С.Б. Набатчикова, Е.П. Огородникова, Н.В. Гугнина
Verbs with prepositions:
Many verbs have the structure verb + preposition (in/for/about etc.) + object.
If the object is another verb, it ends in -ing:
Here are some more verbs with this structure:
The following verbs can have the structure verb + object + preposition + ing-form:
Now check your answers (conditionals): 1. have, will finish; 2. rains, won’t be able to; 3. is leaving, will asked; 4. has driven, will be; 5. is picked, will be boasting. 6. If she didn’t drink so much coffee, she would feel calmer. 7. If he could type, he would be able to operate a computer. 8. If they understood the problem, they would find a solution. 9. If he didn’t sit around so much, he would be fitter. 10. If she were in your position, she would be able to advise you. 11. If we hadn’t run out of money, we wouldn’t have come from our holiday early. 12. If the fire brigade hadn’t come immediately, the house would have burnt down. 13. If the men hadn’t been wearing protective clothing, they wouldn’t have all been safe. 14. If I had been watching the road, I wouldn’t have had an accident. 15. If it hadn’t been so hot, I wouldn’t have been sweating. 16. if he didn’t have; 17. unless we had broken; 18. unless management and unions become / if management and unions don’t become; 19. unless I get held up / if I don’t get held up; 20. unless we have / if we don’t have. 21. are, shouldn’t have missed; 22. didn’t catch, won’t arrive; 23. will be feeling, played; 24. had been, would feel; 25. were, would have answered.
Now check your answers (non-finites): 1. to see; 2. help; 3. to buy; 4. to go; 5.not to. 6. to phone; 7. seeing; 8. to work; 9. to see; 10. smoking; 11. driving; 12. to buy; 13. to talk; 14. sending, 15. talking, 16. to come, 17. speaking. 18. A; 19. A; 20. C; 21. C; 22. A; 23. D. 24. I was surprised to find a cat in my bed. 25. I was sorry not to have time to phone you. 26. My phone number is easy to remember. 27. A; 28. A. 29. It’s too heavy to lift. 30. He’s old enough to vote. 31. I’m too tired to drive. 32. The boss wants Mary to answer the phone. 33. Ann would like Pat to look after the children.
Resources: 1. Virginia Pagoulatou-Vlachou Round Up 4 – Pearson Education Limited, China, 2008 2. Virginia Evans Round Up 5 – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2002 3. Virginia Evans Round Up 6 – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2002 4. Michael Swan, Catherine Walter The Good Grammar Book. A grammar practice book for elementary to lower-intermediate students of English – Oxford University Press, China, 2001 5. Raymond Murphy Essential Grammar in Use – Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 1997 6. Raymond Murphy English Grammar in Use – Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, 2002 7. Alexander L.G. Longman English Grammar Practice for intermediate students – Longman, Malaysia, 1999 8. Donald Adamson Practise Your Tenses – Longman, Malaysia, 2000 9. Mike Watkins Practise your Modal Verbs – Longman, Malaysia, 1999 10. Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth New Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2000 11. Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth New Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2000 12. Elaine Walker, Steve Elsworth New Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate Students – Pearson Education Limited, Spain, 2000 13. Michael Swan, Catherine Walter How English Works – Oxford University Press, Spain, 1998 14. British Council materials – English for Teaching. Foundation Stage. Module 1 “Then and Now” Навчальні матеріали з граматики англійської мови для самостійної роботи студентів 1 курсу денної форми навчання спеціальностей «Правознавство», «Економічна Кібенетика», «Документознавство та інформацiйна дiяльнiсть». – Донецьк. ДонНУ, 2013. – 121 с.
Укладач: Андрюшкiна I.О., викл. Ожерельєва В.О. ст.. викл.
Тираж 310 прим. С.Б. Набатчикова, Е.П. Огородникова, Н.В. Гугнина