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История. Tolik: Each nations has its own customs and traditions

Tolik: Each nations has its own customs and traditions. They are really so important for every man, woman and child. There’s a well-known proverb: “When you in Rome, do as Romans do”.

Dima: It’s true. Now the girls tell us about customs and traditions of their native lands.

Tolik: So let’s start from England:

(Показ відео ролика про Англію).

England is mainly lowland, except for six major hill regions. One of them is Pennines. It’s called the “backbone of England” and divides the north west of England from the north east. The East Midlands and East Anglia are notably flat and feature less. London is the capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It’s a city where ancient and modern live side by side and it’s a great place to visit. In Cornwall, in far south west, there is a reviving sense of Celtic identity. In the north of England, in the words of one members of Parliament, people are “warm, friendly and quick-tempered”. Communities in the north often have a strong sense of loyalty and identity.

Tolik: Meet Miss England!

(Другий вихід і розповідь учасниці про символи Англії).

Miss England. The symbol of England is red rose, and English people are crazy about gardening. The English are also famous for their love of animals. A lot of families have pets. English football is famous, of course, but there is another national sport, cricket. English people like to talk about the weather.

Tolik: Do you know how make a blonde laugh on Saturday?

Dima: Well?

Tolik: Tell her a joke on Wednesday.

(Усі сміються)

Dima: Now we’ll move into Scotland.

(Показ відео ролика про Шотландію)

In Scotland the greater part of the population is concentrated in the more lowland areas between Glasgow and Edinburg. Edinburg is the capital of Scotland and one of Europe’s finest cities that has hardly changed for centuries. Coming north, out of Edinburg, you cross the Forth bridge. The bridge is so long that it takes over 4 years to paint. On the edge of large nature reserve is Aviemore, the most important winter sports resort in Britain. Not far from Aviemore, there is very deep lake which has an air of mystery. Its name’s Loch Ness. Below its surface lurks a monster is called, is shy and refuses to play. 250 km south of Loch Ness is Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland, and its main industrial center. Glasgow has all the amenities of a bustling city, but it also has a strong tradition in the arts, in learning and architecture.

Dima: And here is our Miss Scotland.

(Другий вихід і розповідь учасниці про символи Шотландію).

Miss Scotland. Scotland is very famous for its beautiful scenery and the lakes called locks. An important symbol of Scotland is special kind of material called tartan. Another Scottish symbol is the thistle. People in Scotland play very unusual musical instrument called bagpipes.


Tolik: Next we are going to Wales.

(Показ відео ролика про Уельс)

Welcome to Wales. North West to Wales there’s a land where everyone speaks English and some also speak the much older language of Welsh. It’s a land of beautiful mountain scenery and music. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. With the population of 300,000, Cardiff is the Wales’ largest city. In about 75 A. D. Roman soldiers built a fort on the place that is now Cardiff. An intriguing place is Port-Meirion. It’s a complete Italian hill-town, built by an eccentric Welshman who had a passion for Italian architecture. In land from Port-Merion is Snowdonia. As well as mountain climbing Snowdonia is excellent for canoeing and walking.

Tolik: And now here is our third contestant miss Wales.

(Другий вихід і розповідь учасниці про символи Уельса).

Miss Wales. A red dragon is probably the oldest symbol of Wales is vegetable called the leek. People wear them on their coats on St. David’s Day, the Welsh national holiday, although some people wear another symbol of Wales – the daffodil. Welsh people are famous for singing and musical festivals.

Tolik: Now we’ll move on the Northern Ireland.

(Показ відеоролика про Північну Ірландію)
From Scotland it’s only two and half hours by ferry, or less than an hour by plane, to Northern Ireland. The area of Northern Ireland is small, you can get anywhere in less than two and half hours. The two main cities are Belfast, the capital, and Londonderry. You will probably think of the Northern Irish as an unfortunate people, divided by race, religion and history. But you will pleasantly surprise at how warm and friendly they are. Belfast has many fine buildings and all the amenities of a big city. Londonderry, or Derry as it’s also called, is a fine, old city, full of history. Bells castle is typical of the lovely bustling market towns. But perhaps the greatest appeal of Northern Ireland is its scenery. Its lakes, hills and landscapes offer peace and quiet despite its troubles.

