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Leadership Styles

A style of leadership is the way people manage business and other organizations. It is characterized both by the actions aimed at operating a company and by a leader's behaviour at work, his or her attitude to employees and peers. All leaders and managers are different people, they have different characters, background, experience. But all of them follow these or those ideas of managing businesses or organizations, this or that manner of leadership accepted in a society.

Traditionally, experts distinguish two styles of leadership: autocratic and democratic.

The autocratic style is based on the absolute authority of the person who heads a company. It is a style of management in which the leader makes decisions and gives orders without consulting with other people.

Autocratic leaders are not interested in other people's ideas and opinions. They don't believe in their subordinates' creative abilities and professional skills. Autocrats don't trust anyone, they only rely on themselves. That's why they never ask other people's advice and take decisions independently. Autocratic leaders are usually self-confident and tough. They don't like to admit their mistakes, revise their views or reverse their decisions. Autocrats hate objections. They are often unjust to their subordinates. People don't like to work under such leaders.

The democratic style is based on the principles of equality and equal opportunities for all. It is a style of management in which all the staff are involved in making decisions.

Democratic leaders encourage people to express their ideas and opinions. They develop and stimulate their subordinates' creative abilities and skills. Talented and experienced workers help the chief to take important decisions. Democratic leaders consult with their team and value people's opinions. They reward their supporters. Democratic leaders are ready to admit their mistakes and take a new, correct decision. They are friendly. They understand employees and are ready to help them. Democratic leaders create a favourable atmosphere at work. People like to work under such leaders.

In textbooks on management, experts oppose Henry Ford to Alfred P. Sloane Jr. Both were great leaders in automobile industry. They were rivals, and their leadership styles were different.

Henry Ford (1863-1947) was a legendary American businessman and engineer. He started making cars in 1896 and founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903. He developed the idea of the assembly line, and the company produced a lot of cars. Ford designed the famous model T Ford, which made him one of the richest and most famous people in the USA. It was the first popular, cheap car, and many people bought it. All the cars were black and he refused to change the colour. Ford used to say, "Any colour you choose so long as it's black". The company workers made 5 dollars a week - it was high pay at that time.

Henry Ford was a classic autocrat. He maintained strict discipline. He gave orders, and his workers obeyed. Ford fired his employees if they disagreed with him. For many years the company continued to produce the same black car, as Ford didn't want to change anything. That’s why finally, the company lost its leading position on the US market.

Alfred P. Sloane Jr. was President of General Motors. He was a democratic leader. First the company was not successful. But Sloane introduced a new system of management, and business become profitable. The President created a strong management team and delegated responsibilities to the team members. His supporters were involved in making decisions. He worked out an effective system of manufacturing supervision and work control. General Motors won its competition with the Ford Motor Company.

Old leaders were mostly authoritarian. Autocratic leadership worked during difficult periods of war and economic depression. At present management has become more democratic.

Exercise 11. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Отношения к служащим и коллегам; образование, стаж работы; абсолютная власть; пересматривать взгляды и отменять решения; равные возможности для всех; талантливые и опытные работники; создают благоприятную атмосферу на работе; поддерживал строгую дисциплину; увольнял служащих; привлекались к принятию решений; главным образом.

Exercise 12. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What is a style of leadership?

2. What is the traditional classification of leadership styles?

3. What is the autocratic style of leadership?

4. What pattern of behaviour do autocratic leaders demonstrate?

5. What is the democratic style of leadership?

6. What pattern of behaviour do democratic leaders demonstrate?

7. What was Henry Ford famous for?

8. What kind of leader was he?

9. What was Alfred P. Sloane known for?

10. What kind of leader was he?

Exercise 13. Draw tables like the ones below. Write down advantages and disadvantages of the autocratic and democratic styles of leadership. Discuss with your groupmates which style is better.


Autocratic Style

Advantages Disadvantages
Workers are disciplined. … Workers are not creative, they only obey orders. …


Democratic Style

Advantages Disadvantages
Workers are usually more creative and inventive. … Sometimes workers are not disciplined. …

Exercise 14. Do you believe Henry Ford was a genius? Read the article to get more information about the great innovator.


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