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Operating Mine

PO Box 4080

Alberta, Canada T4B 3C1

Phone:. (403) 233-4522

Fax:(403) 233-4121


Mine Manager: James White

Location: Alberta, Canada

Owner/Operator: Blue Lake Coal Limited

2006 Actual Production (clean): 5.0 million tonnes

Employment: 850

Type of Coal: bituminous

Utilization: coking coal

Mining Method: surface open pit, strip and underground room and pillar

Major Equipment Used: 1 P&H 2800 XPB 40-yd bucket; 1 Komatsu WA800; 2 Komatsu WA500-1; 3 P&H 2100 15-yd bucket; 8 coal haulers (85 t); 13 waste haulers (190 t); 2 Bucyrus Brie 60R; 2 Bucyrus Brie 45R; 1 Letourneau L - 1400 Loader (29-yd); 4 Cat 16G; 2 Joy 12CM12 continuous miners; 8 Jou 10SC32 shuttle cars (15 t); 5 Stamler-feeder breakers BF14A-3-7c; 4 Fletcher dual-boom roof and side bolters CHDOR-15; 3 Wagner scoop trams; 1 longwall; 4 Dosco roadheaders

Reserves: 115.6 million tonnes proven, 98.0 million tonnes probable


Exercise 15. Find information about a European company, make its organization chart and speak about its structure.

Exercise 16. Study the management system of one of the companies in your city. Make its organization chart. Write about the levels of management there. Compare the responsibilities of the managerial staff.

Exercise 17. Act out the dialogues.

1. - Mr. President, may I present Mr. John Brown?

- How do you do.

- How do you do. Happy to meet you, Mr. President.

2. - Let me introduce myself. My name is Boris Kuznetsov. I work for the Donmash Company. I'm Production Manager.

- My name's Anna Smith. I work for Luscar Ltd. I'm Marketing Manager.

- Pleased to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

3. - Mr. White, may I introduce Mr. Green to you? He heads the Finance Department. Mr. Green, this is Mr. White, our customer.

- How do you do.

- How do you do. Here is my business card.

4. - Mr. Green, have you met our Sales Manager, Mr. Black?

- I'm afraid not. How do you do.

- How do you do.

5. - Anna, meet my colleague Alexander. Alexander, this is Anna.

- Hello.

- Hello. Nice to meet you.

6. - Anna, this is my friend Boris.

- Hello, Boris. I have heard of you.

- Hello, Anna.

- I hear you take management. Where do you study?

- I study at the Don State Academy of Service. I'm a fourth-year student.

- How interesting! I am in my second year at South Russia State Technical University. I also take management.

- What are you doing here in London?

- I'm taking part in the exchange programme. I'm staying with an English family.

- I see.... I've arrived in England with a group of tourists. How about going for a walk?

- O. K.


Exercise 18. Role-play.

1. Roles: students from Russia, Germany and France.

Young people from different countries have come to London to study management. They introduce themselves to one another.

2. Roles: a boss, a new marketing manager, employees.

A boss introduces a new manager to his employees.




3.1. Executive Recruitment in the USA


Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

head-hunter ['hed"hAntq] n "охотник за головами", "охотник за талантами"

to recruit [rI'krHt] v вербовать, набирать, пополнять (состав)

recruiter [rI'krHtq] n вербовщик

recruiting firm фирма, занимающаяся подбором кадров для других организаций

to retain [rI'teIn] v нанимать (посредника)

retainer [rI'teInq] n поручение посреднику или адвокату ведения дела; соглашение между клиентом и посредником

retainer firm = retained firm [rI'teInd 'fE:m]фирма, занимающаяся подбором кадров по поручению других организаций

retainer fee [fJ] сумма, выплачиваемая за специальные услуги

expenses [Iks'pensIz] n pl расходы

income ['Inkqm] n доход

reference ['refrqns] n рекомендация; лицо, дающее рекомендацию

to give good references представить хорошие рекомендации

referee ["refq'rJ] n лицо, дающее рекомендацию

contingency [kqn'tInGqnsI] n вероятность, возможность; случай, случайность

contingency firm фирма, занимающаяся поиском возможных кандидатов по заданию клиента

resume ['rezju(:)meI] n фр. резюме; сводка, содержащая сведения о человеке, его образовании, профессии и т.д.

