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Полученная информация была ценной


a) The obtaining information was valuable.

b) The information obtained was valuable.

c) The information being obtained was valuable.

5. Количество денег в экономике - это основа, определяющая состояние этой



a) The quantity of money in the economy is the base determining the state of this economy.

b) The quantity of money in the economy is the base being determined the state of this economy.

c) The quantity of money in the economy is the base determined the state of this economy


6.Главные проблемы экономики - это дефицит и ограниченные ресурсы.

a)The main problems of economics are scarcity and limiting resources.

b) The main problems of economics are scarcity and limited resources.

12. Translate the sentences into Russian:


I. The temperatures being kept below 100°C, a heat storage tank can be constructed much cheaper.

2. Knowing that the state of a substance depends on the pressure applied, one can change a substance into the states desired varying the pressure.

3. When properly hardened steel becomes hard and strong.

4. The energy lost by the hot water is equal to the energy transferred to the cold water.

5. All metals are good conductors, silver being the best.

6. The properties described required further investigations.

7. While repairing the machine the operator found two broken parts.

8. Solid bodies offering resistance to a change in form or size exhibit the property of recovery.

9. Having established relations of independence among physical facts, modem physics tries to interpret these relations.

10. When acted upon by an external force a body will change its state of rest to a state of motion.

11. With the distorting force removed, elastic bodies exhibit the property of recovering to their original state.

12. Newton's laws of motion referred to are to be modified when speed approaches the speed of light.

13. Having become saturated the vapour may condense in the air.

14. We watched mercury expanding.

15. The fall of temperature of the hotter body was shown by experiments being equal to the rise of temperature in the other.

16. Having been seen in action the device was greatly modified.

17. 17. Heat was considered as being an invisible weightless substance that could be transferred from one body to another.

18. Many questions were discussed at the conference, great attention being paid to the new types of lasers.

19..The technique involved increased the output considerably.

20. The results much spoken about at the conference were obtained in numerous experiments.

21. Personal computers being used for many purposes, scientists go on to improve their quality.

22. The equipment having been received, we could install it in the laboratory.

23..Situated in the suburbs the office was not easy to find.

24..Having changed the trend of activities she decided to write a book.

25. Being invited to the meeting he didn't come.

26. Having been thoroughly discussed the project was adopted.


13.Explain the difference in translation of GERUNDS and PARTICIPLES:

А. 1. Changing the resistance of the circuit, one may control current flow.

2. Changing the resistance of a circuit is one of the methods of control­ling the flow of current in the circuit.

3. The electric current passing through a wire heats that wire.

4. The electric current passing through a wire, the heat developed will depend upon the amount of current.

5. Adding heat to a boiling liquid we make it change its state without changing its temperature.

6. By adding heat to a boiling liquid we make it change its state without changing its temperature.

В. 1. A liquid being heated to the boiling point, its temperature can be raised no higher.

2. The process of transmitting energy from one body to another without doing work is called heat exchange.

3. Mechanical energy is a specific physical quantity characterizing the capacity of bodies for doing useful work.

4. They knew about our having done this work.

5. The characteristic feature of the analytic geometry is applying algebra in the study of geometry.

6. On being heated, magnetized steel will lose its magnetism because heating makes the molecules move around rapidly and expands the metal.

14.Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the GERUND:

1. We know of the current strength depending on the resistance of the circuit.

2. After their having been compressed gases will return to the original vol­ume.

3. Plasma differs greatly from ordinary gases because of its being com­posed of charged particles.

4. They objected to your results being published before all the experiments were completed.

5. Their having obtained good results at such a temperature caused a great surprise.

6. We know of work and energy being closely related.

7.Mankind is interested in atomic energy being used for peaceful pur­poses.

8. The ammeter being used to measure the current flowing in an electric circuit is well known to each engineer.


15.Explain the difference in translation of –ing forms:

1. Studying applied mechanics students acquire considerable knowledge of the fundamentals of mechanics. Studying applied mechanics is nec­essary for future engineers.

2. Adding heat to a substance does not always cause the rise of its tem­perature. Adding heat to a substance one does not always cause the rise of its temperature.

3. Lifting this heavy weight is impossible without necessary appliances. Lifting this heavy weight one performs work.

16.. Find the sentences with the GERUND:

1. Using renewable resources can significantly reduce the amount of air pollution.

2. Using the measuring device he was careless.

3. Seeing is believing.

4. How can you cheat people believing you?

5. The value of his having discovered alternative sources of energy is not completely realized yet.


6. Having been discovered in 1839 the photovoltaic is widely used nowadays.

7. The energy crisis is threatening us today.

8. Carrying out the investigations he came to the disappointing results.

9. I don't mind your reading science magazines in the reading room.

10. The world community knows him being an outstanding specialist in this field.

11. You can't rely on the information without testing it first.

12. The main ecological problems are being discussed by the authorities of any country

17.Translate the sentences paying attention to the GERUND:

1.Plants are useful sources of energy thanks to their storing the sun's radiation in chemical form.

2. Robots are good at doing the same task without asking for a safe working environment


3. People keep finding alternative sources of energy.

4. Maintaining good natural balance is our primary concern.

5. The possibility of participating in the work of the international conference terrified him.

6. They are for discussing this problem as soon as possible.



18. Find the sentences containing PARTICIPLE 1:



1. You shouldn't forget that there are plenty of problems remaining still unsolved.

2. I don't doubt his workin g in the field of electronics.

3. The researchers working in this field deal with the problem of conductivity.

4. Working there he is certain lo deal with such materials.

5. Their having failed in developing this problem is quite understandable.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 393. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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