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Use the Participles in the appropriate form instead o the infinitive in brackets.

1. He decided to speak to her in the train (to come) home. 2. (To turn) slowly, (to hold) on to the wall, he dragged his way back into the room. 3. (To enter) his own room, he returned speedily with a heavy bound volume. 4. Sam, feeling that the interview, (to reach) that point might be considered over, got up. 5. The next minute the front door was flung open and he was in the lighted hall (to welcome) by a short, plump, smiling woman of about forty. 6. His father, (to retire), lived in an unpretentious, but not mean, house. 7. He paused, (to look) from one to the other. 8. It was about ten o’clock at night; I had been dining by myself at a restaurant, and (to return) to my small apartment, was sitting in my parlour, reading. 9. (To invite) down to this place for a visit, he found himself requested by his host to go and tell his uncle bedtime stories. 10. (To finish) his toilet, he wrapped himself in a thick overcoat and wound a muffler round his neck.

7. Transform the following sentences into sentences with complex subjects:

Model A: They overheard two people talking about her. – Two people were overheard talking about her.

1. They saw her sitting pouring over her book. 2. We heard the baby crying in her pram. 3. We saw him exchanging glances with that man. 4. They could see a white house gleaming through the reddening autumn leaves. 5. From the distance they could see the host waiting for them on the doorstep.

Model B: He stole curious glances at Mary. (to see) – He was seen stealing curious glances at Mary.

1. Paul consulted his silver watch. (to see) 2. He asked if I was in. (to hear) 3. He telephoned the doctor, stressing the gravity and urgency of the case. (to hear) 4. He paced up and down in his room long after the rest of his family had gone to bed. (to hear) 5. She went in that direction about a quarter of an hour ago. (to see)

8. Read and translate the following sentences. Speak on the verbs after which complex objects with participles are used:

1. He noticed a girl standing listlessly by a pillar and he slowed his pace. 2. I found the room furnished with a Spartan simplicity. 3. We may suppose him representing the England of Napoleon’s wars, and general unrest. 4. We’ll have supper sent up to the suite. 5. It set him thinking. 6. I should very much like it made clear to me. 7. In her ears there rang of a sudden the outrageous and unaccountable laughter that had sent Miss Warren out of the room. 8. Then I want to have my fortune told. 9. Well, I don’t want you coming here and telling me I’m untidy. 10… he looked up and saw the stars sprinkled above the plane-trees of the square. 11. But he found his traps waiting in the porter’s lodge. 12. But a week later, feeling himself betrayed, hysterical and in terror, Herbert betrayed his wife.

9. Make up sentences from this table:

I He She We You They   saw heard watched noticed observed found   me you him her us the boys   playing tennis. quarrelling. swimming across the river. skating on the pond. climbing a tree. whispering something.  
I He She We You They   was/ were     seen heard watched observed noticed   entering the supermarket. running away. crying. playing the violin. climbing over the fence.

10. Transform the following sentences into sentences with complex objects with participles:

Model A: I could see that Dave was still standing in the doorway. – I could see Dave still standing in the doorway.

1. As Nick came up to Toby he turned and saw that Michael was watching them from the other side. 2. He found that the old man was still sitting grim in the darkness. 3. When he opened the window he heard how the birds were singing in the garden. 4. I could feel that the room was rocking under my feet.

Model B: When I called on her in the morning I found that she had gone. – When I called on her in the morning I found her gone.

1. When he went back he found that his wife was already dressed. 2. He felt that his cheeks were flushed by the fever. 3. I heard that his name had been mentioned several times during the conversation. 4. I saw that Mrs. Brown’s advertisement was printed in the local newspaper. 5. I want someone to type this letter.

Model C: A small book was lying open on the bed. (to see) – She saw a smallbook lying open on the bed.

1. He was watching her so intently. (to see) 2. Martha was protesting that of course they must all come to her flat. (to find) 3. The corner of a three-penny detective novel was protruding from Albert’s pocket. (to note) 4. The rain drops were pattering against the leaves. (to hear) 5. He was hurrying through the hot June forenoon, up the hill and on to the open downland. (to imagine)

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 1038. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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