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Exercise 14. 1. Look through the advertisement of a job placement agency.

1. Look through the advertisement of a job placement agency.

2. Say what services are provided by the agency.

3. Say what kinds of people offer their services. What are their personal qualities and professional skills? What salary do they want to get?


Emerald Agency presents Qualified personnel for
different vacancies.
Our agency provides effective services in job placement to professionals seeking jobs with successful foreign and Russian companies. Free of charge replacement of applicants in case of their inefficiency. We only collaborate with reputable firms. The company branches work all over the country. Our agency works with the largest database of highly qualified personnel. All applicants speak English fluently and will meet all your requirements and wishes. We offer moderate prices that will suit you. Our address: 117267 Moscow, Box 7 Tel. 143-0670 www.emeraldagency.ru

Office Manager / Administrator:male, 31, University linguistic education, fluent English, experience in management, translation / interpretation, negotiation, user of IBM (WORD, etc.) & office equipment, working experience abroad. Good communicative skills, energetic, industrious. Salary $7000+. Tel/fax 271-4225.

Financial Director:male, 36, highly educated, good command of English and German, family, user of IBM; experience in foreign trade, budget, planning, charges, credits. Driver's licenсe. Salary $8000+. Tel/fax 282-4225.

Office Manager / Interpreter:female, 26, fluent English, knowledge of computer, office management, negotiation, translation of business documents, 3 years practical experience. Driving licence. Professional, energetic, attractive. Salary $6000. Tel/fax 133-0527.

Chief Accountant / Accountant:female, 36, degree in Economics, good knowledge of computer and accounting spreadsheets, supervising execution of contracts, currency transactions. Industrious, quick to learn. Salary $7000. Tel/fax 132-1587.

Lawyer (International Law):male, 33, Moscow State University, "Intercollege Vilasse", fluent English, user of IBM, contracts, conduction of talks, settlement of claims and disputes, stocks, deposits, investment, consulting (International Law), 5 years working experience. Salary $10000. Tel/fax 925-8721.

Exercise 15. Study the information about vacancies in Proctor&Gamble. Which department would you like to work in? Which position are you interested in? Would you like to attend any of the seminars or get practical training in the company?

At present the world-famous company Proctor&Gamble is doing business in Russia. It deals in cosmetics, household products and goods for children.

The company offers some open positions for new college/university graduates and experienced specialists:

§ Administrative Assistant

§ Customer Business Development/Sales – Account manager

§ Product Supply – Product Supply Manager

§ Product Supply – Demand/Supply Planner

§ External Relations – Associate Manager

§ External Relations – Registration Specialist

§ Finance & Accounting – Financial Analyst

§ Finance & Accounting - Accountant

§ Information and Decisions Solutions – Business Analyst

§ Information and Decisions Solutions – System Analyst

§ Market Research - Market Research Manager

§ Marketing – Associate Brand Manager

§ Purchasing - Purchasing Manager

Proctor&Gamble gives top development opportunities to young, talented, promising people. The company organizes internship programs and student seminars (Get Your Talent to the Top trainings, European Financial Leadership Seminar, International IDS Challenge, Research & Development Seminar, Research & Development Internship, Product Supply Seminar).

For further information please get into www.joinPG.ru. Candidates will fill in an application form, do a test and have a job interview.


Exercise 16. Study the sample of an application form.


FULL NAME Andrei Ivanovich Kotov

AGE 30


ADDRESS 22, Pushkin St., Apt 11, Shakhty, Rostov region, 346500, Russia

PHONE 22-19-13 (home)



Name of School Rostov University

Year graduated 1997

Course taken or Degree Economics


German Excellent Good Fair Beginner

English Excellent Good Fair Beginner



ADDRESS 10, Korolenko St., Shakhty, Rostov region, 346504, Russia

Telephone / fax (851) 2-10-14



EMPLOYED (Month & Year) Sept 1991 To present

POSITION HELD Chief accountant

RESPONSIBILITIES In charge of accounting records, accounting reports, accounting spreadsheets



Name of referee V. P. Chernenko

Work address of referee 10, Korolenko St., Shakhty, Rostov region, 346504, Russia

Work phone 22-10-14


Exercise 17. Fill in the application form.






