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In favour of animal testing is gaining momentum.

Imagine sitting at your computer one morning and finding this: “We are going to kill you, you evil, evil scumbag.” For decades this kind of tactics (1) __________________ (to frustrate and to silence) the vast majority of scientists, universities and research laboratories in the UK when it comes to the thorny issue of animal testing. It also (2) ______________ (to lead) to individuals, shareholders, academic institutions and construction companies pulling out of scientific projects because they are afraid.

Last month a 16-year-old boy decided that he (3) _______________ (to have) enough. Laurie Pycroft, a bright youngster form Swindon, (4) ________________ (to witness) a demonstration by animal rights activists opposed to the construction of a new research laboratory at Oxford University while he (5) ___________________ (to visit) the town. After that he (6) __________________ (to go) home and (7) ___________________ (to decide) to set up a new organization called Pro-Test with the aim of “promoting and supporting scientific research and debate including animal-based research.” His argument is that science that (8) _______________ (to use) limited research on animals can advance human knowledge, particularly in the field of medicine. It is the first time that such an organization (9) __________________ (to create). Within days he (10) ________________ (to inundate) with messages of support from people who (11) _____________ (to share) his frustration.

Considering the particular circumstances of the Oxford dispute, this (12) _________________ (to be) undeniably an act of courage. Construction of the laboratory (13) ________________ (to be) under way since December, after 16 months in which no developer (14) _________________ (to be willing) to work on the project. The previous construction company, Montpellier, (15) ________________ (to pull) out two years ago, after repeated threats to its workers and directors. The names of the companies that (16) _______________ (to take) over (17) ________________ (to keep) a closely guarded secret since they (18) __________________ (to run) the project. Workers at the site enter and leave wearing balaclavas and take precautions that they (19) _____________________ (not to follow) as they go home. Plans for a similar laboratory at Cambridge University, meanwhile, (20) _________________ (to shelve) altogether because of the intimidation.

Pycroft’s campaign (21) __________________ (to attract) immediate attention. Soon a group of students at Oxford University (22) __________ (to read) about it in a newspaper article. These few students are now at the centre of a movement that could have enormous implications for scientific research and safety of those involved in it.

“After hearing what Laurie (23) _________________ (to start), we all felt this (24) _________________ (to be) an issue of such huge importance that we had to keep it going,” says Ian Simpson, 19. “This is about academics feeling under siege, and we are concerned that no one (25) _____________ (to defend) them. For decades, scientists (26) _________ (to vilify) for conducting necessary animal research that (27) ___________ (to lead) to advances that (28) ________________ (to save) millions of lives. Because no one yet (29) ___________________ (to speak) out on their behalf, and because they (30) ________________ (to be) too afraid to defend their work, a culture (31) __________________ (to develop) where people are suspicious of what they (32) _______________ (to do).”

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)


Role play

Role 1. You are Steve Boggan, a reporter making a TV programme about the Pro-Test campaign. Interview the people who are involved in it (see roles 2, 3, 4, 5). Find out as many details as possible about what they have done since the article given above was written.

Role 2. You are Laurie Pycroft. Answer the reporter’s questions.

Your cues: You – to organize several marches in support of the construction of the Oxford laboratory since you – to be the leader of the Pro-Test. You – to receive many threats from the Animal Liberation Front (ALF). They – to send letters to your neighbours saying you are a murderer. Your family – to be given security advice by the police. They – to install a panic alarm. You – not to give up until th e lab – to build.

Role 3. You are a researcher, a victim of intimidation who asks not to be named.

Your cues: You – to carry out a lot of experiments which – to lead to a breakthrough in medicine. You – to receive many threats from the ALF since you – to be engaged in research. They – to threaten violence. You – to receive a phone call threatening to kidnap your daughter. It is the first time you – to receive such a threat. You are going to give up your research before something – to happen to your family.

Role 4. You are Robin Webb, a member of the ALF.

Your cues: You – to do a lot to protect animals’ rights since you – to be with the ALF. Tests on animals – not to be of any use (humans and animals are much too different). The ALF – to make threats and to intimidate, but that – not to be serious. ALF members – also to receive threats from the Pro-Test group.

Role 5. You are Police Inspector Ronald Clark.

Your cues: You – to be concerned about the situation. In the past few weeks, the ALF – to organize marches, to threaten murder, to scare people in the streets, to slash car tyres, to break windows. You might have to take measures before they – to carry out their threats.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 466. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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