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Gerundial Predicative Constructions

10.1. The Gerund can form predicative constructions, i.e. constructions in which the gerund is in predicate relation to the nominal element expressed by a noun or a pronoun. The noun/pronoun is the “subject” or “object” of the gerund, different from that of the finite verb.

Compare: I remember mentioning the fact. (= I remember that I mentioned the fact)

I remember your mentioning the fact. (= I remember that you mentioned it)

10.2. The nominal element of the Construction can be expressed in different ways.

a) If it denotes a living being it may be expressed by a noun in the Common case, a noun in the Genetive case, a possessive pronoun, or a personal pronoun in the Objective case.

We rely on our neighbours watering the plants while we are away.

I’m fed up with Sarah’s/Sarah laughing at my accent.

Do you mind me/my sitting here?

The possessive is more formal and less usual in everyday speech. But the possessive is more likely to be used at the beginning of a sentence.

Richard’s coming back is wonderful news.

When the nominal element consists of two nouns or a noun modified by an attribute in post position, only the Common case is used.

I’m looking forward to Mary and Emely staying with us.

Who has ever heard of a man of sense rejecting such an offer?

b) If the nominal element denotes a lifeless object, it is expressed by a noun in the Common case or a possessive pronoun.

I said something of my watch being slow.

The nominal element can be expressed by a pronoun that has no case distinctions.

I insist on both of you coming together.

10.3. Predicative constructions with the gerund are used in a sentence in different syntactic functions.


Your keeping a copy of the letters is a good idea.

It’s no use his/him apologizing – I’ll never forgive him.


I’m all for his representing our firm at the conference.

Direct Complex Object

Do you mind my smoking?

Prepositional Complex Object

Sam was pleased about his son winning a prize.


I hate the idea of strangers looking after my baby.

Adverbial Modifier

The picture was hung upside down without anyone noticing it.

Despite your remembering me, I forgot.

The Gerund and the Verbal Noun

Like the Gerund, the verbal noun has the suffix –ing.

The main points of difference between them are as follows.

a) The gerund is a verbal, thus The verbal noun may be used

it is not used with an article. with an article or a demonstrative

Driving makes her tired. pronoun.

(= driving in general) Nancy likes her job, but the driving makes her tired.

This arguing gets on my nerves.

b) The gerund has no plural The verbal noun may be used in

form. the plural.

Building is a skilled job. The hostages suffered several


The square was surrounded by

tall buildings.

c) The gerund can take a direct The verbal noun cannot take a

object. direct object; it can be modified

Crossing the road here is by an of-phrase.

dangerous. I was disturbed by the ringing of

the phone.

d) The gerund may be modified The verbal noun may be modified

by an adverb. by an adjective.

I look forward to seeing you soon. My boss was fined for dangerous driving.

The Infinitive and the Gerund

The Infinitive and the Gerund mostly have similar functions in the sentence, as shown in the table below, but the patterns of their uses do not always coincide.



Inf. + is + A (N) was necessary impossible a mistake Ger. + V
It is + A(N) + Inf. nice easy interesting It is + A + Ger. useless no use no good worth while


My wish + is + Inf./Ger. His duty The main thing …



to feel like + Ger. to be for/against

Part of a predicative

smb. is + nice + Inf. smth. hard pleasant


Part of a Compound Verbal Predicate

to begin, start + Inf. to continue to cease to begin, start + Ger. to continue to cease to keep to stop to go on to burst out
to intend + Inf. can’t help but + bare Inf. to intend + Ger. can’t help

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