(Situation cards)
2. You approached your bank manager. The bank is ready to give you a loan on the security of your real property, but the interest on the loan is very high. What are you going to do?
| You find the interest staggering and decide to turn to your friend who was initially ready to go into business with you
- See card 3.
You are sure of your success and accept the given terms.
- See card 4.
3.Your friend agreed to go into business with you. Now you must decide where your school is going to be located. You don’t have enough money to buy a building, so the only way is to rent something suitable.
| There is a good building in a rich neighbourhood, but the rent is high.
- See card 5.
There is a building which suits your purpose, but it needs repairs. The rent is moderate, the people in the area are more or less well off, but there are many Turkish immigrants there.
See card 6.
4.You got the loan but you realize that your debt is huge and you must start earning money as soon as possible and make your business cost-effective. You turn to the local teachers’ union for help. Your interests coincide a little. The union needs jobs for unemployed teachers, and you need help to get a license from the local education authorities.
| The teachers’ union agrees to settle the license problem on condition that all the posts in your school will be filled in by their candidates. They will also find a school building and provide the curriculum.
- See card 40.
You find the proposals too demanding and reject them. You’ll have to act on your own.
- See card 41.
6.You did the repairs in the building though the work took more time and money than you had expected. Now you must get a license from the local education authorities. Naturally, they will want to know what kind of school it is going to be. Prepare a short speech for the local education branch, explaining why you find your project reasonable.
| You can start a modern ‘school without tears’ in which children will have complete freedom of choice.
- See card 7.
You can start a school with strict discipline, uniforms, and emphasis on academic attainment.
- See card 8.
5.You rented the building. Now you must get a license from the local education authorities. They want to know what kind of school it is going to be. Prepare a short speech for the local education board explaining why you find your project reasonable.
| You are moving into a rich neighbourhood, so you consider that your school should be exclusive, with modern methods of teaching, up-to-date equipment, complete freedom of the individual.
- See card 9.
You feel that modern innovations are not reasonable. You prefer to go along classical lines in education: strict discipline, uniforms, special emphasis on academic attainment.
- See card 10.
9.The local education authorities were duly impressed with your ideas. You got the license, employed the staff and bought the necessary equipment. Now you must attract the pupils. However, your budget is limited and you must spend the money wisely.
| You decide to advertise in the local press.
- See card 17.
You want to hold a disco for the children.
- See card 19.
You can hold weekend festivities at your school (sport competitions and a pet show). Both children and parents will be invited.
- See card 18.
10. The local education authorities were duly impressed with your ideas. You got the license, employed the staff and bought the necessary equipment. Now you must attract the pupils. However, your budget is limited and you must spend the money wisely.
| You decide to advertise in the local press.
- See card 17.
You want to hold a disco for the children.
- See card 19.
You can hold weekend festivities at your school (sport competitions and a pet show). Both children and parents will be invited.
- See card 18.
17. The local residents didn’t pay any attention to your advertisement at all. No one showed up. You have to reconsider.
| You want to hold a disco for the children.
- See card 19.
You can hold weekend festivities at your school (sport competitions and a pet show). Both children and parents will be invited.
- See card 18.
19. It was a very bad idea. Vary many teenagers showed up and had a great time. But some of them brought liquor and drugs to the disco. A few boys returned home drunk and one girl ended up in intensive care with a drug overdose. The news made headlines.
| You are ruined.
Bad luck!
18.The rich aren’t interested in schools that don’t have ‘A Name’. They are not interested in festivities where they can’t expect to meet Mr or Mrs So-and-so. Two or three families did show up, however, out of curiosity, but they left almost immediately.
You are ruined.
Too Bad!
7. The local education authorities were duly impressed with your ideas. You got the license, employed the staff and bought the necessary equipment. Now you must attract pupils. However, your budget is limited and you must spend the money wisely.
| You decide to advertise in the local press.
- See card 11.
You can hold week-end festivities at your school (sports competitions and a pet show). Both children and parents will be invited. You feel you should also provide free drinks and refreshments.
- See card 12.
You want to hold a free disco for the children.
- See card 13.