Tolik: So, finally our last beauty is Miss Northern Ireland.

(Другий вихід і розповідь учасниці про символи Північної Ірландії).

Miss Northern Ireland:The most famous symbol of Ireland is shamrock. In Ireland you may see different shades and tones of green. Green is one of the symbols of Ireland and everybody wears green on St. Patrick’s Day, the Irish national holiday. The Irish are famous for their playing, singing and dancing.

Dima: While the jury is solving the results. Meet our guest Anastasia with her song “ Lift outside alone”.

Tolik: And now, girls, our next competition about English proverbs. Tell us the English equivalents to the Ukrainian proverbs.

1. Вік живи – вік навчайся. Live and learn.

2. Краще гарно поступати, ніж гарно говорити. The least said, the soonest mended.

3. Гарний початок – половина діла. Well begun is half done.

4. Більше діла – менше слів. Better to do well than to say well

5. Загублений час ніколи не повернеш. Lost time is never found again.

6. Народитися в сорочці. To be silver spoon in one's mouth.

7. Яке дерево, такий плід. As the trees on the fruit.

8. Як дві краплі води. As like as two peas.

9. Час – це гроші. Time is money.

10. Як постелиш, так поспиш. As the tree falls, so shall it lie.

Dima: Have you a hobby, Tolik?

Tolik:No, I haven't. But our girls have many hobbies and ready to show us.

Tolik: Thank you our girls. They are pretty and fantastic. Well our girls preparing next competition.

Dima: Literature reflects the life of people who created it. Poets do not only explain their thoughts on the paper, they express their deepest sorrows or happiness. Our next competition is reciting poems.
The girls were given the task to recite their favorite poems.
The jury, summarize, please.

Tolik: So, our last competition is appearance in the evening dress.

Dima: While jury is solving who is today winner. Welcome our special guest Nelly Furtado.

Tolik: Well we've come to the end our show and now jury has to sum up who will be crowned and get the title of Great Britain.

(Журі оголошує переможницю. Всі аплодують. Звучать фанфари).

Jury: The Title of Miss Great Britain is awarded to………..

Winne:. I cannot believe that I've won the title of Miss Great Britain. I am great impressed. Thank you. Thank you to my parents, my friends and everyone who supported me.


Первый в мире магазин беспошлинной торговли был открыт Бренданом О'Реганом в аэропорту Шаннона в Ирландии в 1947 году и работает до сих пор. Созданный для обслуживания пассажиров, путешествующих между Европой и Северной Америкой, самолеты которых останавливались для дозаправки, он немедленно добился успеха и был скопирован по всему миру.

Сотрудники аэропорта Шеннон заметили, что пассажиры трансатлантических рейсов, делавших здесь транзитную посадку на пути из Европы в США, формально не въезжают в Ирландию, но проводят достаточно времени в местном аэропорте. При этом зал ожидания юридически представляет собой "нейтральную территорию", не принадлежащую ни одному из государств. Ирландское министерство финансов дало добро на открытие небольшого магазинчика за линией паспортного контроля. Цены на виски и сигареты (а это был основной ассортимент) в нем были ниже обычных ровно на ту сумму, которую все остальные торговцы острова отдавали в казну. Назвали новый способ торговли просто - duty-free. To есть "свободным от пошлин". Вводя систему duty-free, ирландцы впервые экономически стимулировали путешественника, пересекающего границу, совершать покупки на их территории.

Беспошлинная торговля зарождалась, когда два американских предпринимателя, Чарльз Фини и Роберт Миллер, создали то, чем сейчас являются магазины беспошлинной торговли (МБП), 7 ноября 1960 года. МБП начали действовать в Гонконге и распространились в Европу и другие части света по всему миру. Обеспечивая эксклюзивное право на беспошлинную торговлю на Гаваях в ранние 60-е, МБП осуществили прорыв, и компания была сосредоточена на увеличении числа путешественников из Японии. МБП продолжали вводить новшества, пополняясь магазинами вне аэропортов и большими магазинами в центре города Галлерия, и выросли до крупнейшей розничной сети в мире. В 1996 году LVMH Möet Hennessy приобрело часть акций у Ч. Фини и двух других акционеров и сегодня владеет МБП совместно с Р.Миллером.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 490. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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