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105-20 Strong leader

90-104 Good leader

75-89 Fair leader

Under 75 Improvement needed

After calculating your score on the Leadership Effectiveness Scale, formulate an action plan for your own improvement. Establish realistic goals. Work on one foundation at a time until you can blend them all together into a comfortable and effective leadership style. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that you can put more leadership into your style.


Exercise 17. Work in pairs. Discuss what qualities effective leaders should have. You may use the model and words from the list below or give your own versions.

Model. A: What qualities should effective leaders have?

B: They should have strong will… And what's your opinion?

Strong will, firmness, toughness, decisiveness, consistency, honesty, sensitivity, openness, communicative skills, leadership abilities.


Exercise 18. Look through the list of expressions which will help you to give your opinion or ask other people about their opinions.

I think (that)...

I thought (that)...

I believe (that)...

I feel (that)...

I consider (that)... (formal)

In my opinion … (more formal)

То my mind... (more formal)

If you ask me... (colloquial)

What do you think of / about...?

What do you feel about...?

What's your opinion of/ about...?

That's a matter of opinion.

... but that's another matter....


Exercise 19. Work in pairs.Speak about the leadership skills and managerial techniques of the officials you know. Use the expressions from Exercise 18.

Exercise 20. Write about the leader you respect and admire.

4.2. Leadership Styles

Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

leadership style ['lJdqSIp 'staIl] стиль руководства

behaviour pattern [bI'heIvIq 'pxtqn] модель поведения

attitude to ['xtItjHd] n отношение к

to accept [qk'sept] v принимать

order ['Ldq] n приказ, заказ; порядок; v приказывать, заказывать

authoritarian [L"TPrI'tFqrIqn] n сторонник авторитарной власти, деспот; а авторитарный, властный

autocracy [L'tPkrqsI] n автократия, автократический стиль управления

autocrat ['Ltqkrxt] n автократ, деспот, диктатор

autocratic ["Ltq'krxtIk] а автократический, деспотический

tyrant ['taIqrqnt] n тиран, деспот

democratic ["demq'krxtIk] a демократический

trust [trAst] n вера, доверие; v верить, доверять

to rely on [rI'laI] v полагаться на

to revise one's views [rI'vaIz…'vjHz] пересматривать взгляды

to reverse [rI'vE:s] v отменять, аннулировать

independently ["IndI'pendqntlI] adv независимо, самостоятельно

objection [qb'GekSqn] n возражение

unjust [An'GAst] a несправедливый

equal ['Jkwql] a равный; v равняться

equality [J'kwPlItI] n равенство

opportunity ["Ppq'tjHnItI] n возможность

favourable ['feIvqrqbl] a благоприятный

rival ['raIvql] n соперник, конкурент; a конкурирующий; v конкурировать

assembly line [q'semblI'laIn] сборочная линия, конвейер

to refuse [rI'fjHz] v отказываться

to obey [q'beI] v слушаться, повиноваться

team [tJm] n команда

manufacturing supervision ["mxnju'fxkCqrIN "sjHpq'vIZqn] производственный контроль

Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Behave, behaviour; accept, accepted, acceptance; style, stylish, stylist; act, action; operate, operation, operator; character, characterize, characteristic; experience, experienced; autocracy, autocrat, autocratic; democracy, democrat, democratic; author, authority, authoritarian; believe, believer; confident, self-confident, confidence, self-confidence; revise, revision; change, changeable; delegate, delegation; rely, reliance, reliable; hate, hatred; equal, equally, equality.


Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

A leadership style, to manage businesses and organizations, to operate a company, to be characterized by actions, a manner of leadership, traditionally, the autocratic style, the democratic style, absolute authority, to consult with experts, to be interested in ideas, talented leaders; to stimulate creativity; creative atmosphere, to design a model, the leading position on the market, manufacturing supervision, administrative control, subordinates, an assembly line, a conveyer, a behaviour pattern.


Exercise 4. Form new words by adding the negative prefix dis - and give their Russian equivalents.

Model: to agree – to disagree соглашаться – не соглашаться

To obey, to agree, to satisfy, to disappear, to like, to trust, to integrate, obedience, advantage, agreement, satisfaction, appearance, order, pleased.


Exercise 5. Read the words formed by conversion and say what they mean. Determine what parts of speech they are.

Model: work – work ethic – to work работа – трудовая этика – работать

A rival, a rival firm, to rival; work, work ethic, to work; labour, labour market, to labour; profit, profit distribution, a non-profit organization, to profit; manufacture, to manufacture; control, to control; style, to style; change, to change; an order, to order; equal rights, to equal.


Exercise 6. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

The autocratic style of leadership, the democratic style of leadership; an autocratic leader, a democratic leader; to run a company; to have different characters; to give orders; to make unpopular decisions; to express ideas and opinions; to encourage subordinates; to value friends; to understand employees; to create a favourable atmosphere; to be rivals; to start making cars; to design cars, clothes.

Exercise 7. Read these sentences and express the same in Russian.

1. Henry Ford, a famous American businessman and innovator, was a classic tyrant. 2. The girl has authoritarian parents. 3. You can see the words "In God We Trust" on American coins and bills. This motto was adopted by US Congress in 1956. 4. Autocratic leaders seldom revise their views and reverse their orders. 5. Mr. Smith was invited to a corporate party, and he accepted the invitation. 6. The girl is so impolite! What she needs is a guide to correct behaviour. 7. The manager could rely on his team members. 8. He missed an opportunity to go to university. 9. Managers must create favourable working conditions. 10. Mr. Shannon worked for a rival company. 11. Mr. Thompson was rated by his business colleagues as one of the best leaders. 12. Mr. Eastwood has experience in successful trading. 13. Leaders need to have a great deal of tact and diplomacy. 14. Strong leaders are respected by subordinates. 15. Experts think that now management is more democratic in style.


Exercise 8. Read the sentences with the construction used to + Infinitive and say the same in Russian.

Model: Ford used to say, "Any color you choose so long as it's black". Форд обычно говорил: " Вы можете выбрать любой цвет, при условии, что он будет черным".

1. He used to work at night when all the family were asleep. 2. The businessman used to go on business every month. 3. Mr. Brown used to play golf at the weekend, but now he doesn't do it. 4. The family used to economize, but now they can afford to go to the seaside every summer. 5. Old authoritarian leaders didn't use to consult with their subordinates, but new democratic managers always discuss business problems with their team. 6. Did you use to read much in your childhood? 7. The man used to travel a lot when he was young. 8. Children used to do better at school, modern boys and girls don't want to study.


Exercise 9. Work in pairs. Speak about things that (do not) happen in the present and regularly happened in the past. Use the model and list of word combinations below.

Model. A: Where do you work?

B: Now I work in a bank but I used to work in a shop.

To read a lot / very little; (not) to be busy now / some time ago; to work in a bank / in a shop; (not) to go on business now / before; (not) to study hard now / before; to live alone / with parents; (not) to smoke now / two years ago; (not) to go to the cinema; (not) to get up early now / earlier; (not) to go out very much now / some years ago.

Exercise 10. Would you like to work under a tough boss or a mild one? Read the text and say which is better for business.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 1408. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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