Sex   Female   Male




Name of school Year graduated Course taken or Degree


German Excellent Good Fair Beginner

English Excellent Good Fair Beginner

EXPERIENCE (begin with present or last position)







Name of referee

Work phone

Work address of referee

Exercise 18. Study the sample of a Curriculum Vitae.

Curriculum Vitae


NAME Boris Nikolayevich Smirnov

DATE OF BIRTH 15 July 1970



ADDRESS 20, Pushkin Street, Apt.11, Shakhty, Rostov region, 346500, Russia

TELEPHONE 22-39-54


1998-2002 South Russia State Technical University

Diploma (Honours) in Management

1987-1988 Secondary school No 3, Shakhty

Excellent marks in English, Russian, History


1993 to present Vega Company (Rostov-on-Don), Advertising Department

Responsible for writing articles, advertisement leaflets on the company's activities.


Sports: tennis, swimming

Reading books on history and art


Driver's licenсe

IBM PC user

Fluent English


Creativity, diligence, persistence


Sergei Petrovich Tenin

President of Vega Company


Exercise 19. Write your curriculum vitae.

Curriculum Vitae














Exercise 20. Study the sample of a resume.


NAME Yelena Anatolyevna Smirnova

AGE 32



DEPENDENTS one daughter

PERMANENT ADDRESS 4, Shevchenko St., Apt. 40, Rostov-on-Don, 346500, Russia

TELEPHONE 22-16-34

PURPOSE position as accountant

BACKGROUND Rostov State University,

Diploma in economics


English Reading Good Speaking Good

Listening Good Writing Good

German Reading Speaking

Listening Writing


1988-1998 Lyudmila Shop


Responsible for planning



WORK ADDRESS OF REFEREE 15, Lermontov St., Apt.10, Rostov-on-Don, 346500, Russia

WORK PHONE 22-55-59


Exercise 21. Write a resume.















Exercise 22. Complete the Language Evaluation Form, please.


Please evaluate your own language skills. Put a tick in the box which you feel best describes your language skills.


□ Beginner (I can read simple, everyday texts)

□ Intermediate (I can read specialized literature in my field)

□ Advanced (I can read non-academic and academic prose without difficulty)


□ Beginner (I can understand slow, articulate speech)

□ Intermediate (I can follow natural speed conversation)

□ Advanced (I can understand seminars and follow lectures)


□ Beginner (I can communicate at a survival level)

□ Intermediate (I can communicate fairly comfortably in every day situations)

□ Advanced (I can interact with ease in a wide range of academic and non-academic situations)


□ Beginner (I can write personal and business letters)

□ Intermediate (I can write essays and compositions on non-academic subjects)

□ Advanced (I can write research papers)

Exercise 23. Act out the dialogue.

A. Good morning, Mr. Brown.

B. Good morning, Mr. Litvinov. Will you take a seat?

A. Thank you.

B. Have you filled in the application form?

A. Yes, here you are. And here's my resume.

B. Good, you're 35, aren't you?

A. Yes, I am.

B. What's your place of birth?

A. Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region.

B. Have you written your date of birth?

A. Yes, the tenth of November, 1975.

B. Good. Describe you background, please.

A. I studied at Rostov University. I took economics. I graduated from the university with honours.

B. When did you graduate from the university?

A. In 1997.

B. Tell me about your work experience, please.

A. I'm working for the Tyulpan Company. I'm assistant manager of the production department. I was promoted to this position in 1999. I had worked as economist before it.

B. What type of production is it?

A. Textiles.

B. How much do you make?

A. 13,000 rubles a month.

B. Are you satisfied with your work?

A. I think, yes. And I'm ready to present good references from my boss.

B. Why are you going to leave?

A. I'd like to work for a bigger company. I want to have greater career prospects. I'm interested in foreign trade, that's why I'd like to be employed by your company.

B. You speak English quite well.

A. Thank you. English was my favourite subject at school. Besides, I did an intensive English course at university. I'm a certified translator. And I spent a year in England as an exchange student.

B. What foreign countries have you visited for professional purposes?

A. I visited Turkey in 2007.

B. Good. Can you operate a computer?

A. Sure. I've been using a computer since my childhood. I've got a computer at home. Besides, I took a computer-science course at university.

B. Can you drive a car?

A. Yes. I received a driving licence five years ago.

B. Which position are you applying for?

A. A position as manager. I took a course in management last year.

B. What salary would you like to get?

A. For a start $700.

B. Thank you for your information. You'll be hearing from us.

A. Thank you very much for meeting with me.

Exercise 24. Role-play.

