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Ex. 62. Make up word combinations with the verbs above. Translate them into Russian.

Continuous training, various documents, higher education, summer leave, different courses, professional skills, for morning inspection, military duties, educational program, cadet’s uniform, for important ceremony, high standards, additional missions, military parades, sport competitions.



Ex. 63. Match adjectives with nouns and translate them.


1. personal, professional, essential 2. medical, academic, physical 3. military, future, legal, challenging 4. interesting, busy, complex 5. academic, physical, military, special 1. carreer 2. program 3. skills 4. qualification/examination 5. life


Ex. 64. Find the word/word combination with the most general meaning in each section.


1. English, Criminal Law, State and Law Theory, subject;

2. a basketball pool, Sport Center, a gymnasium, a weight training room;

3. labs, academic activities, lectures, lessons, exams;

4. driving a car, using different types of weapons, obtaining professional skills, preparing for inspection.


Ex. 65. Translate the following word combinations. Mind! The last word is the key one.

A quality education, a unique sport program, basic skills development, future officer career, every day morning inspection, flag raising duties, military development program, various cadet uniforms, competitive club teams, summer and winter leaves, challenging study program.

Ex. 66. Arrange the synonyms in pairs. Mind! Several variants are possible.

1. to admit 2. difficult 3. to get 4. to take part in 5. important 6. a base 7. to finish 8. to consist of 9. a course of study 10. to start 11. a planned list 1. a сurriculum 2. to participate in 3. to accept 4. a foundation 5. to complete 6. challenging 7. essential 8. to receive 9. to include 10. a schedule 11. to contain 12. to obtain 13. to begin 14. complex

Ex. 67. Match the meaning (A) with the correct word (B).


1. to get ready or to put into a proper state 2. a special ability to do something well, by learning and practice 3. to finish, to bring to an end 4. to complete an educational institution, course, etc. 5. a course of study offered at school, college, etc. 6. difficult to understand, deal with, etc., not simple or clear 7. difficult, but in an interesting way 8. to get as the result of action, effort 1. to complete 2. to achieve 3. curriculum 4. challenging 5. to graduate 6. skill 7. complex (adj) 8. to prepare

Ex. 68. Make up word combinations and translate them.


to admit ~ young men and women; ~ candidates from all corners of the country; ~ on the basis of medical qualification and physical fitness;  
to apply ~ a complex system; ~ an essential principle; ~ a new method; ~ different types of weapons;  
to compete ~ actively and effectively; ~ for a prize; ~ in running and wrestling;
to complete ~ quickly and skillfully; ~ a complex task; ~ a course of education;
to develop ~ physically, morally and intellectually; ~ professional and personal skills; ~ various programs;
to include ~ military training; ~ different cadet duties; ~ a lot of buildings;
to offer ~ a unique program; ~ different study courses; ~ highly respected education; ~ academic courses;
to prepare ~ for future carreer;~ for military training; ~ for cadet’s duties; ~ for transition to military life;  
to receive ~ a respected education; ~ complextraining; ~ specific tasks; ~ two periods of leaves.

Ex. 69. State the part of speech of the words in bold and translate the sentences.


1.The English tests are interesting but complex. Our teacher of English tests our skills in reading regularly. The whole complex consists of twenty buildings.

2. My dream is to graduate from the Academy. My brother is a graduate of our Academy.

3. Where is cadet Petrov? – He is on leave. Cadets usually have two periods of leaves. He always leaves Moscow in summer.

4. English lessons always begin with a report of the cadet-on-duty. The cadet-on-duty must firstly report to the teacher.

5. Summer leaves last about 4 weeks. We have our last lesson at 12:00.

6. Classes and study fill many hours every day. My friends study at the militia Academy.


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