Task 3. Point out which items are covered in the text.
1. His grandfather’s service in the military units. 2. The beginning of a lawyer’s professional career. 3. His father’s functions at a court. 4. Judicial practice abroad. 5. His grandfather’s childhood and youth. 6. His grandmother's education. 7. His father's school years. 8. A lawyer's working day. 9. Father’s service in the Army. 10. Mother’s profession. Reading for Detail and Language Study Ex. 46. Read Text A once again and do the tasks below. Task 1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following. Юрист по образованию; работать прокурором (защитником) в суде; теория государства и права; быть занятым; служить в различных воинских подразделениях; начинать службу; в возрасте; уйти в отставку в звании полковника; участвовать в горячих точках; получить соответствующую подготовку; очень стараться, изучать право; быть блестящим студентом; получить диплом юриста об окончании университета; чтобы приобрести профессиональные умения; потратить еще два года; высокая точность; под руководством опытного юриста; рассматривать гражданские и уголовные дела; статьи по юридическим проблемам; специализироваться в оспаривании дел в суде; прекрасный оратор. Task 2. Fish out from the text the synonyms to the given words and word combinations.
1, 2 pars:the law expert, hard-working, to perform duty, to leave a service, grade, to participate in, different, to lead; 3, 4 pars:to change place, must, to take exam, to get a diploma, to achieve professional masterliness, qualified, judicial papers, a correctness, an advocate, to produce recommendation; 5, 6 pars:under direction, to hear processes, to obtain a degree, Master of Law, legal magazine, a perfect orator, to become a member of.
Task 3. Find in the text, comment on and translate.
1. сказуемые в Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous; 2. причастия I и II в функции определения и обстоятельства; Эквиваленты модальных глаголов в прошедшем времени; 4. прилагательные в сравнительной степени; 5. инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели.
Ex. 47. Be ready to discuss the topic by doing the following tasks.
Task 1. Answer the questions to the text.
1. What is his father? 2. Where does he work? 3. He is very busy, isn’t he? Why do you think so? 4. When was his father born? 5. What was his grandfather? 6. Did he take an active part in various combat operations? 7. How many years did his grandfather’s service last? 8. How many children were there in their family? 9. Why does his father speak English well? 10. What educational institute did he enter? 11. What did he have to do to gain professional skills? 12. What did he do while being the counsel for defence? 13. Why did he have to change schools? 14. How many years had his father been working before he became a judge’s assistant at a court? 15. When did he receive a degree in Law? 16. What is his father? 17. What does his father do in the court?
Task 2. Agree or disagree with the following statements. 1. Vladimir Stepanovich is a buisnessman by profession. 2. He always concentrates on his work and has very little time for himself. 3. Vladimir Stepanovich was born into a family of a director of a large military plant. 4. His father served many years ago in military units as a soldier. 5. He participated in different combat operations. 6. He had been serving 32 years in the Soviet Army group in Czechoslovakia. 7. His wife didn’t work and looked after the children. 8. Vladimir Stepanovich was the only child in the family. 9. He studied at the same school. 10. He was rather good at the subjects such as English, French, Russian and world culture and liked them very much. 11. He got a chance to enter the Moscow Law University and to receive a university degree in Law. 12. His professional career began at once and he started working as a judge. 13. Vladimir Stepanovich wrote a thesis to obtain a candidate’s degree in Law. 14. He worked as a prosecuter in the court and taught judicial subjects at the Law University.