education System Establishment, CIS, 2006).The open education system assumes getting education through a student’s purposeful, controlled, intensive independent creative work in a convenient tempo. A student is free to choose the curriculum, teachers, schedule and form of study in one or several educational institutions (regardless of their location or the student’s place of residence) and an opportunity of his/her lifelong study following his/her own educational path. At present, many students prefer electronic resources to traditional information sources as they consider Internet search to be an easier way to master a language. Admittedly, the main objective of teaching foreign language in higher education institutions is practical use of foreign language as well as developing a personality capable of communication and aiming at self-education. Participation in various international programs and an opportunity to study abroad assume not only high level of foreign language knowledge but also an individual’s particular features: sociability, absence of language barrier, knowledge of international etiquette norms, broad outlook.


24) Technique of the organization of independent work of students in foreign languages. Kinds and types of independent work. Students’ opinion of independent work developing the skills of applying theoretic knowledge in practice training how to solve future problems and make decisions. Independent work in the study process is an objective, a work form and finally a study method. The results of the questioning show that the students often perceive independent study as developing the skills of applying theoretic knowledge in practice and training how to solve future problems and make decisions. Independent work is a part and parcel of the study process therefore it is important to go deep into the following didactic principles of its methodological background: education scientific character, systematic learning, accessibility of learning, aware and active learning, knowledge consolidation, use of learning means, reflexive learning, creative and developing learning. The above mentioned principles should be followed selecting the content, methods and management of independent work itself, describing the character of students and teachers interaction. Three forms of the education scientific principle in independent work can be singled out. Firstly, recognizing the sense of student constructed knowledge, the principle of education scientific character in independent work involves the analysis of problematic situations where the teacher acts as a tutor. Secondly, it is impossible to approach the learning without awareness of the students’ psychic processes. Thirdly, knowledge can be treated as open-ended, versatile or not conveyable and it is constructed by the learner referring to his/her experience. Thus it allows developing learner’s cognitive powers, liberating his/her intellect and faster mastering the study material. This principle, following the idea of permanent learning, strives to develop students’ skill of independent work using modern study methods.

Роль планирования в учебном процессе по ИЯ. Моделирование учебного процесса. Требования к составлению поурочного плана.

The role of planning in the educational process by FL. Modeling of the educational process.Requirements for the preparation of lesson plans.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 994. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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