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V. Verbs Used to describe the Process of Music Making

1. to play the piano – играть на пианино

2. to play by notes(by ear) – играть по нотам(на слух)

3. to perform - исполнять

4. to sing to the accompaniment of the guitar – петь под аккомпанемент гитары

5. to sing out of tune – петь фальшиво

6. off-key - фальшивый (о звуке)

7. to accompany smb. at the piano – аккомпанировать кому-либо на пианино

8. to have an ear for music – иметь музыкальный слух

9. to put a poem to music – положить стихотворение на музыку

10. to transcribe a folk song for the piano – переложить народную песню для фортепиано

11. to interpret - интерпретировать, трактовать

12. to tune – настраивать; звучать; петь, напевать

13. to set the tempo – задать темп

14. to rehearse [rɪ'hɜːs] – репетировать

15. to appreciate - оценивать; понимать; воспринимать

16. to be a success – иметь успех


VI. A melody can be:

1. tuneful - мелодичный

2. animated - оживленный

3. fluent - плавный

4. melodious [mə'ləudɪəs] - мелодичный

5. march-like - маршевый

6. repetitive [rɪ'petətɪv] - без конца повторяющийся

7. jazzy ['ʤæzɪ] – живой, энергичный

8. highly embellished - украшенный

9. fast-быстрый

10. vibrant ['vaɪbrənt] – вибрирующий, трепещущий

11. forceful - сильный

12. nervous - нервный

13. energetic - энергичный

14. quiet ['kwaɪət] – спокойный, тихий

15. gently, still – тихо, мягко

16. brisk – живой, оживленный

17. fiery – огненный, пламенный

18. bleak– мрачный, холодный,унылый

19. detached–отчужденный, отрешенный

20. discordant [dɪ'skɔːd(ə)nt] - диссонирующий

21. eloquent ['eləkwənt] – выразительный, проникновенный

22. flowing - струящийся

23. glowing - сверкающий

24. harsh [hɑːʃ] - грубый

25. hilarious [hɪ'lɛərɪəs] – шумный, веселый

26. ominous ['ɔmɪnəs] – зловещий, грозный

27. plaintive ['pleɪntɪv] - горестный

28. reedy - пронзительный

29. wistful - тоскливый

30. vivacious [vɪ'veɪʃəs] - живой



If we were asked to explain the purpose of music, our immediate reply might be “ to give pleasure ”. That would not be far from the truth. But there are other considerations. We would need to define such terms as pleasure, enjoinment, tolerance, and understanding, for all these are bound up in our search for the true meaning of music.

We might also define music as” expression in sound ” or “the expression of thought and feeling in an aesthetic form ”, and still not arrive at an understanding of its true purpose. We know that it has the powerto awaken in us sensations and emotions of a spiritual kind.

This leads us to the question – how necessary is music? Can we get along without it? The answer is “yes”, we can get along without it. We can lead healthy, pleasant lives in a physical sense, have comfortable homes, and lack nothing in worldly comfort without ever listening to a note of music. But what a pity to ignore this infinite enjoyment. Then, what can music do for us? It can do many things, and have many desirable results. It can stimulate or soothe the mind, help towards a wider education, or, at least, a wider mental perspective. It can gently plough the mind so that it will be more receptive to the seeds of learning; it can find a response in disciplined physical action. Music can comfort the lonely and the sick, awake pleasant memories in the old, delight the young, and lull a child to sleep. The German reformer, Martin Luther, who was an accomplished musician, placed great value on music and emphasized its importance in education and living. “Music drives away the devil and makes people happy ”, he wrote.

In ancient Greece much importance was placed on the curative properties of music, also its effect on human behaviour. Plato in his “Republic” stresses the value of music in the building of character: “The beginning of the greatest importance, especially when we have to do with a young and tender creature. What the child hears when it is young generally becomes fixed fast and indelibly in his mind.”

In ancient times in Africa, North America, Australia musicians were expected to accompany the doctor on his visit to the sick. Today many psychiatric hospitals include in their staff therapists who hold positive proof of the efficacy of music. Music therapy is a great deal more than playing records or the piano to patients in hospital; it depends on an exact knowledge of the musical elements – rhythm, melody, harmony, tone-colour dynamics and their effectson patients of all kinds. To the music therapist to prescribe the wrong music where balanced emotions are involved could be as dangerous as the prescribing of wrong medicine. In the Renaissance era music was often interwoven with science, philosophy and literature.

The way is open for all of us to find pleasure and satisfaction in music. To achieve a great degree of enjoinment we need to know something about the structure of music. But it must be remembered that music belongs to everyone. Whether we realize it or not, music is an essential part of good living, and its power and beauty lie within reach of everyone. But we must learn to listen, learn how to listen.



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