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Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets. 1. I knew I _____________ (to flunk) the exams even before I ______________ (to receive) official results.


1. I knew I _____________ (to flunk) the exams even before I ______________ (to receive) official results.

2. The rescue teams were sent to the jungle. The exploreres _____________ (to stop) sending radio signals a few days before and their orders _______________ (to be) to find out what ___________(to happen).

3. It was early morning when they _____________ (to land). As soon as they _______________ (to find) somewhere to leave the helicopter, they _____________ (to start) to explore the surrounding countryside.

4. Tom claimed he ______________ (not to see) Margaret since they _____________ (to be) on holiday together, and refused to answer the detective’s questions until he ______________ (to speak) to his lawyer.

5. After the police _______________ (to complete) the investigation it _______________ (to become) clear that the company manager __________ (to misuse) a lot of funds since he ___________ (to be) in office.

6. The newspapers reported that there ______________ (to be) much unrest in the capital since the election campaign ______________ (to start).

7. Peggy and Alice ______________ (to be) friends since they _____________ (to be) children. Nobody could understand why they _____________ (to fall out). The cause of the quarrel ______________ (to be) such a trifle!

8. The president was sorry his secretary ______________ (to decide) to quit. She always _______________ (to be) invaluable to him, and he just couldn’t do without her. It was clear he wouldn’t let her go until he _____________ (to find) a substitute.

9. After the newspapers ______________ (to report) the incident there ______________ (to be) much unrest in the city.

10. I knew I was late and the reporters were waiting for me but I couldn’t leave before we ________________ (to discuss) every single aspect of the deal.

11. It was the first time Tom and Maggie _________________ (to have) a serious quarrel since they __________________ (to be) married.

12. Martin was aware he __________________ (not to get) a proper job until he ________________ (to master) Microsoft Office programs to perfection.

13. The teacher felt the student __________________ (to steal) his paper from the Internet. However, he couldn’t prove it since he _______________ (not to know) where the text _____________________ (to take) from.

14. Peggy was sitting in front of the TV but she ____________________ (not to watch) it. She ________________ (to be) restless since Bob ___________ (to leave) home that morning. The phone ______________ (to ring) sharply startling her. She knew something bad _______________ (to happen) even before she _________________ (to pick it up).

15. Tom got a failing grade again. It wasn’t the first time he _______________(to catch) cheating since he _____________ (to have) access to the Internet.




Polio Alarm

The battle to eradicate polio from the globe received another serious setback yesterday with the news that the disease __________ (1) (to spread) to Indonesia as well as Yemen, both of which (2) ______________ (to be) polio-free for over 10 years.

The World Health Organization yesterday confirmed that an 18-month-old child (3) _________________ (to paralyze) by polio in a village in west Java, Indonesia. It was the first time that a polio case (4) ______________ (to register) in the country since 1995. Experts said they couldn’t determine how widespread the disease (5) __________________ (to be) until all suspected cases (6) _______________________ (to investigate). Teams of WHO staff flew to Indonesia to help the government limit the outbreak. Four thousand children in villages already (7) ________________ (to immunize).

That news followed revelations that there (8) ______________ (to be) 22 confirmed polio cases in the past fortnight in Yemen, which (9)________________ (to be) free of polio since 1996.

The strain of polio virus in all the cases (10) _______________ (to identify) as the one that (11) ____________________ (to cause) a large outbreak of the disease in Nigeria last year. Immunization against polio (12) ____________________ (to stop) in the Nigerian state of Kano two years ago because of local suspicions and rumours that the vaccine (13) __________________ (to design) to make Muslim children infertile.

After intense negotiations and a supply of vaccine made in an Islamic country – Indonesia – the immunization began again last August. But the virus, which (14) _____________________ (to be) responsible for 814 cases of polio in Niger and Nigeria up to March this year, (15) ______________ (to carry) out of Nigeria into neighbouring countries including Sudan, and now (16) ______________________ (to travel) as far as Indonesia. WHO staff said yesterday they (17) ____________________ (not to know) whether the virus (18) _____________________ (to go) straight from Sudan to Indonesia, or whether it first (19) ___________________ (to convey) to Saudi Arabia, the site of two cases.

David Heymann, the WHO director general’s representative, said it was possible the virus (20) _____________________ (to carry) to west Java during a pilgrimage to a shrine this year. Fortunately, however, Indonesia’s child immunization rate is 90%. Yemen, he said, (21) ________________ (to be) a different story. Immunization coverage (22) ________________ (not to be) high, but a national campaign (23) _______________ (to take) place last month because of the country’s proximity to Sudan. The first four confirmed cases (24) _______________ (to be) in the south-west, on the Red Sea coast. Ten days later it (25) __________________ (to report) that 18 other cases (26) _______________ (to identify) across the country.

The high point of the polio eradication campaign was in 2003, when the disease (27) _______________________ (to disappear) from all but six countries. Since the Kano episode, however, polio (28) _____________________ (to spread) to 12 countries.

(From ‘The Guardian’, abridged)



Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 608. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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