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The word "management" is used in four meanings. First, it relates to the control and organizing of a business or any non-profit organization. Second, it refers to people's activity aimed at running a factory, a shop or a firm. Third, management is the people who run a company or an organization. Fourth, the word "management" stands for management science. In this text we will use the word in the first three meanings.

Experts believe that business is likely to be successful if it fulfils three criteria: it is managed properly, the idea and the market for it have the necessary growth potential, financing is sufficient.

The right management is considered to be the most important factor in determining success. It makes the company more efficient and the people in it more productive.

Management is the activities aimed at the conducting or supervising of a business. It implies planning, organization, motivation and control while setting and reaching the goals of a company. Some experts believe that management is a kind of art and it needs talent and skill.

The managing staff is the collective body of people who run or direct an organization, an enterprise, a firm, etc. A manager is a professional who plans, organizes and controls a business or a department of a business.

Different organizations may have different structures of management. But all of them have much in common. American experts distinguish three levels of management in big companies: the top level, the middle level and the low level.

The top (executive) management is usually represented by the chairman of the board of directors, the president and the vice-president of a corporation, the chancellor of a college.

Top executives concern themselves with corporate values that are the priorities that dictate how organizations should work. They exercise general leadership. Top executives must be strong leaders who are able to take charge and steer the organization in the direction of improvement and progress. They work out the proper development strategy for their companies or enterprises. They specify if the enterprises are capable of producing, appraise the state of the capacities and determine their profits. Top management must respond to quickly changing business conditions.

Managers of departments at companies, deans of faculties at colleges, directors of branches and other administrators belong to the middle (administrative) management.

Many responsibilities are delegated to this level. Administrators make important decisions in their specific fields. They are connected with their boss, peers, subordinates and customers. They organize collective thinking and problem solving. Managers run meetings and conduct negotiations. They deal with hiring, firing, promotions and demotions.

The low management is represented by foremen at enterprises; supervisors, heads of sections at companies; heads of departments at schools of business; head nurses at hospitals, etc.

These people deal with employees. They maintain discipline, explain tasks to subordinates, correct mistakes and compliment achievements. Their activities are directly connected with production and practical work. They take control over fulfilment of production assignments. They are responsible for using raw materials and equipment.


Exercise 13. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Управление фабрикой; коммерческое предприятие (фирма); некоммерческая организация; вероятно, отвечает трем критериям; деятельность, направленная на управление фабрикой; определение и достижение целей компании; управленческий персонал (административно-управленческий аппарат); имеют много общего; занимаются корпоративными ценностями; разрабатывают правильную стратегию развития компаний; реагировать на быстро изменяющиеся условия ведения бизнеса; принадлежать к; заниматься чем-либо; сырье.


Exercise 14. Make an organization chart of the management of a company. Describe the levels of management.

Exercise 15. Draw a table like the one below. Make lists of a managerial staff's duties, according to the levels. Compare these duties.


Top level Middle level Low level
... ... ...

Exercise 16. Answer the following questions using your chart and your table.

1. What is management?

2. What levels of management do American experts distinguish?

3. What are the duties of executives?

4. What do administrators do?

5. What work is done by junior managers?

Exercise 17. Say which of the organizations and enterprises listed below may be called a business and which is a non-profit organization.

Model: A factory is a business. A school is a non-profit organization.

A plant, a business school, an art school, a music school, a secondary school, a vocational school, a college, an institute, a university, a charity, a factory, a job centre, an employment agency, a cafe, a restaurant, a service station, a shop, a publishing house.


Exercise 18. Find information about an American company and write about its levels of management.

