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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Requirements for Project work

•Active attendance to all lecture and seminar sessions (compulsory)

•Write their names to the participant list, ask questions, give comments

•Choose a new topic

•Carry out project successfully in a team of 2-4 persons

•Project plan

•Project plan presentation

•Project results

•Final report

Computer started to be used in teaching foreign languages from 1954. The first research concerning usage of computer in teaching foreign languages appeared since this time. CALL- Computer -Assisted Language Learning. Theoretical problems of implementing computer in teaching process became the subject of a new area in science such as Computer Linguadidactics. It is an independent trend of Didactics and Methodology.

The development of computer technologies in teaching foreign languages made the usage of computer programs widely spread. Computer programs fastened the teaching process and initially had a drilling character. The rising requirements to the computer programs increased their qualities and made possible to improve not only language habits but speech skills.

According to the definition of the notion of ‘the computer program’ given by Sadikova A.K. computer program is a mean of teaching, which has the features of communicative model of teaching, corresponds the aims of teaching and formed types of speech activities, oriented to the definite level of knowledge and skills of students, satisfies students’ intellectual and emotional needs, stimulates different types of cognitive activities. Computer program can help every pupil to find the most comfortable way of learning foreign language.

The psychological aspects of using computer programs in teaching foreign languages are as follows:

- Interactive means of teaching helps to keep interest for learning foreign languages (game like character of learning foreign languages, comfortable way of work with the computer, etc.)

- Usage of computer helps to overcome fear of public speaking to shy and not confident pupils

- Computer programs give an additional material to those pupils who are coping with the learning material faster than other pupils. And on the contrary they help weak pupils to revise the material if it is not clear.

The methodological aspects of using computer programs in teaching foreign languages are as follows:

- Usage of computer programs allows pupils to plan and organize learning process individually

- To have immediate correction of mistakes, which is sometimes impossible due to the lack of time

- Correction of spelling

- Opportunity to revise exercise and get explanations to it the necessary quantity of times

- Assessment of your language work.

There are following types of computer programs in teaching foreign languages:

1) Multimedia computer programs for integrated learning of foreign languages and development of the main speech skills; E.g.Английскийязык. «Путь к совершенству» (EnglishLanguage.Way to Success.)

2) Multimedia computer programs, which are an additional resource for the definite text-book;

For example, such text-book as ‘English Vocabulary in Use’ by Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell has CD-ROM with computer program, which includes hundreds of enjoyable ex-s, audio recordings or extra listening practice, a create-your-own test function, a progress check, a built-in dictionary with f personal notes section.

3 ) Multimedia computer programs for development of the language habits;

«Английский на раз-два-три» (Englishinone-two-three)

«Английскийбезсловаря»(English without dictionary)

5. There are following types of exercises of computer programs in teaching foreign languages:

- imitative ex-s, which are very important at the initial stage of teaching foreign languages for the development of the writing skills;

- transformation ex-s, which are built on the base of creation of the phrases according to the definite models, transformed from other basic structures;

- substitution ex-s, which are widely spread in all computer programs.

- different types of computer games with the words, crosswords;

- multiple-choice ex-s

- close tests.

Control in computer programs is based on the comparison of the student’s answer with the key of correct answer. The majority of computer programs use verbal ways of assessment or the result of the student’s progress is accounted in scores or points.


30. Использование инновационных и информационных технологий в иноязычном образовании на современном этапе (ролевая игра, проекты, кейс – стади, компьтерные технологии) идр.

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