cover letter ['kAvq 'letq] = covering letter ['kAvqrIN] сопроводительное письмо

curriculum vitae [kq'rIkjulqm 'vJtaI] лат. краткое жизнеописание, биография

accomplishment [q'kPmplISmqnt] n достижение; pl достоинства, совершенства

purpose ['pE:pqs] = objective [Pb'GektIv] п цель

employment agency [Im'plOImqnt 'eIGqnsI] = employment bureau [bjuq'rqV] = employment office = placement bureau бюро по найму рабочей силы, бюро по трудоустройству

employment agent ['eIGqnt] агент по найму

employment manager заведующий отделом набора рабочих

employment officer ['PfIsq] консультант по вопросам трудоустройства

support personnel [sq'pLt "pE:sq'nel] вспомогательный персонал

to hold the position as director занимать должность директора

to fit the criteria ['fIt…kraI'tIqrIq] соответствовать критериям

experience [Iks'pIqrIqns] n стаж работы

to have a good command of English [kq'mRnd] хорошо владеть английским языком

computer literate ['lItqrIt] умеющий работать на компьютере

interpersonal skills ["Intq'pE:snl] = communicative skill [kq'mju(:)nIkqtIv] умение общаться с людьми

professional skill профессиональное мастерство

technical skill ['teknIkql] технические умения

to acquire a skill [q'kwaIq] = to master a skill ['mRstq] приобретать опыт, овладевать мастерством

creative skill [krJ'eItIv] творческий талант

entrepreneurial skill ["Pntrqprq'nE:rIql] талант предпринимателя

inventive skill [In'ventIv] изобретательский талант

organizational skill ["LgqnaI'zeISqnql] организаторские способности

to demonstrate, display, exhibit, show ability at / in smth ['demqnstreIt, dIs'pleI, Ig'zIbIt, 'SqV q'bIlItI] проявлять способности к чему-л.

creative ability творческие способности

communicative abilities коммуникативные способности

leadership abilities ['lJdqSIp] способности руководителя

career prospects [kq'rIq 'prPspqkts] перспективы служебного роста


Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Recruit, recruiter, recruiting, recruitment; retain, retained, retainer; entrepreneur, entrepreneurial; compete, competition, competitive, competitiveness, competitor; remunerate, remuneration, remunerative; follow, following; investigate, investigation; describe, description; understand, understanding, understandable; hunt, hunter, hunting, head-hunter, head-hunting; loyal, loyalty; sense, sensible; fame, famous; receive, receiver; check, checking; include, including; annual, annually; assign, assignment; prosper, prosperous.


Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

Management talent, a Seattle based organization, an association, management professionals, the compensation for positions, typically, to start, consultant, the client firm, to present candidates, a prestigious firm, the initial contact, checking, to be based on a percentage of the compensation, personnel recruitment, clients, international companies, qualified candidates, positions, organizational methods, leadership, aspects, career, firms, banks, resumes, expert examination of vacancies, analogous, period, analyse, basis, personal specifications, potential, tests, psycho-physiological characteristics of the personnel, professional selection programs, assistant manager, personnel consulting, a complete complex.


