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In the Job Interview

In Russia you can read about vacancies in newspapers or apply to an employment centre and a job placement agency to find out about open positions. State employment centres help people to find jobs free of charge. Private job placement agencies make money by finding work for job-seekers and workers for organizations, enterprises and firms.

Write your resume or curriculum vitae beforehand and submit it on request.. Some companies want applicants to send their papers by e-mail. In this case you are to e-mail your resume, CV and a covering letter. If they like your personal details, you will be invited for interview.

If you want to be employed as manager, first you should understand if you are suitable for the job. It means that you must be career-motivated and have some important qualities, abilities and skills.

Good managers like to do their jobs. They are interested in the development of business and the success of their companies. They are ready to work hard and learn. Successful managers are intelligent, honest, self-confident, responsible, demanding and loyal to their companies. They demonstrate communicative, creative and leadership abilities.

The professional skills of a manager comprise interpersonal, entrepreneurial, inventive and organizational skills. Besides, some technical and additional skills are needed. Efficient managers can work on a computer. For the staff of international companies it is important to know foreign languages, especially English. It is good if you can drive a car.

Before having a job interview, answer the following questions honestly:

- Do you really want to get the position?

- Do you like the company?

- Are you satisfied with the conditions and salary offered?

- Do you have a proper education?

- What are your strengths and weaknesses?

- Can you show the necessary qualities, abilities and skills at work?

- Are you ready to learn and develop your skills?

- Will you be able to work hard for the company?

- Do you feel that you are fit for the job?

If your answers are positive, go to the interview and do your best to produce a good impression on the interviewers and get the job.

In the interview, you will be asked questions about yourself, your abilities and skills, your work experience, your strengths and weaknesses, your career goals, the contribution you can make to the company. You may asked many other questions, for example:

- Why did you leave your last job?

- What were your biggest responsibilities?

- What have been your greatest accomplishments recently?

- Whom may we contact for references?

- Do you play any sports?

- Why do you want to work in our company?

- Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?

- What salary are you expecting?

- What qualifications do you have that relate to the position?

- What motivates you in your work?

- How will you achieve success?

- Can you travel?

- What hours can you work?

- When could you start?

Answering these questions, try to be frank and open. Any information can be checked easily, any lie will come out. You should demonstrate your knowledge of management and your field of specialization (sales, accounting, production, logistics, personnel, etc.). Keep to the point when you answer questions. Don't be too talkative or wordy. Don't show your nervousness. Follow the English saying: "Be concise, be precise, be wise."

Be ready to display your good qualities and skills. Remember that bosses do not like their subordinates to have bad habits (drinking, being late, talking on the phone too much, etc.). You should bear in mind that smoking is strictly forbidden in most offices.

Don't forget about the dress code. In an interview in big companies, men should wear a business suit, which is a dark suit with a white shirt and a tie. Women can wear a dark skirt and a white blouse or sweater, a trendy dress or suit. Reputable companies want their employees to look neat and worthy.

Experts say that good looks are important in business. Besides, you must have good manners, be polite and speak good Russian and English. Remember that in official situations people's speech and behavior are formal. In many foreign companies employees are required to be optimistic and happy. Managers deal with people and they are supposed to smile at customers and colleagues.

In short, try to produce an impression of a successful, cheerful, competent, and respectable person.

Exercise 12. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Центр занятости; бюро по трудоустройству; вакансии; зарабатывают деньги; претенденты на рабочее место; заранее; посылать документы по электронной почте; упорно работать; умный, честный, увереный в себе, ответственный, требовательный, преданный; производить хорошее впечатление; демонстрировать хорошие качества и умения; привлекательная внешность; говорите по существу.

Exercise 13. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. How can you find out about vacancies?

2. What documents do job-seekers submit?

3. What should you realize before having a job interview?

4. What personal qualities do good managers have?

5. What skills do they need?

6. What questions are asked in an interview?

7. What clothes are the best for an interview?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 2493. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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