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Дон Файла. 10 уроков на салфетках


Terms to remember:

needs - потреби

satisfy (v) - задовольняти

survive (v) – виживати, продовжувати існувати

depend on (v) – залежати від

consumption - споживання
business – бізнес, комерційна діяльність, торгове підприємство, фірма, справа

firm - фірма

company - компанія, фірма
profit - прибуток

provide services (v) – надавати послуги

corporation - корпорація

multinational – міжнародна, транснаціональна (корпорація)

set up a business (v) – створювати бізнес

establish a business (v) - створювати бізнес

be in business (v) – займатися торгівлею

ran a business (v) – керувати підприємством

do business (v) – вести бізнес

trade (v) - торгувати

deal with (v) – займатися (чимось); бути клієнтом, купувати (у когось)

go out of business (v) - ліквідувати підприємство

expand a business (v) – розширювати бізнес

specialize (in something) (v) - спеціалізуватися

diversify (v) – різноманітити, варіювати

owner - власник

affect (v) – діяти на


Business Organization

The economic system is made up ofpeople with basic needs that they must satisfy to survive. As most people cannot produce all the goods and services they need, we depend on other persons or businesses tomake them for our consumption.

A business organization is a firm, a company or a business that, makes buys or sells goods, or provides services, to make a profit.

Large companies are referred to as corporations. Many consider the corporation the ideal way to organize business. Large companies operating in many countries are multinationals.

Big business can referto large business organizations or to any business activity that makes a lot of money.

Small companies are referred to as small businesses or small firms.

When we start a business we talk about selling up a business or establishing a business. Once a business has been established we talk about being in business or running a business.

To do business meansto tradeor deal with a company or country. It 's not easy to organize abusiness and to operate it successfully. When a company is not successful, it maygo out of business.

The economic situation, as well as decisions taken by the owners of a company, affects howit grows and changes. You may expand your business, specialize in something, you may also diversify your business.

Exercises in Word Study

Ex.1.Form verbs and adjectives from the following nouns: profit, operation, economy, decision,change, expansion, activity, success,diversity, dependence.

Ex.2. Give the English for: купувати і продавати товари, надавати послуги, отримувати прибуток, заробляти гроші, створювати бізнес, керувати підприємством, торгувати, економічна ситуація, рішення, власник компанії, діяти на, розширювати бізнес, спеціалізуватися з чогось, задовольняти потреби, залежати від, споживання



Ex.3. Match words from list A with words from list B that have a similar meaning.


A depend on; firm; set up a business; go out of business; run a business; expand a business; profit; needs.
B necessities of life; gain; sell out a business; establish a business; enlarge a business; operate a business; company; influence; rely on.



Ex.4. Find suitable opposites to the following words and phrases:

to buy, loss, to close down a business, to set up a business, unsuccessful.


Ex.5.Match the verbs in list A with the nouns in list B.

A Buy make sell provide set up satisfy organize run do diversify affect expand establish
B Business profit goods needs money decision services


Ex.6.The words in the box frequently occur after "business".

B u s i n e s s
Meeting administration letter community partners sense lunch trip plan card school

Find combinations that mean:

1. a small card showing a person's name, position and company name;

2. a visit to clients, suppliers or other business contacts which takes you away from home;

3. a document showing details of how someone aims to run the company, expand, introduce new product lines, and so on;

4. the people who own a business together;

5. the process of running a company;

6. a college or part of university where courses on business subjects are taught;

7. the organizations and people involved in business;

8. a meeting with lunch to talk about work or to entertain clients;

9. the ability to encourage or predict commercial activity;

10. a gathering of people to discuss work topics;

11. a letter about a business transaction, often following a certain form.

Ex.7. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match them with the correct definition from the list below.

Fi business multinational owner diversify profit corporation economic system firm

1. a very large organization that owns companies in more than one country in order to obtain cheap raw materials and make efficient use of a local workforce;

2. the money gained in a business deal, esp. the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent;

3. a person or business that owns something;

4. two or more people in business to make a profit by selling goods or services;

5. commercial activities in general;

6. a large group of companies;

7. to enter new types of businesses;

8. a nation's system for allocating its resources among its citizens.

Ex.8.Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Go out of business, in business, to do business, company, corporation, the consumption, the owner, dealt, trading, set up, expanded, to run, affects, satisfied.

1. It's been a pleasure... with you.

2. My wife is a doctor, but I am....

3. Small shops... very quickly.

4. She... her own company and proved to be

a very good businesswoman.

5. They work for an engineering....

6. When a... becomes bankrupt, its stock is of no value anymore.

7. The company... its sales force from 10 to 20 representatives.

8.... of that car bought it at an auto dealer.

9. Have you ever... with this company before?

10. He has no idea how... a successful business.

11. An increasing number of European firms are... with Japan.

12. Very hot weather... how people feel and act.

13. She... her hunger by eating a steak.

14.... of alcohol in that country is forbidden.

Ex.9. These words are often confused: economic - economical, economics - economy

Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the words above. Make sentences

of you own to show that you understand the difference in their meaning.


1. The government's... policy has created a lot of problems.

2.... is one of the major subjects which future economists study.