1. Roles: an agent and a client.

A man/woman comes to a job placement agency. He/she wants to be placed in a position as manager at a prosperous company. An agent greets him/her, offers a seat and asks questions which will help him/her to write an advertisement for the client. The agent asks the visitor to fill in an application form and write a resume.

2. Roles: a sales manager, an applicant.

A big company is looking for candidates for a position as assistant manager of its sales department. The sales manager interviews one of the candidates. The interviewer asks him/her questions about his/her age, marital status, background, professional experience, interests, and personal qualities. The candidate answers the questions. The manager informs him/her about his/her new duties. The interviewer promises to inform the candidate about his/her decision in writing.



4.1. Leaders and Managers


Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

to state [steIt] v заявлять, утверждать

influence ['Influqns] n влияние; v влиять

prominent ['prPmInqnt] a выдающийся, видный, известный

to imply [Im'plaI] v подразумевать

within the framework of smth [wI'DIn] в рамках чего-л.

goal [gqVl] n цель

foundation [faVn'deISqn] n основание, основа, база

communicate [kq'mjHnIkeIt] v сообщать, передавать; общаться

mutual ['mjHCVql] a взаимный, обоюдный

reward [rI'wLd] n награда; v награждать

power figure ['paVq'fIgq] человек, обладающий властью

supporter [sq'pLtq] n сторонник

follower ['fPlqVq] n последователь, сторонник

to make a decision [dI'sIZqn] = to take a decision принимать решение

loyalty ['lOIqltI] n верность

performance [pq'fLmqns] n выполнение, действие, интенсивность труда

respect [rIs'pekt] n уважение; v уважать

to admit [qd'mIt] v признавать

to transfer [trxns'fE:] v переносить, передавать

vitality [vaI'txlItI] n жизнеспособность

pride [praId] n гордость

achievement [q'CJvmqnt] n достижение

to inspire [In'spaIq] v вдохновлять, воодушевлять, стимулировать

efficient [I'fISqnt] a квалифицированный, умелый

acknowledged [qk'nPlIGd] a признанный

charisma [kq'rIzmq] n харизма, притягательная сила, обаяние

belonging [bI'lPNIN] n связь, общность, сплоченность

exchange [Iks'CeInG] n обмен; v обмениваться

to speak out ['spJk 'aVt] v высказываться откровенно

compassion [kqm'pxSqn] n жалость

sense [sens] n чувство; смысл

sensitive ['sensItIv] a чувствительный

to provide [prq'vaId] v обеспечивать, снабжать; давать

tough [tAf] a упорный, жесткий, несговорчивый, трудный

firmness ['fE:mnIs] n твердость


Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

State, statement; prominent, prominence; admit, admittance; sense, sensitive; respect, respectable; nation, national, nationwide; profit, profitable; efficient, efficiency; miss, missing; vital, vitality; decide, decisive, decision; practice, practical; lead, leader, non-leader, leadership; skill, skilled, skillful; frame, framework; acknowledge, acknowledged, acknowledgement; pride, proud; perform, performer, performance; improve, improvement; achieve, achievement; reward, rewarder; listen, listener, listening; represent, representative; inspire, inspiration; discover, discovery.


Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

A local manufacturer; a multimillion dollar business; to generate ideas; a decade; organizations, organized; a natural leader; an efficient manager; a potential; plans; managerial practice; productive; optimal conditions; a formula for leadership; foundations; to communicate, a communicator, communication; based; loyalty; standards; positive; business activity; actions; charisma.


Exercise 4. Read the words having the negative prefixes in- and nоn- and say what they mean.

Inactive, inadequate, inappropriate, inattentive, incapable, incommunicative, incompetent, incomplete, inconsiderable, incorrect, ineffective, inefficient, informal.

Non-European, non-ferrous (metals), non-fulfillment, non-leader, non-member, non-metal, non-metallic, non-productive, non-profit, nonsense.


Exercise 5. Read the words with the prefix multi- ['mAltI] (много-) and guess what they mean.

Multi-coloured; a multimillionaire; multi-million; multi-storey; multipurpose; multimedia; multinational.


Exercise 6. Form adverbs from the adjectives using the suffix -ly and give their Russian equivalents.

