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Participle II. Ex. 585. Read and translate the sentences

Ex. 585. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the functions of Participle II

1. The clipped, dark green hedges of the garden were covered with a light frosting of snow. 2. There was a collection of blue and white porcelain effectively arranged on an oak console table. 3. Raised in Wyoming, David sometimes writes songs about sad cowboys. 4. The wounded were transported in a jam-packed lorry. 5. Where are you? I am totally lost without you. 6. Where have you been? What have you seen? 7. Lost in the world 339

of imagination, I forgot my sad, lonely existence f0r ft while. 8. He was tired of sitting, and he felt cramped after the drive from Paris. 9. The figure outlined against the sky seemed unable to move. 10. The mouse, frightened, darted off into a hole. 11. Shocked into silence, they kept their gaze fixed on the odd creature. 12. Left behind at the office, Dolores wept over the scattered papers. 13. The socks lost in the dryer were her favourites. 14. The girl sat silently as if transported into another world. 15. He forgets everything. He must have his head tested. The sooner the better. 16. We took care to have the gate washed. 17. My dentist advises me to have my teeth cupped. 18. "Gone with the Wind" is a fascinating and unforgettable book. 19. She arrived at her father-in-law's office unannounced. He looked startled and put out by her unexpected visit, but being a gentleman of the old school, he invited her into his inner office. 20. The child sat on a rock perched high up on the river's bank. Elbows on knees, chin cupped in hands, she sat perfectly still, her eyes turned on the family of ducks circling around on the surface of the dark water, listening to the splashes of water rushing down the dappled stones of the river's bed. 21. "Money shared makes love grow stronger, money given kills it dead," Celeste held it firm.


Ex. 586. Complete the sentences with the expressions from the list below.

1. I'm starving! The only thing I... in at the moment is food. 2. The students... in many extracurricular activities. 3. Adam... to his childhood sweetheart. 4. The committee... to the new tax plan. 5. My earrings... of gold. 6. — Where is my purse? — It...! — Oh no, not again! 7. What's the matter, boys?... you...? 8. The day before Christmas, the stores... with last-minute shoppers. 9. George isn't doing well in school this semester. He... about his grades. 10. My T-shirt... of cotton. 11. Unfortunately I... not -for that job. 12. Richard loves his family very much. He... to them. 13. Water... of hydrogen and oxygen 14. Vietnam... in Southeast Asia. 15. What a hectic life! I.... be crowded, be made, be lost, be worried, be made, be interested, be involved,, be gone, be qualified, be devoted, be composed, be engaged, be opposed, be exhausted, be located


Ex.587. Change the sentences so as to use Participle II

1. The events and the characters which are described in this book are purely fictional. 2. The house, which was built two hundred years ago, stood in a long green valley. 3. He applied for a job. It was advertised in the paper. 4. The bride walked down the aisle. She was accompanied by her father. 5. The millionaire bought a picture. It was painted by Picasso. 6. They were driven from the country by persecution. They had to emigrate. 7. He was disowned by his parents. He was forced to stand on his own feet. 8. They were disappointed with the meal. They complained to the manager. 9. The tourist was arrested for shoplifting. She had to pay a fine. 10. The suspect was arrested by the police. He turned out to be the wrong man. 11. The church was built in the fifteenth century. It's in need of repair. 12. The old painting was found in a dustbin. It turned out to be worth a fortune. 13. You borrowed the books from the library. They're now overdue. 14. Napoleon was born in 1769. He was Emperor of France. 15. The girl went to the party. Her boyfriend accompanied her. 16. His words had the effect which he desired.


Ex,588. Comment on the function of Participle II

1.I slaved all my life to have my sons educated. 2. The king had the conspirators shot. 3. If you leave the door open, you will have your house robbed. 4. He is so slow that he never gets his work done. 5.1 had my foot caught in the door and couldn't get it free. 6. It took four men to have the piano removed to the upper floor. 7. This book will soon get finished. 8. — What's the time? Isn't it time you had your watch repaired? 9. The shop had the labels made for the new collection. 10. She had Gerald cornered and he had to tell her everything. 11. Тhe family has come to the church to have the Easter cake and the eggs hallowed. 12. If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten.


Ex. 589. Read the dialogue and comment on the phrases in bold type

(Helen and Igor are watching TV, but the TV set is not working very well, so the picture on the screen is not very clear.)

Igor: This stupid TV! I just had it fixed a couple of days ago.

Helen: What did you have done to it?

I: I had a new picture tube installed. It cost a lot of money. Not only that, they made me wait for two weeks.

H: Who did you have to fix it? I won't go to them next time my TV breaks.

I: The repair shop around the corner.

H: I bet you went crazy without your TV.

I: Yeah, I did. I guess I'm a TV addict.

H: How can I get you to turn this thing off? There's nothing but garbage on TV now anyway. Let's go out.

I: You're right. Look at that commercial. Stupid commercials like that one make me want to throw this set out of the window.

H: That commercial may be stupid, but it's very persuasive. Even simple-minded commercials get people to buy things that they don't really need.

I: Yeah, there are too many ads on TV. I think the government should make the networks reduce the number of commercials.

H: And here's another problem. Most parents let their kids watch too much TV. When I was a kid, my parents only let me watch one programme a night. They made me turn it off after an hour.

I: I know watching TV is really a waste of time. I should have the garbage collectors come and take this TV away.

H:Oh, come on, Igor. You'll never give up watching TV.

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