2.3. Company Structure

Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

share [Seq] n акция

shareholder ['SeqhqVldq] п акционер

to appoint [q'pOInt] v назначать

the Chief Executive Officer ['CJf Ig'zekjutIv 'PfIsq] директор предприятия, управляющий делами

the Managing Director [dI'rektq] директор-распорядитель

a General Manager ['Genqrql 'mxnIGq] главный управляющий

an Export Manager ['ekspLt] заведующий экспортным отделом

a Sales Manager ['seIlz] заведующий отделом сбыта

a Marketing Manager ['mRkItIN] заведующий отделом сбыта

a Production Manager [prq'dAkSqn] заведующий производством, начальник производственного отдела, руководитель производства

a Staff Manager [stRf] заведующий отделом кадров

a Personnel Manager ["pE:sq'nel] заведующий отделом кадров

a Finance Manager [faI'nxns] заведующий финансовым отделом

a Logistics Manager [lq'GIstIks] заведующий отделом снабжения

a Public Relations Department ['pAblIk rI'leISqnz dI'pRtmqnt] отдел по связям с общественными организациями

a Public Relations Manager руководитель отдела по связям с общественными организациями

a Research and Development (R&D) Department [dI'velqpmqnt] отдел научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ

a Research and Development Manager руководитель отдела научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ

an Accounting Department [q'kauntIN dI'pRtmqnt] бухгалтерия

to hold a position ['hqVld…pq'zISqn] занимать должность

public limited (liability) company ['pAblIk 'lImItId ("laIq'bIlItI) 'kAmpqnI] открытая компания с ограниченной ответственностью, публичная компания с ограниченной ответственностью

private company ['praIvIt] закрытая акционерная компания, товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью, частная акционерная компания

a Company Secretary ['sekrqt(q)rI] секретарь компании

spending ['spendIN] n расходование, расходы

to be concerned with [kqn'sE:nd] заниматься чем-л.

market analysis ['mRkIt q'nxlIsIs] анализ рынка

market entry strategy ['entrI 'strxtIGI] стратегия проникновения на рынок

market development освоение рынка, расширение рынка

pricing ['praIsIN] n назначение цены, ценообразование

manufacture ["mxnju'fxkCq] n производство; v производить

image ['ImIG] n престиж, репутация, имидж

to project an image [prq'Gekt qn 'ImIG] производить впечатление; создавать репутацию

mass media ["mxs 'mJdIq] средства массовой информации

to promote [prq'mqVt] v продвигать (по службе); рекламировать (товары)


Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Employ, employment, employed, unemployment, unemployed; appoint, appointment; spend, spending; involve, involvment, involved; invest, investor, investment; decide, decisive, decision; person, personal, personnel; respond, responsible, responsibility; instruct, instructor, instruction; analyse, analysis; hire, hiring; fire, firing; improve, improvement; respective, respectively; relate, relation.


Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

Management structure; a typical British company, a General Manager; an investment; a director; a position; instructions; control; finance; marketing; production; public; personnel; staff; logistics; a secretary, market analysis, market strategy, manufacture, to project an image.

Exercise 4. Form nouns from these verbs and nouns by the suffixes -er/-or and give their Russian equivalents.

Model: to hold shares - shareholder

держать акции - акционер

cash - cashier

наличные деньги - кассир

To work, to manage, to own, to employ, to organize, to read, to buy, to sell, to produce, to manufacture, to hold shares, to keep books, to tell, to control, to advise, to teach, to found, to use, to mine, to lecture; office, bank, cash, programme.

To supervise, to conduct, to act, to administrate, to translate, to direct, to deposit.


Exercise 5. Say what verbs the nouns with the suffix -ее derive from, guess what they mean. Mind the pronunciation of the words.

Model: to nominate ['nPmIneIt] ←nominee ["nPmI'nJ]назначать на должность, лицо, выдвинутое на какую-л. должность, предлагать кандидата, кандидат

Employee, payee [peI'J], refugee ["refjH'GJ], examinee [Ig"zxmI'nJ], addressee ["xdre'sJ], nominee.

Exercise 6. Read the pairs of words having the suffixes -er/-or and -ее, compare their meanings.

Model: payer – payee плательщик – лицо, получающее платеж

Employer – employee, payer – payee, examiner – examinee, nominator – nominee.

Exercise 7. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

To own shares, to buy shares, to govern workforce, at the top of the company, to employ people, the Board of Directors, to appoint a Managing Director, a Chief Executive Officer, to hold the position of the Chairman, to be responsible for something, to exert control over managers, senior managers, a Finance Department, a Finance Manager, a Marketing Department, a Marketing Manager, a Production Department, Manager, a Public Relations Department, a Public Relations Manager, a Personnel Department, a Personnel Manager, a Research and Development Department, a R&D Manager, a Sales Department, a Sales Manager, an Export Department, an Export Manager, a Logistics Department, a Logistics Manager, a Staff Department, a Staff Manager, various departments, a public limited (liability) company, a private company, to make a profit, to be concerned with, to manufacture goods.


