Студопедия — Ex. 22. Change the construction of the following sentences so as to use complexes with a gerund or half-gerund.
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Ex. 22. Change the construction of the following sentences so as to use complexes with a gerund or half-gerund.

1. Don't forget to remind them that they have to come a bit earlier. 2. That he had been away for so many years made feel quite a stranger in that big city. 3. I couldn't bear the idea that anybody should interfere with what I thought to be my per­sonal affair. 4. We were all surprised that the project had not yet been put into practice. 5. The writer confessed that he had never dreamt his book would be so successful with the general reader. 6. Will you have anything against it if Alec brings a friend of his to the party? 7. Did he say anything of the kind? 1 don't remember. 8. Mother will be terribly disappointed if Harry doesn't get the job. 9. It suddenly occurred to Rita that she must be going; her parents might be worried if she stayed out later than usual. 10. My whole future depended on whether I should not lose possession of myself at that moment. 11. His friends considered him very practi­cal though he was so young.


Ex.23. Construct complexes with a gerund or a half-gerund out of the elements given in brackets. Insert prepositions where neces­sary.

1. We were surprised... (he, to take) the whole affair into his own hands. 2. There is a committee meeting there tomorrow. I count... (Mr. Dunne, to come).... (he, to be) there will carry more weight. 3. If it were not... (Rivera, to render) financial aid to the Junta, it might have failed to organize the uprising. 4. Emily was confused... (we all, to observe) her, and hung down her head. 5. Ratterer's idea... (Clyde, to go) to his uncle Samuel not onry pleased but also annoyed him. 6. It is not worth while... (you, to worry). 7. I understand perfectly... (the girl, not to want) to leave. 8. I heard... (the committee, to turn down) the proposal. 9. The functioning of the mechanism depends... (it, to handle) properly. 10. I won't stand... (anybody, to talk) to Mother like that. 11. David was in constant fear... (his step­father, to punish) him tor something. 12. You must forgive... (the boy, to be so curious). 13. She won't believe... (I to interest) you in the matter.


Ex. 24.Insert a pronoun where necessary.

1. I am against … being sent there alone. He is not experi­enced enough. 2. His strong capable hands showed no signs of ... being used for hard manual work. 3. She forgot... promis­ing to call and kept them waiting. 4. She forgot... promising to call and didn't wait for them. 5. He thought of how he could plain to his famfly... being delayed so long. 6. He was proud of her and her fame and proud of... being seen with her. 7. They blamed him for... missing such an opportunity. 8. 1 don't remember... mentioning that they had moved to another flat. 9. He never spoke of... being reprimanded for it. 10. Excuse... calling you at their hour. 11. Excuse me for... calling you at this hour. 12. I object to... interfering in the conflict. 13. I object to... interfering in my work. 14. We could not prevent... happening. 15. Nothing could prevent them from... gossiping. 16. They were very keen on... winning the bet.


Ex. 25.Translate what is given in brackets using a complex with gerund or a half-gerund where necessary.

1. I don't remember a) (чтобы он сказал); b) (чтобы я сказал) anything of the kind. 2. She suggested а) (связаться с ним); (чтобы мы связались с ними). 3. What annoyed us most was а) (то, что им отказали в визах); б) (то, что нам отказали в визах). 4. I count on а) (что скоро вас увижу); b) (что мы скоро с вами встретимся). 5. (То, что егo назначили) to a post of such importance a) was received with satisfaction; b) encouraged him. 6. She brought her apologies for а) (что причинила им так много беспокойства); b) (что ее ребенок причинил им так много бес­покойства). 7. Не was conscious of а) (что его ввели в заблуж­дение); b) (что он ввел их в заблуждение); с) (что эти слова ввели их в заблуждение); d) (что они ввели его в заблуждение), 8. The new assistant is unable to prepare everything for the experiment а) (если его не проинструктируют); b) (если вы его не проинструктируете). 9. а) (Несмотря на то, что им было очень холодно), b) (Несмотря на то, что было очень холодно), they would not stop their observations. 10. We are greatly thankful to them for а) (что нам была предоставлена); b) (что мы имели); с) (что они предоставили нам) such ample opportunity. 11. They could not forgive me а) (что потеряли из-за меня столько вре­мени); b) (что я зря потерял столько времени).


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