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Особенности перевода сложных форм герундия

1) Герундий в простых формах (Ving, being V3) обозначает действие, происходящее одновременно с действием сказуемого предложения:

He left the room without saying a word. Он вышел из комнаты, не сказав ни слова.

She has not even dreamt of being sent to Paris. Она даже и не мечтала, что ее отправят в Париж.

2) Герундий в перфектных формах (having V3, having been V3) обозначает действие, предшествующее действию сказуемого.

Victor is proud of having won the prize. Виктор гордится тем, что получил приз.

She denies having been blackmailed. Она отрицает, что ее шантажировали.

3) Герундий в активных формах (Ving, having V3) обозначает действие, субъектом которого является то же лицо, что и подлежащее предложения:

He left the room without saying a word. Он вышел из комнаты, не сказав ни слова. (Кто вышел? Он. Кто не сказал ни слова? Он.)

Victor is proud of having won the prize. Виктор гордится тем, что получил приз. (Кто гордится? Виктор. Кто получил приз? Виктор)

4) Герундий в пассивных формах (being V3, having been V3) обозначает действие, объектом которого является подлежащее


She has not even dreamt of being sent to Paris. Она даже и не мечтала, что ее отправят в Париж. (Кто не мечтал? Она. Кто отправил? Неизвестно = Не она. Кого отправили? Ее.)

She denies having been blackmailed. Она отрицает, что ее шантажировали. (Кто отрицает? Она. Кто шантажировал? Неизвестно = Не она. Кого шантажировали? Ее.)

Сложные формы герундия используются только в письменной речи и переводятся придаточными предложениями.

После глаголов want – хотеть, need – нуждаться, require – требовать, deserve, be worth – заслуживать, используется герундий в активной форме, несмотря на пассивность значения.

Your car needs repairing. Ваша машина нуждается в ремонте.

The exhibition is worth seeing. Выставка заслуживает того, чтобы ее посмотреть.


Part A

Task A1. Translate the sentences with the gerund as a subject.

1. Packing goods for export is a highly specialized job.

2. Interrupting people is not polite.

3. Gardening is becoming more popular.

4. Reading science fiction is a fascinating pastime.

5. Walking develops leg muscles.


Task A2. Translate the sentences with the gerund as a part of the predicate.

1. His greatest pleasure was traveling.

2. Mr. Taylor’s suggestion is worth discussing.

3. The chairman kept on speaking though nobody was listening to him any longer.

4. Seeing is believing.

5. It has stopped raining, and we can go.

Task A3. Translate the sentences with the gerund as an object.

1. I am very tired of arguing with you.

2. Everybody congratulated Mr. Harter on being elected Vice-President.

3. She denies having spoken to him.

4. He didn’t succeed in taking things easily.

5. I don’t remember hearing the legend before.

6. The child deserves praising.

7. Do you mind my opening the window?

8. Everybody looked forward to her coming back.

9. You may rely on his setting matters right.


Task A4. Translate the sentences with the gerund as an attribute.

1. There are different ways of solving this problem.

2. Young people are excited at the idea of purchasing audio-visual equipment.

3. We have a plan for modernizing the factory.

4. He was in the habit of doing things thoroughly.

5. Don’t miss the opportunity of listening to this concert.

6. A laser is a device for making and concentrating light waves into an intense beam.


Task A5. Translate the sentences with the gerund as an adverbial modifier.

1. It was planned to put the plant into operation 3 years after signing the contract.

2. Before reaching a final decision, the market research group is to collect some information.

3. Without waiting for our answer, he turned and left us.

4. On seeing Sofia, he stopped to talk to her.

5. In spite of being busy, he did all he could to help you.

6. He left without saying good-bye.

7. He gave a few examples instead of explaining the rule.

Task A6. Define the function of the gerund and translate into Russian.

1. We won’t achieve anything by arguing.

2. Miss Parker dreams of being an actress.

3. Mrs. Hilton dreams of her husband becoming a lawyer.

4. Emily got used to speaking before a big audience.

5. We gave up all hope of seeing him again.

6. The ceremony of changing the guard at Buckingham Palace attracts a lot of tourists.

7. Instead of buying a house, he went on a sightseeing tour abroad.

8. We understood his desire of making a success of his undertaking.

9. Walking fast doesn’t burn quite as many calories as running slowly.

10. Such people are not worth speaking about.

11. At hearing his name, he turned round.


Task A7. Translate into Russian.

1. Measuring resistance is necessary in many experiments.

2. Go on demonstrating your slides.

3. In solving problems it is necessary to distinguish between fact and hypothesis.

4. The droplets are capable of being photographed.

5. Falling is a case of motion at constant acceleration.

6. Avoid mixing these two substances.

7. Heating copper wire from 0 to 100° increases its resistance about 40 %.

8. Metals cannot be dissolved without being changed into new substances.

9. It’s no use searching for another approach.

10. Calcium and sodium are alike in being very soft.

11. Upon being heated to a high temperature many metallic compounds are decomposed.

12. Sulphur is hardened by being mixed with copper.


Part B

Task B1. Make sentences according to the model.

Model: insist on … discuss the problem. > You can insist on discussing the problem.

1. stop … watch the experiment.

2. consider … determine the initial conditions of the experiment.

3. go on … test the device.

4. insist on … heat the substance.

5. enjoy … examine the result of the observation.

6. keep on … use a diode in your experiment.

7. avoid … initiate a discharge.

8. finish … count the particles.


Task B2. Complete the sentences according to the model.

Model: What is your idea of... (to solve the problem) > What is your idea of solving the problem?

1. He avoids... (to work with these materials).

2. We intend... (to study the new phenomenon thoroughly).

3. He thinks of... (to develop the theory).

4. He insists on... (to transmit the information by radio).

5. He is interested in... (to discuss such problems).

6. There were several reasons for... (to do that).

7. She has no experience in... (to carry out such experiments).

8. We take every opportunity of... (to go to this scientist’s lectures).

9. His task consists in... (to provide the necessary materials for the experiment).


Task B3. Change the sentences according to the model.

Model: It is not difficult to observe these phenomena in nature. > Observing these phenomena in nature is not difficult.

1. It is necessary to study the problem thoroughly.

2. It is necessary to confirm these predictions.

3. It is necessary lo distinguish between these two processes.

4. It is easy to demonstrate the truth of this hypothesis.

5. It is sometimes impossible to obtain direct evidence for a theory.

6. It is important to consider the average density of this substance.

7. It is possible to observe the phenomenon in the laboratory.


Task B4. Complete each sentence with gerunds formed from the following verbs.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 655. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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