Exercise 8. Choosethe correct form of the verb in brackets. 1. People ___ (buy / are bought) shares in a company and become shareholders. 2. Shares ___ (own / are owned) by people providing the capital. 3. The company ___ (employs / is employed) 75 people. 4. Thousands of people ___ (employ / are employed) by the company. 5. Mr. Gary Gould ___ (is headed / heads) the Poplar River mine. 6. The Maple Shipping Co. ___ (is run / runs) by Mr. John Roberts. 7. Who usually ___ (is chaired / chairs) the company meetings? 8. The meetings ___ (are chaired / chair) by the Chief Executive Officer. 9. All the managers ___ (are attended / attend) the meetings on Monday. 10. Sometimes the company meetings ___ (are attended / attend) by customers.

Exercise 9. Work in pairs.Speak about you friends'/parents'/relatives' jobs. Use the model below.

Model. A: What does your father do?

B: He's Sales Manager. He works with a private company.

A: What products are sold by the company?

B: Goods and clothes for children.

Exercise 10. Read the text and study the company structure.


Company Structure

A typical company consists of three groups of people: the shareholders, the management, and the employees. The shareholders own shares in the company. Shares are bought by people as an investment. The management governs the employees who are the workforce.

The Board of Directors is at the top of the company. The Chairperson or President heads the Board. The Board of Directors takes policy decisions and determines the company's goals and strategy.

The Board of Directors appoints a Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer. Very often, the same person holds the positions as Chairman and CEO. A public limited company must have two directors and a private one. The Managing Director is responsible for the running of the business. The Director gives instructions to a General Manager who exerts control over managers of departments.

Managers are at the head of the various departments, for example, Finance, Marketing, Production, Public Relations, Personnel, Research and Development.

A Finance Department deals with the management of money of the company, its spending, profits, investments. A Finance Manager heads the department.

A Marketing Department is concerned with market analysis, pricing, market entry strategy, market development, and advertising. A Marketing Manager is at the head of the department.

The work of a Production Department is connected with manufacturing goods. A Production Manager is in charge of the department.

A Public Relations Department is involved with projecting a positive image of the company through mass media, contacts with people and organizations. The department is headed by a Public Relations Manager.

A Personnel Department or Staff Department deals with hiring and firing workers. A Personnel Manager or Staff Manager is responsible for the department.

A Research and Development Department is concerned with a scientific study and innovation aimed at improving production processes. A Research and Development Manager is at the head of the department.

Other companies may have different departments. For example, international companies have an Export and Import Department, headed by an Export and Import Manager.

Many big companies have an Advertising Department, headed by an Advertising Manager. The department promotes the products of the company and makes people buy them.

Companies may also have a Sales Department, a Logistics Department, an Accounting Department, etc. These departments are headed by a Sales Manager, a Logistics Manager, an Accounting Manager respectively.

The senior management controls the middle management. The low management is controlled by the middle management.

Every company has a secretary.


Exercise 11. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Совет директоров; во главе компании; возглавляет совет; принимает решения, касающиеся политики компании; отвечает за управление бизнесом; дает указания; контролировать менеджеров; реклама; занимается приемом на работу и увольнением; производство товаров; рекламирует продукцию компании.


Exercise 12. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What three groups of people make up a company?

2. What do we call a body of people governing the company?

3. What do we call the official who heads the Board of Directors?

4. How is a Managing Director appointed?

5. What departments may be included in different companies? What do we call managers of these departments?

Exercise 13. Scan the material about the Black Diamonds Corporation. Find information about its management structure and answer the following questions:

1. What is produced by the corporation?

2. How many collieries are operated by the corporation?

3. Where do the collieries work?

4. Who heads the corporation?

5. Who represents the middle management?

6. How many people are employed by the corporation?

Black Diamonds Corporation

P.O. Box 2500

Nova Scotia, Canada B9 6K3

Phone: (903) 542-2325

Telex: 019-13254

Fax: (903) 174-2589


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