11.The local residents didn’t pay much attention to your advertisements. A few children did show up, though, but you can’t start a school with so few pupils. You have to reconsider.
Go to No.7 again.
13.It was a very bad idea. Very many teenagers came and had a great time. But some of them brought liquor and drugs to the disco. A few returned home drunk and one girl ended up in intensive care with a drug overdose. The news spread quite fast and now you are ruined.
However, this is only a game, so you can ‘turn back the clock’ and reconsider.
Go to No.7 again.
12.It was a huge success! Very many people showed up and had a great time. They saw your school and met the staff. You also had an opportunity to tell them about the kind of school you are going to run. There is only one thing that bothers you – the festivities were a very expensive affair, and no you have practically no money left. However, applicants started pouring in.
| You accept everyone who is eager to enroll.
- See card 23.
You put applicants to an aptitude test and admit only those who stand up to it.
- See card 24.
23. You have a lot of pupils. The classes are full and your bank account makes you cry with joy. However, there are problems. The initial preparation of pupils is different. You had to accept many Turkish pupils and they have a language problem. They speak heavy-accented English and hardly understand the explanations of the teachers.
| You think it’s a usual situation in many schools and ignore the problem.
- See card 25.
You offer special training and language courses for pupils with low academic attainment for extra fees.
- See card 26.
25.The situation is getting worse and worse. The Turkish pupils don’t make any progress and those who did well at first are losing any interest in the studies and start playing truant. You can’t ignore the problem any more. You just have to arrange additional training language courses for extra fees.
Go to No.26.
26.The parents took your suggestion with understanding. Now the situation is improving. Nevertheless, you aren’t happy. You are going to have a very bad problem with discipline. When you were starting your school you promised freedom of choice, but the pupils understand ‘freedom’ too literally. They don’t behave well, talk back to the teachers and don’t show proper respect for them. Besides, you couldn’t demand that the pupils should wear uniforms so now there is a real fashion show at your school. Those who can’t afford designer clothes are bullied.
Impose strict discipline rules on the pupils and make them wear uniforms.
- See card 27.
Divert the pupils from this nuisance and make them interested in something unusual. For example, set up a boy/girl scout organization.
- See card28.
28.It was a very good idea. The pupils are quite enthusiastic. Fashion is forgotten. Everybody wants to be a boy-scout. The strict rules of the organization solved the discipline problem and academic attainment has improved accordingly. Your school is becoming increasingly popular.
Good for you!
You have come to the end of this activity.
8.The local education authorities were duly impressed with your ideas. You got the license, employed the staff and bought the necessary equipment. Now you must attract pupils. However, your budget is limited and you must spend the money wisely.
| You decide to advertise in the local press.
- See card 14.
You can hold week-end festivities at your school (sports competition and a pet show). Both children and parents will be invited. You feel you should also provide free drinks and refreshments.
- See card 15.
You want to hold a free disco for the children.
- See card 16.
14.The local residents didn’t pay much attention to your advertisements. A few children did show up, though, but you can’t start a school with so few pupils. You have to reconsider.
Go to No.8 again.
16.It was a very bad idea. Very many teenagers came and had a great time. But some of them brought liquor and drugs to the disco. A few returned home drunk and one girl ended up in intensive care with a drug overdose. The news spread quite fast and now you are ruined.
However, this is only a game, so you can ‘turn back the clock’ and reconsider.
Go to No.8 again.
15.It was a huge success! Very many people showed up and had a great time. They saw your school and met the staff. You also had an opportunity to tell them about the kind of school you are going to run. There is only one thing that bothers you – the festivities were a very expensive affair, and no you have practically no money left. However, applicants started pouring in.
| You accept everyone who is eager to enroll.
- See card 20.
You put applicants to an aptitude test and admit only those who stand up to it.
- See card 24.
20. You have a lot of pupils. The classes are full and your bank account makes you cry with joy. However, there are problems. The initial preparation of pupils is different. You had to accept many Turkish pupils and they have a language problem. They speak heavy-accented English and hardly understand the explanations of the teachers.
| You think it’s a usual situation in many schools and ignore the problem.
- See card 21.
You offer special training and language courses for pupils with low academic attainment for extra fees.
