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Questions for Module Control 2


1. What kinds of food and beverage service are offered by hotels?

2. Why is food and beverage service a major factor in hotel operations?

3. Why is the food and beverage manager a key member of the management staff? What is his overall responsibility?

4. What employees may work on the food and beverage manager’s staff?

5. Who is the head of the kitchen staff? What is he responsible for?

6. What does the job of an assistant chef consist of?

7. Who are some of other employees in the kitchen?

8. What are the duties of the captain in a restaurant?

9. What are the duties of the waiters and waitresses? What may they do in restaurants that do not have a formal style of service?

10. Who performs chores such as clearing and setting tables?

11. Who takes orders for wine and other drinks in some restaurants?

12. What do the cashier in the restaurant do?

13. What are some of the jobs in the bar and cocktail lounge of a hotel?

14. How does food service in a hotel bar usually differ from food service in the restaurant?

15. What is involved in providing hotel room service? How do many hotels cut down on orders for ice and soft drinks?

16. What amount of room service is customarily provided at night?

17. What meal is the most frequently ordered from room service? How can this meal be ordered in some hotels?

18. Why do most hotels have only one central kitchen? How is food for different restaurants prepared in this case?

19. What additional space is needed by the food and beverage department?

20. What kind of food and beverage facility is often not connected with the main kitchen? What kind of food and beverage service does it provide?

21. Do hotel food and beverage departments employ a large or a small number of employees?

22. Which employees of the food and beverage department have frequent contact with guests? What standards must they adhere to?

23. What do the phrases “front desk” or “reception area” designate? What is the difference between the way front desk functions are handled in a large and a small hotel?

24. How does the lobby of a small hotel differ from the lobby of a large one?

25. What are the sections into which the front desk of a large hotel is divided? What business is handled by each section?

26. What are some of the support functions of the front desk that are normally out of sight of the public?

27. What are the duties of the room clerk?

28. What are the duties of the clerks at the key and information desks?

29. What are the customary duties of the front desk cashier?

30. What is the primary job of the front desk personnel? Why is this an important job?

31. Why is it possible to speak of not only a single kind of career in the hotel work?

32. Where do the top people in the hotel industry work?

33. Why must managerial personnel have a broad range of experience in various departments in a hotel?

34. Name some of other members of the executive staff who need special experience, skills or professional training.

35. Why are chefs and cooks an important factor in the success of a hotel?

36. What kind of background do many chefs have?

37. What must a head chef be expert in?

38. What is the normal route for advancement in the kitchen?

39. How can jobs in the hotel world be classified? Give examples.

40. Why is language ability a definite help in hotel work?

41. What are the economic benefits for top people in the hotel work?

42. How can the staff of a hotel do a great deal to assure a high occupancy rate?

43. How is the growth of chain-oriented hotels related to the growth of the airline industry?

44. In what ways do hotel chains have an advantage in promotional efforts over individually owned and operated establishments?

45. How can the chains offer efficiency in making and controlling reservations?

46. How does a chain expand by means of a referral system?

47. How do the chains grow through joint ventures?

48. How do the chains expand by means of franchising?

49. In what areas has the expansion of chains resulted in a n increase in hotel and hotel-related jobs?

50. What advantage do chains have in increased sales potential for conventions?

51. What advantage do chains have in the planning and design of hotel structures?

52. How is the design of the hotel related to its profitability?



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