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Direct Object

to be glad + Inf. angry pleased to be worth + Ger.
to hate + Inf. like remember want to hate + Ger. like remember want, need
Infinitive only: to offer + Inf. promise decide pretend Gerund only: to suggest + Ger. avoid stand mind

Prepositional Object

to think of + Ger. to object to to be clever at + Ger. to be grateful for


the first / last + Inf. somebody, no one, man, place, time intention of + Ger. Plan, idea, habit mistake
thing: book, etc. + Inf. There is no (little) + sense in + Ger. Smb. sees no harm point

Adverbial Modifier

Result (too) + A + (enough) + Inf.  
Comparison as if + Inf.  
Purpose in order + Inf. so as for + Ger.
Att. Circ. Do + Inf. without + Ger.
Time   at, on, after, before, in + Ger.
Manner   by, in + Ger.
Condition   without + Ger.
Cause Inf. + … for, for fear of + Ger.
Concession   in spite of, despite + Ger.


In pre-position, the gerund is much more usual than the infinitive.

Choosing the colour won’t be easy.

To choose the colour … is possible but rather formal.

The infinitive is more usual in sentences with the introductory it.

It won’t be easy to choose the right colour.

The gerund can also be used in this pattern (mostly after no good, no use, useless, worth).

It won’t be easy choosing the right colour.

It wasn’t worth talking to him about it.

Only the gerund is used after there is no.

There was no guessing his intentions.


In this function, the infinitive is more common than the gerund and is used mostly after the link verb to be, while the gerund may be used after other link verbs, such as mean.

The job of a reporter is to expose and to record.

All one could do was try to make the future less hard.

The important part is helping people live normal lives.

That would mean telling him everything.

Only the gerund is used after the prepositions like, for, against.

I didn’t feel like explaining anything.


Part of a predicative

This function is performed only by the Infinitive.

His thoughts were not easy to read.

The apples were good to eat.

Part of a Compound Verbal Predicate

The use of the infinitive and the gerund is lexically dependent in this function – they are used after quite definite verbs.

As part of a compound verbal modal predicate only the infinitive is used:

a) after the verbs seem, appear, turn out, prove (see 6.2.)

The letter seems to have been mislaid.

b) after the modal verbs can, must, may, should, ought, dare, will, shall.

You really should have asked for his advice.

They must be having a party next door.

After need an infinitive is usually used.

We need to leave at eight.

A gerund after need has a passive meaning.

The typewriter needs cleaning.

The verb to intend is followed by an infinitive or a gerund with no difference in meaning.

We intend to take/taking an immediate action.

To be going to is followed only by the infinitive.

Can’t help may be followed by a gerund or but + a bare infinitive.

John couldn’t help but laugh / help laughing.

Can’t stand is followed by a gerund.

I can’t stand sitting around doing nothing.

A part of a compound aspect predicate

Begin, start, continue, cease can be followed by an infinitive or a gerund; there is no important difference.

She began playing/ to play the guitar when she was six.

After continuous forms, an infinitive is preferred.

I’m beginning to learn karate.

An infinitive is also preferred with stative verbs like understand, know, realize.

I slowly began to understand how she left.

After the verbs keep, burst out, give up, quit, finish only a gerund can be used.

She’s given up smoking.

He’s finished mending the car.

Stop is followed by a gerund if it is a compound aspect predicate. An infinitive after stop is an adverbial modifier of purpose.

I stopped running.

I stopped to rest. (= in order to rest)

Go on + Gerund means “continue”.

She went on talking about her illness until we all fell asleep.

Go on + Infinitive refers to a change of activity.

She stopped talking about her illness and went on to tell us about her divorce.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 847. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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