- See card 34.
21.The situation is getting worse and worse. The Turkish pupils don’t make any progress and those who did well at first are losing any interest in the studies and start playing truant. You can’t ignore the problem any more. You just have to arrange additional training language courses for extra fees.
Go to No.34.
27.Both the children and the parents are dissatisfied. It looks as if you were going back on your word. Some pupils dropped out. The most unpleasant thing is that you haven’t solved the problem. The pupils are punished when they misbehave but still they break the rules fairly often. The bullying hasn’t stopped either, only its character has changed. Now the native boys lie in wait for Turkish immigrants outside school grounds.
| You can talk to the parents and ask them to interfere.
- See card 29.
You ignore the problem since all children misbehave sometimes. As for bullying, you think that what is going on outside your school grounds is none of your business.
- See card 30.
29.The parents say that it’s your own problem to keep the children in check, and they pay you for that, too. More and more pupils mostly of Turkish descent drop out. There is something good about it, though. Now your classes are half-full and academic attainment is becoming better. But your financial situation is really grave. If you don’t find a new source of income you won’t be able to pay the rent.
| You raise tuition fees.
- See card 31.
You cut down teacher’s salaries on the grounds that it’s easier for them to work in small groups of children.
- See card 32.
31.The parents find the raise unreasonable and still more pupils drop out. You have to admit that you’ve failed.
Too bad!
32.The best teachers quit, and those who stayed can’t substitute them. You have to admit that you’ve failed.
Too bad!
30. Things were quiet for a little while, but then all hell broke loose. There was a terrible fight between the natives and the immigrants. Many boys were badly injured. The story made headlines.
You have to close down.
Too bad!
24.You held the test, but many applicants, mostly the children of Turkish immigrants, didn’t pass. They have a language problem and speak heavily accented English. If you admit children with only good grades your classes will be half full.
| You admit only well-prepared children.
- See card 33.
You accept the children of Turkish descent who had ‘a low pass’, but on condition they have special language classes for which you’ll charge extras.
- See card 34.
33. You started your school and everybody is happy. Except you! The pupils are making good progress, and the teachers are quite satisfied, especially since it’s easier for them to work in small groups of children. But you can hardly make ends meet as you received half the many you had been counting on. What do you do now?
| Raise the fees.
- See card 35.
Turn to local authorities for help.
- See card 36.
37.Now you have quite a lot of pupils. Money is pouring in, and your business is taking off.
Well done! You have come to the end of this activity.
38. Your café is a success. You make enough profit to give you a comfortable margin. The trouble comes like a bolt out of the blue. In pursuit of money you overlooked the fact that Muslims don’t eat pork. There is something short of a religious riot in the Turkish community.
You are ruined.
Too Bad!
39. You admit more and more Turkish pupils. The local authorities are happy and so are you as you’ve solved your financial problem. However, it happened so that half of your pupils are Turks. Now your school is referred to as a “Turkish school”. The native pupils hate it as other children in the area start picking on them. They drop out.
You are ruined.
Too bad!
35. You laid out the problem before the parents. Though they are quite satisfied with the way things are going on, most of them refuse to pay extra money. They are not that well-off.
| You reconsider and turn to the local authorities for help.
- See card 36.
You open up pre-school education classes.
- See card 37.
34. Some parents understand your problem and agree to your conditions. You start your school, but still you are uncomfortable because you get just enough money to make ends meet. You feel you must look for new sources of income.
| Turn to the local authorities for help.
- See card 36.
You can open a café for the pupils. There are many farms around the city and you can get vegetables and meat, especially pork, dirt cheap.
- See card 38.
36.The local authorities are quite sympathetic. They agree to give you a grant but, naturally, on certain conditions. They feel that Turkish youngsters lack education and can’t get good jobs later. This, in its turn, makes them susceptible to political and religious extremism. So the authorities will give you the money if you admit more Turkish pupils.
You agree.
- See card 39.
You reject the proposal. You feel that you won’t be able to provide good education to the pupils if there is a big difference in aptitude among them. You reconsider and open pre-school education classes.
- See card 37.
