Laboratory reference
5.1. To analyze the conditions of measurement, technical characteristics of the devices used in the measurement. 5.2. Identify the sources of uncertainty in the measurement of ejection fraction, functionally independent of the two input variables. 5.3. Perform multiple measurements of the input quantities are functionally related to the measured ejection fraction. 5.4. Perform the necessary calculations for estimating the uncertainty of indirect measurements of multiple PV. 5.5. The results of multiple indirect measurements of ejection fraction and assessment of uncertainty of measurement results recorded in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2 - Results of the analysis of measurement uncertainty coefficient of the amplitude ()
Protocol of the laboratory work (№.... name...) 6.1. The purpose of the laboratory work. 6.2. The list of equipment used in the Table. 6.1.
Table 6.1
6.3. The scheme of measurement. 6.4. The results of laboratory work. 6.5. Conclusions