Model: complete – completely

полный – полностью

Relative, necessary, efficient, natural, complete, close, separate, distinct, practical, different, serious, perfect, adequate, logical, successful, careful, effective, occasional, broad, ironical, proper.


Exercise 7. Find synonyms in List A and В, С and D, E and F.

Model 1: communicative – sociable

A. Efficient, nice, prominent, communicative, loyal, chief, adequate, broad, fine, careful.

B. Pleasant, main, cautious, sociable, excellent, skilled, true, wide, qualified, suitable, famous.

Model 2: to inspire – to encourage – to motivate

C. To be in command, to maintain, to provide, to finish, to build, to connect; to consist of, to make use of, to manage, to inspire, to call, to pull people together, to concern with, to acknowledge, to discover, to make a decision, to transmit.

D. To supply, to complete, to construct, to lead, to unite people, to deal with, to recognize, to find out, to be made up of, to take a decision, to use, to arrive at a decision, to command, to encourage, to give, to create, to name; to come to a decision, to transfer, to keep, to link, to motivate, to transfer smth to smb.


Model 3: art – craft

E. Power, a follower, a goal, a great deal of, manufacture, a store, working conditions, strength, behaviour, application, care, picture, art, charisma.

F. Lots of, production, labour conditions, caution, a painting, charm, craft, an objective, a supporter, a good deal of, a shop, force, authority, conduct, use.


Exercise 8. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

To be closely connected; to maintain optimal working conditions; to be happy to work for a company; acknowledged leaders; to find a formula for leadership; good listeners; listening skills; to provide rewards; power figure; to make decisions; to take decisions; to come to a decision; to arrive at a decision; to admit mistakes; to find a leadership formula; to influence people; to encourage supporters; to be proud of something; to support people; to join a group; to inspire people; to communicate a sense of responsibility; to communicate a sense of belonging.


Exercise 9. Read these sentences and express the same in Russian.

1. The members of the organization have a strong sense of belonging. 2. Successful leaders have the capacity to lead others, to inspire respect in their followers. 3. Mr. Roberts inspired the employees to work by giving them new ideas and the enthusiasm to carry them out. 4. The man was a prominent economist. 5. In fact, Mr. Creedon is an efficient manager. 6. The manager interviewed the candidates very hard. 7. It took him years to become an acknowledged leader. 8. He established a new style of leadership. 9. The employees stayed loyal to the employer in spite of all difficulties. 10. The manager maintains order and discipline. 11. Mr.Brown is a local manufacturer. He is a natural leader. In the past decade he has turned his company into a multimillion, nationwide business. 12. In his books, the famous psychologist Dale Carnegie advises how to become a good communicator. 13. Elwood N.Chapman is a famous American expert in management. He is the author of the popular book Put More Leadership into Your Style. 14. Willian B.Martin is an acknowledged authority on management. He heads his own consulting firm in Claremont, California. His firm specializes in management training and development. He has also done extensive work in customer service field.


Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the modal verbs can, to be able to. Consult § 39 (Reference Grammar).

1. ___ I speak to Mr.Black, please? 2. The Import Manager ___ speak two foreign languages. 3. A good manager ___ become a leader. 4. ___ I have your pen for a moment, please? - Certainly. 5. ___ you come at 10 p.m.? 6. ___ I help you? 7. You ___ stop work earlier. 8. Good managers ___ socialize with people. 9. Strong leaders ___ influence people. 10. The manager ___ convince everyone that he was right.


Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Speak about the leader in your / your friend's group. Change roles. Use the model and list of word combinations below.

Model. A: Who is the leader in your group?

B: Smirnov is.

A: What makes him the leader?

B: He knows a lot… He can influence people.

To be clever, to know a lot, to be a top student, to have excellent marks in all subjects, to be sociable, to be friendly, to be ready to help other people, to be popular with girls, to be rich, to have a car, to play the guitar, can lead students, can convince people, can influence people, can speak in public, can understand people and their needs.


Exercise 12. Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner what should be done to be respected by people. Use the model and list of word combinations below.

Model. A: What should you do if you want people to respect you?

B: Firstly, you should respect other people, too. Secondly,…

A: You may be right here. But…

To respect other people, to understand people, to be polite, to be friendly, to be intelligent, to be confident, to be strong, to be rich, to get a good education, to be successful, to be popular.


Exercise 13. Do the words management and leadership mean the same? Read the text and find out if you are right.


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