40. The teachers’ union kept the promise. They settled your problems quite quickly. They found a school building (the residents are comfortably well-off), provided a curriculum that the local education authorities found quite adequate and recommended the staff. You get the license and can start. Now you must attract the pupils.
| You advertise in the local press.
- See card 42.
First you try to find out as much as possible about the opinion of local residents about the school their children attend.
- See card 43.
41. You apply to the local education authorities for a license. However, the teachers’ union (nursing a grudge against you) pulls strings and counters your every move. You feel you cannot succeed and have to agree to the union’s conditions.
See card 40.
49. It was a bad decision. Neither the good pupils nor the teachers can tolerate the given situation long. The pupils drop out, the best teacher quit. You are ruined.
| You cannot repay the bank loan and now you are a homeless beggar. Too bad!
50.It was a great success. Since your school is held in good repute now, everybody is eager to send their children to you. You start your pre-school training classes immediately. Money is pouring in and your financial situation is solved. Besides, next year you will have well-prepared children in primary school classes, which will bring you still more success.
| You have won!
51.This step didn’t bring you any success. The parents were sympathetic, but since the contributions were voluntary, they didn’t give you much. It was enough to hold out till the end of the school year, though. But later the parents wanted to know what ‘development’ they had paid for. But there was none.
| It ruined both your reputation and your business.
Too bad!
43. You send the teachers you employed to the local residents’ homes to discuss the problem. From the information received you make a conclusion that the people are generally dissatisfied with the way things are at schools. They want their children to have better academic attainment, more sports and stricter discipline. However, this is contrary to what the teachers’ union suggested.
| You disregard the opinion of the union.
- See card 53.
You follow your agreement with the teachers’ union to the letter.
- See card 52.
52.You have to attract pupils and advertise in the local press.
| See card 42.
46.It was a bad mistake. Now the term has come to an end and the grades at your school are still very bad. The parents think that they have wasted their money and many pupils drop out. You have to close down. But the worst thing is that you cannot repay the bank loan and it was given to you on the security of your real property.
| You are not only ruined, you are a homeless beggar! Too Bad!
45.The teachers don’t understand what you mean, or they choose not to understand it because the individual approach in teaching means extra work for the same salary. You have to reconsider and offer private tuition to the pupils.
See card 44.
47.You employed the best teachers you could find though it is a great strain on your budget, but you feel it was the right thing to do because things start looking up immediately. However, the problem isn’t solved. Now those pupils who had private tuition show adequate academic attainment, but those who didn’t just don’t understand what they are being taught reducing each class to the level of failure.
You get rid of the pupils with poor grades.
- See card 48.
You put up with the situation because you need money badly.
- See card 49.
48.Your school is very good now. Your classes are small and academic attainment is great. The parents are happy and local residents say that you “work miracles”. But your financial situation is really grave. It isn’t only that you won’t be able to repay the bank loan, you will hardly hold out till the end of the school year.
Look for new sources of income, for example, offer pre-school training.
- See card 50.
Ask the parents to make voluntary contributions “for school development”.
- See card 51.
42.Your advertising was just a moderate success. You didn’t get many applicants and cannot afford to reject a single pupil even though they are not very well prepared. The school year starts. Your pupils don’t make any progress and you feel they aren’t going to cope with the curriculum.
You offer private tuition for extra fees.
- See card 44.
You try to make teachers work more effectively using individual approach to every pupil.
- See card 45.
44.The parents see your point and accept the offer. Things improve a little, but still your pupils’ grades are very low. You are also apprehensive about the staff. All the teachers the Union recommended had been rejected by other schools. You feel they are not properly qualified.
| You think the situation over and come to the conclusion that you needn’t worry since too little time has passed for the situation to improve considerably.
- See card 46.
You employ better teachers though they demand higher salaries.
- See card 47.
53. You change the curriculum of your school. You include more classes in maths and science. You also invite a football coach to your school and make arrangements with a swimming pool owner so that your prospective pupils could go swimming twice a week, and you outline school rules that will ensure strict discipline.
Now you must attract pupils.
You advertise in the local press.
- See card 54.