Exercise 4. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

Executive recruitment; the executive director; to operate an executive search service; a retained firm; a contingency firm; to recruit key people; to hire a candidate; search consultants and researchers; to make excellent incomes; to have good incomes; to match the client's specification; support personnel; to discover new opportunities; to look for qualified candidates; to fill positions; to fit the criteria; marketing experience; advertising experience, a good command of English; higher education; computer literate; entrepreneurial skills; leadership ability; organizational ability; experience in order processing; excellent career prospects; competitive remuneration; a professional environment; a working environment; to seek a competitive salary; benefits package; to search for candidates; the heads of firms; previous experience in wholesale; marketing research methods; to describe the operations; to determine the competitiveness of vacancies; demand and supply; similar positions; labour market; a reduced complex; to proceed from the requirements to the vacancy.


Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the prepositions as, at, for, in, of, on, to, with where necessary.

1. He lost his position __ manager. 2. Her job is recruitment __ qualified personnel. 3. They have a graduate recruitment scheme __ the company. 4. Mr. Smith acquired skill __ advertising. 5. They worked __ great skill. 6. The candidate had 5 years' experience __accounting. 7. My friend has a good command __ English. 8. We offer different consulting services __ the heads of firms and banks. 9. Are you ready __ the challenge?

10. The competitiveness __ vacancies is determined __ the basis __ analysing the demand and supply __ similar positions __ the Moscow labour market.


Exercise 6. Read these sentences and express the same in Russian.

1. They have computer-science courses at university. 2. I did a management course last year. 3. After four years' study Helen is now a certified teacher. 4. After university Henry took a Certificate in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language. 5. I attended a driving school and received a driving licence in 2005. 6. Peter earns a high salary as an accountant. 7. You are an experienced worker. Are you going to ask for an increase in salary? 8. Complete the application form, please. Send your application either by regular mail or e-mail, use fax only in emergency. Attach a copy of your curriculum vitae. 9. I learnt about the vacancy from a newspaper advertisement. 10. The candidates are asked to describe their current position and responsibilities at the organization where they are employed. 11. A strong command of English is essential for applicants. They are requested to evaluate their own language skills. 12.I had an interview for a job. 13. Big industrial companies hold interviews all over the country. 14. Scott Walmsley heads a recruiting firm. He is an experienced recruiter.

Exercise 7. Express the following in English.

1. В городе много организаций, работающих с иностранными фирмами. 2. Есть ли в городе организации, занимающиеся трудоустройством населения? - Да, в центре есть два бюро по трудоустройству. 3. В крупных городах есть частные фирмы, занимающиеся подбором руководящих кадров для других организаций. 4. В комнате было много посетителей. 5. На вечере будет много известных бизнесменов. 6. В библиотеке достаточно книг по менеджменту и маркетингу? - Вполне достаточно. 7. В магазине не было книг по логистике. 8. В кабинете мало мебели. 9. В газете много интересных объявлений. 10. На столе менеджера лежали письма и факсы. 11. Сколько людей будет на церемонии открытия (at the opening ceremony) торгового центра? - Более ста. 12. Сколько угольных шахт в этом регионе? - 10.


Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Speak about a manager's office. Use the model and lists of words below.

Model. A: What furniture is there in the office?

B: There is a desk…

A: What business machines and electronic devices are there in the office?

B: There is a computer…

A: What things do managers use at work?

B: They use pens…

Chairs, armchairs, a desk, a table, shelves, a bookcase, a safe.

A Xerox copier, a computer, a fax machine, a telephone, a mobile phone, a cell phone, a calculator, a CD player, a DVD player.

Sheets of paper, files, filers, a stapler, a glue stick, a hole punch, paper clips, clipboard, pens, pencils, markers, erasers, felt-tip pens, drawing-pins, a screen, a whiteboard, a flipchart, CDs, DVDs.

Exercise 9. Work in pairs. Speak about different enterprises and organizations in your city/town. Use the model and list of words below.

Model: A: How many employment offices are there in the city?

B: There are four employment offices in the city.

Factories, plants, mines, hospitals, job centres, schools, universities, institutes, libraries, shops, cafes, restaurants.


Exercise 10. Read the text and find out how executive recruitment is organized in the United States.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 1546. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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