3. We are looking for more... production methods.

4. The country is in a state of... crisis.

5. The new heating system proved... to use.

6. The government is attempting to reduce inflation and strengthen the....

7. Industrial production has slowed down in all the world's major....

8. This machine is no longer... to run.

9. The IMF helps the... of the developing world.

10. Investors watch the rate of... growth closely.

11. My friend studies....

Exercises in Comprehension

Ex.1.Answer the following questions:

1. What is the economic system made up of?

2. Why do people depend on businesses?

3. What is a business organization?

4. What are corporations?

5. Where do multinationals operate?

6. What do we call "big business"?

7. What does "to do business" mean?

8. When may a company go out of business?

9. What affects a company development?

10. What can a company do to improve its business?

Ex.2. Sum up what you remember about:

a) corporations and multinationals,

b) big business and small business,

c) doing business.


GRAMMAR The Infinitive (1)

1. The infinitive has the following forms:


Active Voice Indefinite Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive
  to ask to be asking to have asked to have been asking
Passive Voice to be asked   to have been asked  

2. The infinitive can be used as:

♦ the subject It was hard to raise this question.

♦ the predicative The main problem is to get to the office on time.

♦ an object She tried to speak calmly.

♦ an attribute There was nothing to argue about.

♦ an adverbial modifier I have come to see the manager.

3. Some verbs can be followed by object + infinitive.
I'd like you to pay now.

a) verbs followed by an object + infinitive with "to":

advise, allow, ask, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, intend, invite, permit, order, prefer, recommend, remind, tell,

want, persuade, like, warn, wish, would like, encourage

My boss always encouraged me to work as hard as I could.

b) verbs followed by an object + infinitive without "to":

let, make, feel, see, hear, watch, notice, have and sometimes know and help

Let me explain the rule.

Ex.1. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian and state the form and function of the Infinitive.

1. She was the last to solve the problem.

2. To do it accurately was the main problem.

3. This is a prestigious company to work in.

4. It was kind of your boss to have offered it to you.

5. Our plan was to finish this work by the end of the month.

6. I was lucky to have been chosen for this job.

7. This is a very good hotel to stay in.

8. There is a lot of work to be done today.

9. She was the first to be given a rise.

10. It's nice to be working right now.

11. He hopes to be chosen for this position.

12. Our boss doesn't like to be interrupted while he is working.

13. Do you know him well enough to ask him for some money?

14. 14.1 only want to be understood.

15. All the necessary changes may be made any moment.

16.1 hope to find a job in accounting.

17. I'm sorry not to have kept my promise.

18. It was a big mistake for them not to keep him as accountant.


Дон Файла. 10 уроков на салфетках

Азбука успеха. Как построить крупную и успешную многоуровневую организацию (МЛМ)

СН "Успех". Москва 1999

OCR Vladislav Ignatenko

Согласно рейтинга популярности книг у дистрибьюторов эта книга заняла первое место.


Все большее число компаний, работающих по принципу МЛМ, т.е. распространяя свою продукцию через независимых дистрибьюторов, проходят на перспективный рынок России и ближнего зарубежья.

Непрофессионалу сегодня довольно сложно разобраться в тонкостях столь необычного способа продажи товаров и услуг, иногда напоминающем "спекуляцию", и оценить надежность и выгодность условий той или иной компании МЛМ.

Эта книга подробно и популярно описывает коммерческие возможности для тех, кто пробует себя в области МЛМ.

Автор ставит своей целью познакомить читателя не только с самим понятием "МЛМ", но и с основными отличиями МЛМ от других систем распространения товаров и услуг, в том числе и от жульнической "пирамиды".

Пионером МЛМ индустрии считается американская компания "Витамины Калифорнии". В 1959 году в Америке появилась компания "Amway", которая и сегодня является лидером МЛМ индустрии, хотя не занимается непосредственно производством продукции, что довольно непопулярно в большом бизнесе.

На сегодняшний день насчитывается более десятка тысяч компаний МЛМ. История показывает, что фирмы этой области находятся на пике научного и технического развития, т.к. продукция, распространяемая дистрибьюторами, должна быть конкурентной в сравнении с аналогами оптовой и розничной торговли.

Этому способствует и сама теория МЛМ, т.е. компании не нужно содержать огромный штат сотрудников, заниматься организацией розничной торговли, служб сбыта, складов, тратить огромные деньги на суперупаковку и многочисленную рекламу. Все сэкономленные средства пускаются на совершенствование технологических процессов, на новые разработки и мотивацию профессионального роста распространителей.

Компании МЛМ быстрее и раньше других реагируют на новейшие "Ноу-Хау" и используют в своем производстве самые передовые технологии.

Заметен парадокс: при действительно лучшем качестве продукции МЛМ, цена, из-за значительной экономии средств, ниже, чем у конкурентов.

История и статистика свидетельствуют об успехах такой формы распространения товаров и услуг. По некоторым данным к началу XXI века около 60% производителей применят принципы МЛМ для реализации своей продукции.

Будешь ли ты участвовать в этой прогрессивной, новой форме бизнеса или эта возможность пройдет мимо тебя -решай сам.

Эта книга - полезная информация для всех, кто хочет оставаться в курсе событий.

Предложи ее своим близким и друзьям, и, возможно, благодаря этой книге, они смогут реализовать все свои мечты и достичь огромных успехов.

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