You make booklets about your school on your own computer and mail them to the local residents who (according to the information your teachers gave you) might be interested.
- See card 55.
55.You are quite successful. First, you saved a lot of money on advertising and, second, you could give much more information about your project in the booklet than in a newspaper ad. You have so many applicants that you can afford to reject those who do not meet your requirements. The school year starts, but you are not quite satisfied. You feel that the teachers the Union recommended are not properly qualified.
You fire the teachers who are not up to your standard.
- See card 56.
You put off any decisive steps since it’s rather hard to find good teachers during the school year.
- See card 57.
54.You are not quite satisfied though you feel your project is good. There are few applicants and you see that you didn’t give enough information in the newspaper when you were advertising. You return to the idea of a booklet.
See card 55.
| | |
56. Finding the teachers caused you a lot of anxiety. Fortunately, you managed to solve the problem, mostly because you had saved money on advertising and were able to offer salaries which are higher than in other schools. Now you have really good and professional staff. Everything is going on perfectly well and your school now is held in great esteem. It would be absolutely marvelous if it weren’t for the teachers’ union which chooses to go nasty. The teachers who were sacked and the schools from which you enticed the best staff lodged a complaint to the Union. The Union threatens to report to the local authorities that you changed the curriculum after you had been given a license. However, they hint that they will hush it all up if you re-employ the sacked teachers.
You take it as pure blackmail and reply to the teachers’ union accordingly.
- See card 58.
You rush to the local education authorities board and explain to them what you have done and why.
- See card 59.
58. The teachers’ union reports to the local education authorities. They find that you’ve broken the regulations and they are about to recall your license.
| You go to the local education authorities board and explain to them what you have done and why.
- See card 60.
You get a lawyer and go to court.
- See card 61.
59. The local education authorities take the news easy. You shouldn’t have done what you did, naturally, but since your school is in good repute, the authorities have nothing against you.
You have won. Congratulations!
60. Most members of the board realize that what you’ve done is right. However, they want to make you feel that the decisions of the board are not to be taken lightly. They insist on recalling your license.
| You find the measures against you too harsh and go to court.
- See card 61.
You turn to mass media for support.
- See card 62.
62. It was a good move. It’s fashionable to criticize the authorities. Now a nice little campaign is going on in the press (in your favour, naturally). You are getting a lot of publicity and the authorities are accused of trying to suppress everything that is reasonable and effective. The LEAs see that they can’t afford to close you down.
You prosper.
61. The court proceedings take a lot of time and money. Meanwhile the time comes to repay your bank loan, and you can’t do that.
It’s only too bad that you’ve lost!
57. It was a bad mistake. The teachers work badly and the children lose all interest in the studies. Soon the best pupils start dropping out, and the process is irrevocable.
It’s only too bad that you’ve lost!
[1] Bus pass – in the UK a special ticket that allows people over the age of 60 to travel by bus without paying. This word is often used as a humorous way of thinking about old age or older people.
[2] Цит. по: Березин С.И. Ораторское искусство.
[3] To bite the bullet – to force yourself to do something difficult or unpleasant
[4] Voir dire – предварительное собеседование с лицом, выступающим в качестве свидетеля или присяжного заседателя в суде, с целью определения его компетентности давать показания или рассматривать дело.
[5] Blair is Afro-American.
For Advanced Learners
Аутентичный английский для продвинутого этапа обучения: Учебник
Учебник создан на основе аутентичных материалов и освещает такие темы, как «Проблемы защиты окружающей среды», «Средства массовой информации», «Международный терроризм», «Религия» и т.д.
Учебник знакомит со сложными грамматическими явлениями, характерными для оригинальных текстов общественно-политического характера.
Для продвинутого этапа обучения в вузах гуманитарного профиля, для широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык и желающих совершенствовать свои знания.
Настоящий учебник предназначен для работы на продвинутом этапе обучения в вузах гуманитарного профиля, выпускники которых должны выполнять свою профессиональную деятельность на иностранном языке.
Учебник состоит из 10 уроков (Units) и рассчитан на 120 – 160 часов аудиторных занятий и такое же количество часов самостоятельной работы. Все материалы взяты из аутентичных источников (газета ‘The Guardian’, журналы ‘Time’, ‘Newsweek’, ‘The Economist’). Материалы не подвергались адаптации, а были лишь сокращены.
