Translate the sentences with implied condition into English using the forms of the Conditional Mood.
Model: a) I should like to speak to you now; b) Mary would have been glad to see you yesterday. 1. Я певен, що Глорія переклала б цю статтю набагато краще, ніж це зробили ми. 2. Чому ви не допоможете Флорі? Ми були б вдячні вам. 3. Джек не впізнав би нас учора. 4. Я б відповіла на це запитання інакше. 5. Чи не допоможете ви мені? 6. Моріс помітив би навіть незначні зміни у поведінці брата. 7. А як би ви поводили себе у тій ситуації? 8. Було б дурницею погодитися з Люсі. 9. Я не став би згадувати ім’я Джека тоді. 10. Щоб ви мені порадили зараз? 11. Вони ніколи не знайшли б вихід з тієї ситуації. 12. Я б ніколи не збагнув, що це можливо. 13. Мені п’єса подобалась би більше, але вона задовга. 14. Ви зробили б те ж саме в ту мить. 15. Мені важко було б зрозуміти ці речі. 10. Translate the sentences into English using the “but-for-phrase” as an equivalent for the Ukrainian “якби не…” Model: a) But for Jack’s help, I shouldn’t be able to come to see you so often. b) But for his work in the library, he would never have found this rare edition. 1. Ми б запізнилися на потяг, якби не таксі. 2. Я б щиро повірив Елізабет в ту мить, якби не її хитра усмішка. 3. Якби не метро, я б витрачав годину, щоб добратися до офісу. 4. Якби не поміч тітоньки, я не зміг би вижити в той важкий час. 5. Я б не сидів зараз перед вами, якби не щаслива випадковість. 6. Якби не дідусь, хлопчик був би дуже нещасливий вдома. 7. Якби у мене не було б велосипеду, я б ніколи їх не наздогнав. 8. Якби Стела не помилилась, ми б не упустили цю можливість. 9. Якби ніч не була темною, поранених було б більше. 10. Якби не підказка вчителя, я не зміг би знайти правильну відповідь. 11. Compose sentences of the pattern but for … + the conditional mood or a modal verb in the subjunctive II: MODEL: 1. It began to rain and we didn’t go for our walk. But for the rain we should have gone for our walk. 2. I put the place to rights in an hour or so. She helped me to do it. But for her help I shouldn’t have put the place to rights in an hour. 3. We reached the camp at daybreak. He carried the boy on his back. But for his carrying the boy we should have reached the camp much later. 4. I want to go but I have this examination tomorrow. But for this examination I should go too. 5. With your help I can finish it in time. But for your help I could not finish it in time. 6. She helped me and I could finish it in time. But for her help I could not have finished it in time. 1. He wants to go fishing but he has a bad cold. 2. He could not see the play as he had some work to do. 3. She was not alone in the house. Her husband lay asleep in his room after the night shift. 4. I don’t want to tell you this. But I promised to. 5. In the end he went to see the doctor. His wife made him to. 6. He didn’t die. The operation saved him. 7. We didn’t have a very good time after all. The weather was too bad. 8. It was impossible to read the inscription in the dark. Then he remembered he had a torch. 9. He has the makings of a good teacher but he has a slight defect of speech. 10. Of course I want to help you. But I’ve got a conference today. 11. He had a good guide so he could climb the mountain. 12. It was only because the ice was so good that she could set a new record. 13. I could do it in so short a time only because of your kindness and understanding. 14. You can’t do it only because of a certain lack of concentration. 12. Give answers to the following questions, using but for … and the words in brackets. MODEL: 1. Why did not you go to Leningrad? – (the child’s illness). But for the child’s illness I should have gone. 2. Why don’t you come with us? – (my headache). But for my headache I should gladly come. 1. Did he get an excellent mark for his composition? – (spelling). 2. How did you manage to translate it so fast? – (my sister’s help). 3. Why do you keep the dog chained? – (the neighbour’s chickens). 4. Haven’t you learned to do it quite well? – (your explanation). 5. Is the picture good? – (but for the end). 6. Why did he refuse to speak at the meeting? – (his sore throat). 7. Will they go to the Crimea this summer? – (the grandfather’s operation). 8. Isn’t the weather rather good? – (the wind). 9. Is she really a success as an actress? – (her voice). 10. Is he quite well now? – (his overeating). 11. Do you like working here? – (the heat). 12. Did she set a new record? –(an accident). 13. Could you translate the text they gave them at the examination? – (my headache). 14. Can you see the sea from your bedroom window? – (a screen of trees).