Студопедия — Academic Program
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Academic Program


1. The United Sates Military Academy (USMA) situated at West Point provides the following program: Chemistry and Life Science Major or Field of Study, Civil Engineering Major or Field of Study, Computer Science Major or Field of Study, Electrical Engineering: Computer Engineering Major, Foreign Language: Major available in French, German, Russian, Spanish, etc., Foreign Language: Field of Study available in Arabic, French, German, Russian, and Spanish, etc.

2. The USMA Library serves cadets for both academic research and recreational reading. The library’s resources include over 600,000 volumes, 1,500 current subscriptions of academic journals and newspapers, government documents, audiovisual materials, official USMA archives, and valuable special collections of rare books.

3. West Point offers 21 majors and 24 fields of study. A major requires a cadet to write a thesis or complete a design project. A major is a more (complex) enhanced, enriched academic experience with greater depth in the area of concentration. A field of study is needed in order to graduate from the academy. Today, more than 75 percent of the cadets elect to major.

4. Cadets and faculty at West Point have a first class information technology environment. There is a personal computer at every desk. Everyone is connected both to academic computing services and to the Internet.

5. West Point develops the “whole person”. The Academy dynamic curriculum balances the physical sciences and engineering with the humanities and social sciences. Graduates must be able to respond effectively to a changing technological, social, political, and economic world.

6. About 75 percent of the West Point faculty are military personnel who have graduated the most respected universities in the nation. All faculty members have their master’s degrees and over 30 percent have doctoral qualifications.

7. The student-faculty ratio at West Point is approximately 8 to 1. They not only know their professor or instructor, but also have the opportunity to request additional instruction when needed. Classes are small, typically numbering 12 to 18 cadets.

8. The curriculum is the foundation of the academic program. It provides a solid base in mathematics, basic sciences, engineering sciences, humanities, and social sciences. It includes 31 courses that every cadet completes, along with physical education and military development programs.


Task 2. Read the text once again and be ready to answer before-questions.

Task 3. Complete the below sentences by the facts from the text.

1. West Point dynamic curriculum balances ….

2. West Point offers 21 ….

3. A major is a more …than ….

4. About 75 % of the cadets ….

5. The student-faculty ratio is ….

6. Classes approximately number ….

7. About 75 % of the Academy faculty ….

8. Cadets and faculty use library resources for ….




Ex. 1. Choose which word fits best.

1. To compete for … to the Academy you need deep knowledge.

a) admit; b) admissible; c) admission;

2. You must prepare in three areas to be … in the admissions.

a) compete; b) competitive; c) competition;

3. If you want to … to the Academy you must take a strong preparation.

a) application; b) apply; c) applicant;

4. Commanding Officers … cadets to be responsible in performing every day duties.

a) education; b) educator; c) educate;

5. General … for admission include three areas.

a) requirements; b) require; c) requiring;

6. All candidates are evaluated on the basis of … performance.

a) academy; b) academically; c) academic;

7. The Academy provides unique opportunity to develop ….

a) intellectuality; b) intellectually; c) intellectual;

8. After … highly qualified specialists have great career opportunities.

a) graduate; b) graduation; c) graduated.


Ex. 2. Insert "can, may, must, have to, be to";.


1. My mother … cook Chinese food.

2. My parents … come over today.

3. I … help Mum clean the house.

4. … I have a look at your dictation?

5. Cadets … not smoke in the barracks.

6. We … meet at five p.m.

7. All cadets … attend the classes.

8. You … tell them the truth.

9. … you help me with my homework?

10. My brother … wear glasses.

11. The parade … finish at one p.m.

12. … I leave the room?


Дата добавления: 2015-08-31; просмотров: 492. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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