В основе учебника лежат следующие принципы:
1. аутентичность языкового материала;
2. комплексность (взаимосвязанное обучение видам речевой деятельности);
3. речемыслительная активность;
4. речевая (коммуникативная) ценность материала;
5. практическая ценность материала для дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности обучаемых;
6. повторяемость лексических единиц и грамматических структур.
Данные принципы определяют структуру учебника. Каждый урок состоит из грамматического раздела, содержащего тренировочные и речевые упражнения, двух разделов, посвященных работе с лексикой, текстов для чтения и обсуждения по предлагаемой тематике, списка вопросов для дискуссий, заданий для обучения письму как виду речевой деятельности (написание эссе) и раздела, направленного на подготовку к дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности обучаемых и включающего следующие аспекты: официальное письмо, меморандум, внутренняя конфиденциальная информация, наиболее употребимые сокращения и т.д. Все уроки, за исключением первого, завершаются разделом повторения пройденных лексических единиц и грамматических структур.
Учебник включает список лексики, подлежащей активному усвоению, грамматический комментарий, и ключи к упражнениям.
Грамматические тренировочные упражнения (Grammar Training) включают примеры изучаемых грамматических структур, данные в виде отдельных предложений, упражнения на употребление данных структур в тексте (раскрытие скобок) и перевод с русского языка на английский. Практически все переводы составлены в виде связных текстов, что дает преподавателю возможность в случае возникновения ошибок в письменных работах провести беседу по содержанию переведенного текста с употреблением изучаемых грамматических явлений, тем самым добиваясь их усвоения.
Речевые грамматические упражнения (Grammar in Speech) представляют собой ролевые игры на основе текстов, содержащих изучаемые грамматические явления. Предполагается, что в ходе подготовки к ролевой игре обучаемые должны продумать, каким образом они могут использовать данные грамматические формы в своем будущем высказывании. Если в ходе ролевой игры необходимые грамматические структуры не употребляются, упражнение следует считать не выполненным.
Каждый урок учебника включает разделы Reading and Speaking 1, Reading for Information, Reading and Speaking 2, Professional Reading, предназначенные для обучения чтению и говорению. Предполагается, что Reading and Speaking 1 и Reading and Speaking 2 будут тщательно проработаны как в часы самостоятельной подготовки, так и в часы аудиторных занятий. Раздел Reading for Information предназначается в основном для внеаудиторной работы с целью расширения знаний по изучаемым проблемам, самостоятельной работы с лексикой и служит одним из источников информации для дальнейшего дискуссионного обсуждения предлагаемых тем.
Раздел Professional Reading предназначается для профессионально направленного обучения иностранному языку (в данном варианте учбника – для студентов-юристов) и служит основой для формирования профессиональных умений. Предполагается, что для обучения студентов других специальностей тексты этого раздела будут или заменены, или будут использоваться лишь в качестве источника информации для расширения знаний в пределах предлагаемой тематики.
Статьи, предназначенные для чтения и обсуждения, также используются для обучения письму как виду речевой деятельности.
Работе над лексикой посвящаются два раздела: Vocabulary 1 и Vocabulary 2. Предполагается, что Vocabulary 1, целью которого является работа с синонимами (e.g. to claim, to state, to maintain), изучается под руководством преподавателя в часы аудиторных занятий. Раздел Vocabulary 2 целесообразно выделить для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы. Он содержит текст с незнакомыми словами для развития языковой догадки, упражнения на употребление фразовых глаголов и перевод с русского языка на английский, который (так же как и грамматический перевод) составлен в виде связного текста.
Автор выражает глубокую признательность доктору юридических наук, профессору Веремеенко И.И. и доктору юридических наук, профессору Толстопятенко Г.П., оказавшим неоценимую помощь в ходе создания учебника и консультировавшим автора по вопросам юридического характера в разделе Professional Reading.
Unit 1
Reading and Speaking: Education
Focus on Grammar:
Present Simple and Present Progressive