Types of Condition in English
| Something that is always true
If + present simple, + present simple
| Use if with two present simple verbs to say what always happens.
If I eat too much, I getfat.
The if can usually be replaced by whenor whenever.
When I eat too much, I getfat.
You can also use the present progressive or present perfect in the if clause.
If youare travelling to Liverpool, you change at London.
If you have come from Paris, collectyour baggage now.
(This is sometimes called the Zero Conditional.)
| 2.
| Something that is possible
If + present simple, + future simple
| Use if +present simple and the future with will to talk about something that may possibly happen (but may not happen). (This is sometimes called Conditional 1.)
I’ll give it to Mary if I see her. Or If I seeMary, I’ll give it to her. (= It is possible that I will see Mary and if I do, I will definitely give it to her.)
If you work hard, you’ll pass the exam. ( It is possible that you will work hard and if you do, you will definitely pass the exam).
| 3.
| Something that is not true in the present, or unlikely in the future.
If + Present Subjunctive II, + Present Conditional
| Use if + Present Subjunctive II, + Present Conditionalto talk about something that is not true now or that you think is unlikely to happen in the future. (This is sometimes called Conditional 2.)
If I hada lot of money, I would spend it all on you. (present)(= I don’t have a lot of money; I am imagining that I do.)
If the world endedtomorrow, I wouldn’t care. (future)(= It is unlikely that the world will end tomorrow; I am imagining that it might.)
| 4.
| Something that is imaginary in the past.
If + Past Subjunctive II, + Past Conditional
| Use if + Past Subjunctive II, + Past Conditionalto talk about something that was possible but which didn’t happen. (This is sometimes called Conditional 3.)
If I had goneto Italy last year, I would have visited you. (But I didn’t go to Italy, so I did not visit you.)
I would have boughtsome food if I had thoughtof it. (But I didn’t think of it, so I didn’t buy any food.)
If I had knownthat you had all that food, I wouldn’t have broughtany. (But I didn’t know, so I did buy some.)
| | If with modals
| You can use modal verbs with all four types of if sentences (types 1-4 above).
· Always true: If I understand it, I can learn it.
· Possible: You must give it to Jane if you see her.
· Not true or unlikely (present or future time): I couldhelp Maria more if she came to lessons more often. If John lost weight, he couldride that little pony.
· Imaginary (past time): If John had gone to Italy last year, he could have visited you. He could have come earlier if he had caught the morning train.
| | Would when used in the subordinate clause of a sentence of unreal condition is also a modal verb expressing willingness, consent. If you wouldcome and see us (пожелали), mother would be glad.
| 5.
| Greater remoteness, improbability of the action.
If + modal “ to be” in the past + infinitive, + Present Conditional/ Imperative
| Use if + modal “to be” in the past + infinitive, + Present Conditional/Imperativeto express greater remoteness and improbability of the action, though not implying a rejection of it.
If I were to see more of him, I would dare to speak to him about it. (I do not see much of him.)
If it were to rain, we should not go out. (It may rain, though it is doubtful)
| 6.
| The fulfillment of the condition is unlikely though possible.
If + Suppositional, + Indicative/Imperative/ Conditional
| Use if + Suppositional, + Indicative/Imperative/ Conditionalto render the Russian meaning “если вдруг, если все же, случись, доведись”. In these sentences the condition is presented as possible, but very unlikely.
If I should meet her tomorrow, I should (shall) speak to her. (I may meet her though I strongly doubt it).
If any of your family should come to my house, I shall be delighted. (highly improbable)
(This condition is called problematic or hypothetical.)
Conditional clauses of this type are sometimes joined to the main clause asyndetically, by means of inversion.
Should he ask for references, tell him to apply to me.
Should anything change, you will return home.
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